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【课堂实录】Reading :Findings of Brain Science课例欣赏

  发布者:徐静    所属单位:扶沟县第二高级中学    发布时间:2020-09-03    浏览数( -) 【举报】

It talks about it in 2080s.  How alcohol make people talk too much? What do you know about the physical functions of the brain? What do you know about the chemical functions of the brain?  such a big mistake

Read Finding1 Reading1,find and answer    What is the finding?What is the value of the finding?Who found the finding?How did they find the finding?Is the way sufficiently scientific?

Read Finding1,find and answer

What is the finding? What is the value of the finding?Who found the finding?How did they find the finding? Is the way sufficiently scientific? Do you accept the findings?Why or why not? What insights can we get from this finding?

Read again and find. 1.What nouns are more often used in the article,abstract nouns or concrete nouns?Why?

2.What verbs are more often used in the article,action verbs or static verbs?Why?

3.What tense is most often used in the article,past,present,present perfect or future?Why?

4.What adjectives are more often used in the article,emotional adjective or descriptive adjectives?Why?

5.What sentences appear more often in the article,short sentences or long sentences,simple sentences or compound sentences?Why?

Read again and find.

How many parts can Passage1 be divided into? What is the function of each part? Lead-in→   Findings→  Cross-reference

Read Finding2 ,find and answer.

What is the finding?What is the value of the finding?Who found the finding?How didi they find the finding?Is the way sufficiently scientific?Do you accept the finding? Why or why not?What insights can we get from this finding?

Think and answer.

Yes or no?






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