Unit4 Book7 Language points 导学案

发布者:曾任伟     所属单位:博罗县博罗中学社区     发布时间:2016-05-27    浏览数:0

 Unit4 Book7 Language points 导学案

Previewing case【预习案】

  1. 词性转换 (可查阅字典)



形容词或副词 adj.& adv







3. 安排____________



4. 自愿_____________









7. 捐赠___________




Exploring case【探究案】


1. After the flood, the hut was ____________ as there was much ___________ on its walls and roof. (mud)

2. The astronauts have a ___________ meeting. In other words, they meet _____________ (week) .

  1. 20 adolescents ___________ in the competition and 3 _____________ did a good job last week. (participate)

  2. Our monitor _____________ a party last Sunday and with his good _____________, we had a good time. Therefore, we think he is a good _______________. (arrange)

  3. These ______________ help others _________________ and they offer ____________ service to people in need. (volunteer)

  1. 重点词汇和短语。


  1. I know you’re _______________ (渴望) hear all about my life here, so I’ve included some photos which will help you picture the places I talk about.(Line3, Page 29)

    渴望/极想做某事:  ____________________

    翻译:1). 这个裁缝渴望买一台缝纫机来缝衣服。


          2). 这就是那个极想收到儿子来信的口译者。


  2. __________________(不久前的一天)I was showing the boys the weekly chemistry experiment when, before I knew it, the mixture was bubbling over everywhere! (L16, Page 29)

    不久前的一天;几天前 ___________________

    注意事项:使用这个短语做时间状语时,句子的时态为_________( 时态)



    2) 几天前我帮助了一个残疾人后意识到健康的重要性。


  3. Sometimes I wonder how _________ chemistry is _____ these students, most of whom will be going back to their villages after Year 8 anyway. (与……有关)(Line21, Page 29)

    短语:与……有关,切题的 _______________________

    翻译:1) 他的粗心和这次车祸有关。


    2) 他的话和我们的讨论不切题。


  4. I loved listening to the family softly talking to each other in their language, even though I could not ____________ (参与) in the conversation.(L54,Page30)

     参加/参与 _____________________________ a conversation/meeting/competition/discussion…

    翻译:1) 几天前这个外向的宇航员和他的伙伴们参加了会议。


          2). 他们参加了比赛后,上气不接下气。


  5. Would you like to ___________(捐赠) an unusual gift? (Page 34)




    6. Choose from this catalogue a really useful gift for some of the world’s poorest and bring hope for a better future to a community _________________ (在困难中). Page 34

    短语: 1)在困难中,在危急中 ________________________2)需要 __________________________

    翻译:1). 患难之交才是真朋友。(患难见真情)_______________________________________________

         2). 我们给村里的孩子捐了很多书,因为他们需要书。



  1. 重点句型。

  1. Thanks for your letter, which took a fortnight to arrive. (Line2, Page29)

      It takes me only a few minutes to walk to school down a muddy track. (Line8, Page 29)


    翻译:1). 我将花两个星期来设计一个电脑软件。


          2). 他们花了两周来适应大学生活。


    2. They believe that any leftovers attract evil spirits in the night, so the food is dried up in the can and the can is then thrown out of the hut. ____________(否则) they don’t waste anything. (Line61, Page30)他们相信剩饭在夜晚会引来邪灵,所以要把食物放在罐子里烧干,再把罐子一起扔到屋外去。否则的话,他们是不会浪费任何东西的。

    (1) otherwise副词,意为“否则、要不然”;在句子中做状语

    (2) otherwise连词,引导让步状语从句。意为“否则,要不然”相当于or, or else

    We’ll go early, otherwise we may not catch the train.

    We’ll go early. Otherwise we may not catch the train.

    I was ill that day, otherwise I would have participated in the competition.

    I was ill that day. Otherwise I would have participated in the competition.

    翻译:1). 昨天他缺席了,否则他会帮助我摆脱困境。


  1. . 快点,不然你会迟到的。


3. Fresh grass had been laid on the floor and there was a newly made platform for Jenny and me to sleep on. Line41-42, Page 30



翻译:1). 村子里有一间新建的房子让游客居住。


  2). 屋子里有一些画得很漂亮的画供学生们学习。


4. When hot, he placed them in an empty oil drum with kau kau, corn and greens. (Lin39-50, Page 30)

   When hot = _______________________________

   When hot结构:_______________________, 在句子中做什么成分?_____________________

   为什么可以省略?(分析课件上的句子) ___________________________________________

 翻译:1). 天冷时,我不出门。________________________________________________________

   2). 如有必要,我会马上回家的。_________________________________________________


  1. 翻译句子(翻译成一个英文句子)

  1. 这些住在偏僻地方的孩子渴望阅读书籍,所以几天前我们班捐了200本书,两星期后这些书将被分发到孩子们手中。(remote, dying to, the other day, donate, fortnight, distribute


  2. 天气热时,他们每周要带着水桶到一个小屋子后面的河流取水,否则,他们会没水喝。(bucket, remote, otherwise


  3. 他们参加了年会, 花了1天的时间讨论了一些政治上和财务上的问题。participate, annual, take, relevant, political, financial


  4. 桌子上有一个精心制作的蛋糕,这是我用来庆祝父母的结婚纪念日(There.., anniversary)




           Helping the Remote Village援助山村

    A year ago, the famous ____________ received an invitation by ___________ from a ___________ village. Intending to _______ some fresh air, he and his ___________ paid a ___________ visit there. It was a ____________ for them to be there, but they were shocked by what they saw. The tracks were __________. The river was ______ _____. Most villagers only possessed one ________, a few______ and several ________ and their __________ grass huts with round __________ were surrounded by ________. Besides, their school had no _______ and __________, and the students had no ________ of __________ a computer at all. They were badly ________ __________.

    Soon, the astronaut made a generous__________ _________ to the village. There were ___________ for students, _________ _________ for ________ and __________ for farmers. His __________ _________ also included ____________ a _________ and a _________ library, as well as giving ___________ lessons to teach ____________ farming knowledge like how to ______ ______ _____ or raise _______. He himself not only helped do some ____________ but also_________ ________ for boys to _________ potatoes and ______ for girls who ______ _________ _____ get one. ______ _____ _______, he heard from the villagers again inviting him to ___________ ____ the donation _______________. For __________ and ___________ reasons, he couldn’t _________ his outgoing ___________, ____________ he would go. But his deeds were remembered forever.




