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作业标题:提交一份所教年级的其中一个单元的语法教案 作业周期 : 2020-10-09 2020-11-20








提交者:学员梁智慧    所属单位:河南省扶沟县高级中学    提交时间: 2020-10-11 18:28:00    浏览数( 0 ) 【举报】

Lesson plan for Great Scientists

Basic information

Type of the lesson


Teaching material

This lesson is Grammar 1- revision of the passive voice in Module 4, which is published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.


Material analysis


This is a grammar lesson. Passive voice is a very important language structure in high school, and it often appears in all kinds of exams.This course is to review the passive voice based on the grammatical content of the passive voice in Module 4 of the new standard English book 4. 

Learners analysis

As for senior one students, they have learned the basic language structures of grammar and have a certain degree of listening, speaking, reading and writing ability. In the process of teaching, we should consolidate the basic knowledge, strengthen the correct use of passive voice and increase the depth and difficulty of using language. However, most of the students' basic knowledge is still relatively weak and the ability of using English for communication activities is poor, and their motivation for active learning is not enough. However, they are more serious in class and they are eager to learn knowledge. And some students have a good learning foundation and they can actively cooperate with teachers. Only by setting up interesting activities can they get involved in classroom activities.

Teaching objectives

Knowledge objectives:

 By the end of this course, Ss will be able to identify the definition and distinguish the four different structures of the passive voice. 

Cultural objectives:

By the end of this class, the Ss will be able to get a better understanding about the great scientists.

Ability objectives: 

1. Be able to make sentences in passive voice with four tenses about the passive voice-present simple tense,past simple tense,future simple tense and present perfect tense.

2. Improve the ability of acquiring information, processing information, analyzing and solving problems by using passive voice .

Emotional objectives: 

1. Have a stable and lasting motivation for English learning, and have a high interest in the classroom content;  

2. Be able to use English appropriately according to the language environment to express their feelings, attitudes and values.


Teaching focus

Key points

Ways out

Form a systematical use of the passive voice and be more familiar with the different uses of it

1. Guide the students to review the uses of the passive voice they remember,give examples to judge the functions and make sentences by themselves.

2. Use inductive method to impress students.

Difficult points.

Ways out

Put the passive voice correctly in making sentences or writing a passage in a certain context.

1.Read the reading text in this module to find out the sentences including passive voice and judge the functions according to the context.

2.By practicing different forms of passive voice through different sentences in different contexts  

Teaching methods / strategies

Our teaching philosophy:

  Teaching should be built based on what the learners have already known and engage learners in learning activities.Teachers need to design environments and interact with learners.

  Teaching language items should not be separated from the context, or students wont understand the items completely and forget easily.

  Teachers play an important role in a class,so giving clear instructions for students is vital.

Specific teaching methods:

1. PPP model

2. The inductive method in grammar teaching

3. Task-based language teaching 


Teaching aids

Multi-media Computer, PPT,  blackboard

Teaching Procedures


Teachers activities

(Teachers activities should be clearly described in each step, including teaching behaviors, teaching aids/resource, learning tasks, etc.)

Stage1 Warming up

(5 mins)



1. Greetings and free talk with the Ss.

2. Lead-in

(1) Show a picture of Yuan Longping and then ask Ss some questions.

(2) Offer them some reference to use the passive voice.

  a.As a boy he was educated in many schools and was given the nickname,the student who asks questions.

  b.Rice was grown by him.

  c.He is well know in China. 

Q:Can you find some more about him from his achievement in the text.

Designing purpose

1.Free talk is to let students relax and shorten the distance between teachers and students.

2.Teachers can attract students' attention and arouse their curiosity, activate students' previous knowledge and then foreshadow the topic of this lesson --Revision of passive voice.

The constructivism theory believes that learning is a process in which the learners construct meaning based on their own experiences and they already know.



Stage 2


(9 mins)


1. Ask Ss to underline the sentences of passive voice in the reading text on P32.

T: We havelearnedpassivevoicewithfourtenses-present simple tense,past simple tense,future simple tense and present perfect tense. Do youremembertheforms?

Now please underline the passive voice in your textbook.

2. Show the sentences of passive voice on PPT and ask Ss to find out the different structures of the passive voice.

a.Rice is grown in many other Asian countries.

b.Researchers were brought in from all over China.

c.The research was supported by the government.

d.In Pakistan rice will be grown in many parts of the country.

e.The new hybrid rice has been developed by the Yuan Longping High-tech Agriculture Company of China.

