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作业标题:研修成果 作业周期 : 2020-08-11 2020-10-30














提交者:学员胡小青    所属单位:赣州中学    提交时间: 2020-10-30 09:20:51    浏览数( 1 ) 【举报】

Book5 Unit5  First Aid-- Using language 教学设计 Teaching contents: Book5 Unit5 First Aid-- Using language: Heroic Teenager Receives Award    Teaching aims: 1. Guide the students to learn from the heroic teenager John Janson who saved a woman’s life with his knowledge of first aid. 2. Inform the students of the importance of a knowledge of first aid. 3. Encourage the students to give others a hand whenever possible. 4. Cultivate the students’ ability to discover important points by themselves. . Teaching important points: 1. Cultivate the students’ ability to predict and get the general information. 2. Educate the students to learn from the heroic teenager and offer a hand to others whenever possible. 3.  Lead the students to discover language points by themselves, which helps to improve their self-study ability. Teaching difficult points: 1.How to arouse the students’ interest and make a heated and effective atmosphere in class. 2. Help the students to find the language points effectively. Teaching methods: Inspiration and task-based teaching Group competition Multimedia-assisted teaching Teaching procedure: Step1: Revision and Prediction 1. Require the students to read the vocabulary aloud together to consolidate the pronunciation. 2. Show the students a picture of the heroic teenager John Janson as well as the title of the passage, and encourage the students to predict the main idea of the passage. Volunteers are invited. Step2: Check the prediction and tell where the passage is taken? 1. Ask the students to glance through the passage to check their prediction. 2. The students are given another question: Where can you most probably read this article? What’s your evidence? ( It’s taken from a newspaper. We can know this through paragraph1 in which all the words are bolded and the five “wh” are given.) Step3: Reading aloud Ask the whole class to read the lead (paragraph1) aloud together and then the groups compete to answer the five “wh” questions(2 points each): Who? What? Where? When? Why? Step4: Detailed reading Require the students to read the body of the newspaper article to get some detailed information about the news. Then the groups compete to give answers. Read the body part of the newspaper article and answer the following questions.( 3 points each) Q1: What happened to Anne? Q2: What first aid did John Janson perform on Anne? Q3: What saved Ms Slade's life? Q4: What did John think of what he had done? Step5: Listening Listen to the whole news and Put the following events in the order that they happened. ( 5 points) __ The attacker ran away. __ Anne was attacked and started to scream. __ John performed first aid on Anne __ John was studying in his house. __ The ambulance arrived. __ John ran outside with his father. __ John found Anne in her garden with terrible knife wounds. Step6 Free talk 1.After learning the news in detail, the students are encouraged to share their opinions of John Janson, the heroic teenager: What do you think of him?( one point one word) 2. After the students’ sharing their opinions, the teacher shares her opinion of John Janson too: brave, heroic, courageous, quick-thinking, helpful, modest, unselfish, fearless, confident. 3. Ask the students to read the words about John’s qualities aloud together. Step7: Interview T: Actually he has become my idol. And I’m eager to meet him in person. If only I can have a talk with him about his heroic deed! Do you want to meet him?....I have provided you with a chance to meet him. Please work in pairs to make an interview with John Jason. The beginning of your dialogue is presented: A: Good afternoon, John. I'm …(your name), a journalist from China Daily. B: Nice to meet you. A: Me too. First thank you very much for attending my interview. Would you mind my asking you     some questions? B: Of course not. Actually, I feel it a great honour to share my experience about first aid. The students are given about 5 minutes to finish the interview. Then voluntary pairs are invited to act out their interview in front of the whole class Step8: Reading and discovering The students are encouraged to read the whole text aloud by themselves. Meanwhile, the are required to: 1. underline some phrases and sentence structures that you think are important. 2. underline your difficult sentences.  Step9: Sharing The groups compete to write the important phrases or sentence structures that they've discovered on the blackboard. (2 points each) Step10: Assessment and assignment 1. The teacher checks the important points that the students present on the blackboard and give positive assessments. 2. Assign today’s homework: Try to make a story of about 80-100 words by using the phrases and sentence structures you’ve just discovered. 教学反思:人教新课标版高二上册必修5 unit5 First Aid Using language教学反思 本节课是必修5第5单元的using language的阅读---Heroic Teenager Receives Award, 其主要内容一个17岁少年John Janson如何利用在学校所学的急救知识救了一个有三个孩子的母亲的命,他也因此而受到表彰。 根据本课在本单元的地位,我设定本节课的目标如下: 1. 引导学生学习英雄少年的英雄事迹,提高学生的阅读技能,如预测信息,提取信息,归纳信息的能力。 2. 通过文章的学习,上升到精神层面的教育,强调急救知识的重要性,鼓励学生践行助人为乐的美德。 3. 引导学生自己归纳总结文中重要词组,句型,培养学生的自学能力。 围绕以上教学目标,我以小组竞赛为主线,设计了形式多样的课堂活动:读前预测课文主要内容—速读复核预测是否准确—任务型速读,精读,听录音理解文章内容—自由发言—双人采访—自主发现重要词组及句型。这些活动由浅入深,环环相扣,层层铺垫,引导学生吃透课文内容,领会课文精神,鼓励学生践行助人为乐的美德。每个任务都与小组竞赛有关,充分调动学生积极性和学习热情,整堂课,课堂气氛活跃,学生参与度极高,很好地体现了新课程标准“以学生为主体”的教学理念,教师真正扮演了一个引导者的角色。 总之,我认为一堂好课应该体现“以学生为主体,教师为主导”的教学理念,应有效实现知识目标,技能目标和情感目标的结合。在这节课中,学生能自己发现文章中重点语言知识,实现了知识目标,能积极顺利完成各项阅读任务,培养了阅读技能,实现了技能目标,能领会文章所倡导的助人为乐精神,实现了情感目标,是一节很成功的课,得到了同事的好评。在今后的教学中,我将继续以新的教学理念为指导,不断探索有效的教学方法,提高教学效率,实现教学目标。


评语时间 :2020-10-30 14:49:29






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