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作业标题:实践研修成果:教学案例 作业周期 : 2020-04-02 2020-07-31










提交者:学员陈茹茹    所属单位:徐州市大庙中学    提交时间: 2020-06-30 17:27:44    浏览数( 0 ) 【举报】




根据情况我主要是将9A的几个单元的reading部分串在一起复习并且以基础为主。9A第一单元是Know yourselfreading部分是学习人的性格和职业。第二单元reading的内容是颜色和情绪,第三单元reading的内容是关于青少年的问题,第四单元介绍的是Spud Webb的成长经历,第五单元reading是介绍Dan Tun,第六单元介绍的电视节目,第七单元介绍Kittys favourite movie starAudrey Hepburn.第八单元是将的一个谋杀案。要把每个单元都覆盖到是很难做到的。由于一节课的时间有限,通过研究和取舍 ,我把第八单元和第六单元的内容去掉,将剩下的几个单元整合在一起。剩下几个单元都是以“人”为主,因此我设计了一个主题将他们串在一起。







Task 1 Know yourself

1. Have a review


2. Play a game


What personalities do you have?

3. Have a free talk

就刚才出示的问题让学生说一说自己的性格。What personalities do you have?”“Can you give us one or two examples?


Task 2  Know your classmates

TI know you know a lot about your classmates? What about your classmates? We have studied together for several months? How much do you know about them?

Q1: What personalities do they have?

Q2: What's the best colour for them?

Q3: Who are their favourite heroes ?

I choose four of your classmates to check how much you know about them?

(此环节是从Know yourself过渡到 Know your classmates,我选了班级里四位学生,并设计三个方面看看学生们是否彼此了解)

()What personalities do they have?

1. )Fill in the blanks and guess their personalities

Ma Yuying is very        ?                      .

 She always _____________________

(高标准学习)and seldom ______________(犯错误).

Also , she think it necessary to_______________________(注重细节).

She always __________(三思) while doing her homework.

Lu Shikai is well-organized.

 He ____________________


  He can ________organize class activities well, ________plan things well(不仅..而且...).

What's more, he never forgets what he needs to do.




The boy called Zhan Zuoxing is our monitor .

He is very_________ .

He _______________________

in front of many people (不害怕当众演讲). He thinks that he can do anything if _____________(尽最大的努力).

Li Zixin is a                girl.

She often______________ (提出) new ideas.

She wants to _________(成为一位艺术家)when she grows up.

She is also _____________________________________(足够有耐心练习作画几个小时).



2. Guess the personalities of the two people

T:  This one is hard-working and the next one is lazy. Which one is like you?

T:  No matter your are hard-working or lazy, you have to remember that Working hard is the shortest road to success.



(二) Whats their favourite colour?

1. Have a brainstorm

T: What colours do you know

T: We have learn four types of colours?  Do you know what they are ?

T: What do those colours represent?


2. Guess their favourite colours


3. Give advice on colour

T: Those four students told me that they have some problems. Can you give them some advice on colour to help them solve their problems.


(三)Who are their favourite heroes ?

1. Guess their favourite heroes

T: look at those pictures. Do you know who is their favourtie hero?


T: Well done. You have known their heroes. And they want to share them with you. They wrote passages



2. Fill in the blanks and enjoy the passage

Audrey Hepburn is a great beauty,___________(伟大的女演员)and a great humanitarian.

Her beauty and charm __________

______(吸引我的注意力). And she played many lead roles in many films. ________________(在她的一生中), Hepburn had four more Oscar nominations.

However,  Hepburn's achievements    ____________ (超出,超越)the film industry. She spent her last few years working closely with UNICEF and won many awards.

Hepburn ____________________ (安详辞世)in 1993, I felt very sad about it.


3. Group workCorrect the passage

T: Zhan Zuoxing is not good at English. There are some mistakes in his writing. Please help him correct it. Please discuss in groups , then I will ask two of you to correct it on the screen.


Spud Webb is my favourite basketball player. He is much small than many other kids at school. However, he had a big dream.

While he attending Junior high, Spud tried out for the school team but he refuse at first. He didn't lose heart and finally got the chance.

In senior high, he practiced even hard and was named Player of the Year in Texas.

However, no university invited him to play basketball simply because of he was only 170cm. He never gave up and went on playing. As a result, he sucessed in getting a scholarship.

Although, he was a great player at university, but the NBAwas not interest in him. The NBA didn't take notice of him unless 1985, Spud became the short player at that time.Through his hard work, he made many great achievements and proved that size and body type does not matters ——you can do almost anything if you never give up.



4. Translate the sentences

(1) 钟南山是中国最伟大的医生之一。

(2) 他自小就对医学展现出极大的兴趣。

(3) 2003年,在对抗SARS中取得许多成就。

(4) 2020年春节,新冠肺炎(COVID-19)爆发。

(5) 钟南山院士来到武汉,将大部分时间投入到对抗疫情。

(6) 通过医生们的努力,我们成功控制住疫情的传播。

T:Know your classmates, use your heart , help each other, and cherish your friendship!



1.write an article about your classmate's personalities or his/her favourite hero.

(TipTry to use what we've reviewed today)






2. 由于设计过程中用到一些文本,我把这些文本作为任务导学单提前发给了学生,既方面学生查看文本,也能让基础差的同学可以提前做准备。




1. 在进行教学设计的时候我就感到设计的内容太多,不好抓住主线,但是我又想做一下尝试,最后做出了这样的设计。其实还是以基础知识为主,在环节的衔接上还是有很多不足,有的环节设计的还是有点牵强不自然。有的过渡是用英语表达,基础差的同学可能都不知道什么意思。

2. 因为是几个单元的整合复习,对文本的深挖还是不够。此外设计的时候,学生的学科核心素养应更加重视。





评语时间 :2020-07-11 10:39:52






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