T:Now answer the following questions.

1.Which sentence is in the present simple(passive voice)?2.Which sentences are in the past simple(passive voice)?3.Which sentence refers to the future?4.Which sentence is in the present perfect?

3. Present the passive voicewithfourtenses on PPT the present simple, the past simple, the future simple, and the present perfect; then explain the usage of the sentences from the PPT one by one.

4. Conclude the forms of the passive voice and show it on PPT.


Designing purpose

Let Ss learn to observe the sentences structures and distinguish the different tenses.The teacher guides the students to make a simple summary of the passive voice they have learned and form a clear concept of it.

Stage 3


 (10 mins)


1. Ask Ss to do the exercise 1 and exercise 2 of different tenses about the passive voice.


Exercise 2

Fill in the blanks.

Part one

Lihui: Let's learn other scientists.

Lihua: Cailun is a great inventor I'd like to talk.

Lihui: Great,we all know that Papermaking ___________(invent) by him.

Lihua:Yes,with the development of society, different types of paper _______(develope) so far.

Lihui:Maybe in the future, new paper _________(create) and _____ (use) in other area.

Part 2

Tom:Do you know some famous scientists?          

Tina:Yes,Stephen Hawking,he ________ (know) at home and abroad widely.

Tom:for example?

Tina:He _______(graduate) from Oxford University.In the 1960s,

He________ (diagnose)with motor neurone disease.but he never gave up, his book A Brief History of Time________ (publish)in 1988.He is so outstanding and we _______( influence) by him.

Tom:Right.we all believe his work_________ (use) in other new field that _______(explore) by others scientists recently.

Designing purpose

The exercises are designed at different levels which are from easy to difficult in various forms when considering the students cognitive.This step is to give students chances to practise the language pointthe passive voice, and guide students to consolidate and develop knowledge.


Stage4 Production

 (11 mins ) 


Discussion and making sentences in groups.

1.Teacher show some pictures in the PPT, then ask Ss to discuss and describe the picture by using the correct form of passive voice in groups. And some prompts are given besides the picture.

T: I thinkyouhavelearnedpassivevoicebyhearts. Now, we willmakesomesentencesinpassivevoice in passive voice.You know,we should learn not only their forms but also how to use them correctly. Ask Ss to discuss the exercise in groups and finish it.

Practice 1: Make sentences according to the pictures and given words.



2. Write a short dialogue within sive sentences to describe the scientists with the right types of PV. Scientists are as follows:MadameCurie,Edison ect.

3. Give some comments on the Ss performance and then give a brief conclusion.

Designing purpose

 Train their team spirit and guide them to combine the knowledge with different contexts in order to use the passive voice correctly to make sentences.

According to Chomsky, a language learner acquire language competence which enable him to produce language.So the arrangement is to reinforce the knowledge they have learned from this class.

Stage 5

Summary and homework

(5 mins)

1. Summarize the knowledge weve learned today, make a comment on their performance during this class and point out what they need to improve.

2. Assign the homework for Ss.

a.Ask Ss to complete the exercises in the workbook on P85.

b.Use passive voice to write a passage at least 80 words by giving some hints.

Designing purpose

1. Deepen their impression on what they have learned today.

2. Homework is an good way to check the efficiency of the teaching content of this lesson. And arranging homework at different levels is to meet the needs of students at all levels.

3. Homework after class is the consolidation, extension and expansion of teaching content. The homework assigned reflect the overall content of this lesson and guide students' further learning.

Teaching reflection(教学预测/课后反思)


Highlights and limitations of this lesson:

    Firstly, this lesson is a task-based process in which the teacher manages to set up scaffolding for the students by carried out a series of closely-connected and difficulty-increased tasks.

Secondly, in this class ,the teacher tries to improve the Ss overall ability,including the language skills,language knowledge, emotional attitude and learning strategies.

However, the activities are not very interesting, so the students may not be very enthusiastic in this class. And the design of this lesson may not be so effective in developing the Ss critical thinking.






Blackboard/PPT Design(板书/媒体设计)


Module 4 The Passive Voice


1.the present simple: am/is/are+done

2.the past simple:   was/were+done

3.the future simple:  will be+done

4.the present perfect: have/has+been+done


批阅者:工作坊坊主 娄雪凤
批阅时间:2020-10-11 19:42:53






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