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作业标题:名词性从句 作业周期 : 2020-09-05 2020-11-20






提交者:学员韩露    所属单位:沈丘县第三高级中学    提交时间: 2020-10-23 11:09:19    浏览数( 1 ) 【推荐】 【举报】





1. That I can pay back the help people give me makes me happy.  

2. She believes(that)he hadn’t told her the truth.  

3. There was a discussion about whether Polly had found the blind man.  

4. The truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far.  

5. The news that he couldn’t come made us upset.  

6. It was good news that everyone got back safely.  

7. The conductor has made it clear that no buses will be running.  

8. I find it an honor that I can be invited by your school.  



1. 主语从句位于整个句子的  前面 

2. 宾语从句位于  动词    介词  之后。

3. 表语从句位于  系动词  (最常见的是  be 动词  )之后。

4. 若主语从句或宾语从句部分较长,可用 it 来指代该从句,将从句移到  句末 

5. 同位语从句位于抽象名词

advice; beliefconclusion, chance, doubt ,fact, hope, ideainformation, messagenews, order, planpromise; possibility; system, suggestion; question request, theory ,thought, truth, wish, word(消息)之后,对名词进一步解释并且说明该名词的内容

The fact that he had not said anything surprised everybody.



1)定语从句中的 that关系代词既代替先行词,同时在从句中作某个成分主语,宾语或表,而同位语从句中的 that 连接代词,只起连接主句与从句的作用,不充当句中任何成分。


2)定语从句是形容词性的,其功能是修饰先行词,对先行词加以限定,描述它的性质或特征; 同位语从句是名词性的,其功能是对名词进行补充说明。

如:The news that he told me is that Tom would go abroad next year.

(第一个 that 引导的从句是定语从句,that 在从句中作宾语;第二个 that 引导的从句是同位语从句,that 在句中不作任何成分)



1. The news that more people will lose jobs this year is true.  

The news that he heard yesterday is true.  

2. The advice that he gave us is helpful. 

The advice that we should ask the teacher for help is helpful.  



1. 从属连词:that, whether, if, as if=as though

that 无词义,在从句中不担任成分;if (whether), as if 虽有词义,但在从句中不担任成分。如:That she will soon be well again is our hope.

The question is whether it is worth doing.

2. 连接代词:whose, what, who, whom, which, whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever

连接代词有词义,在从句中担任成分,如定语、主语、表语或宾语等。如:I’m interested in who that tall man is. .

I don’t know which team will win the game. This is what they call Salt Lake City.

3. 连接副词:when, where, why, how, whenever, wherever, however


如: Where she has gone is not known yet.

This is why he is late.

You have no idea how worried I was.



1.what that

名词性从句中,that 本身无词义,不在从句中担任任何成分;what 有词义,在从句中充当一定的成分,如主语、宾语、表语或定语。

What he did was for you.

补充:思考 what 引导什么从句,在从句中做何成分?

You are supposed to follow what the teacher said.


What should be done has been done. The village is not what I thought it to be.


That he stole a bike was true.


You can’t imagine what difficulty I had solving the problems. I’m not sure what role he played in this case.



重要考点:what 引导名词性从句的五种特殊用法

1】表示“……的东西或事,相当于“the thing that...; all that...; everything that.

They’ve done what they can to help her. 他们已经尽力帮助了她。

What Mary is is the secretary. 玛丽的职务是秘书。

2】表示“……的人或的样子,相当于 the person that

He is no longer what he was. 他已经不是以前的那个样子。

He is what is generally called a traitor. 他就是人们通常所说的叛徒。

比较: I wonder  is fit for the demanding job.

3】表示“……的数量或数目”,相当于 the amount/number that

Our income is now double what it was ten years ago. 我们现在的收入是 10 年前的两倍。

4】表示“……的时间”,相当于 the time that

After what seemed like hours he came out with a bitter smile. 似乎过了几个小时他才苦笑着出来。

5】表示“……的地方”,相当于 the place that

In 1492, Columbus reached what is now called America. 1492 年哥伦布到达了现在所称的美洲大陆。



固定句型 1A is to B what C is to D “A  B 而言正如 C  D 一样

Air is to us what water is to fish. 空气对于我们犹如水对于鱼。(其中介词 to 表示对比)

= What water is to fishair is to us.



固定句型 2what 引导从句表示倍数关系。

eg. The production is now three times what it was ten years ago.现在的产量是 10 年前的 3 倍。



1. After  seemed a very long time, I opened my eyes and found myself in bed!

A. what B. when C. that D. which

2. The tobacco which is used to make cigarettes was first grown in  is now part of the United States.

A. which B. that C. all D. what

3. No longer       Tom the man      he used to be.

A. will; what B. was; what C. will; that D. is; that

4. What has made China        she is today?

A. that B. what C. as D. which

5. The number of the students of the college has reached 8,000, twice   _ it was when the college was opened ten years ago.

A. what B. as much C. which D. that

6.      she couldn’t understand was  fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons.

A. What; why B. That; what C. What; because D. Why; that

7. “Is Mary from New York City” “I don't know  .”

A. from what city does she come from B. from what city she come

C. what city does she come from                  D. what city she comes from

8. It worried her a bit  her hair was turning grey.

A. what B. that C. if D. for


2. who whoever

whoever 引导名词性从句,意为任何人,相当于 anyone who不含疑问语气 who 意为


Whoever is the first to come will get a gift. I’m interested in who that tall man is.


3. whether if

whether if 均可引导动词后的宾语从句,常可互换。但在以下情况只能用 whether 不能用 if

作介词宾语时,连接词一般用 whetherIt all depends on whether they will come back.

后面直接跟 or not  时,用 whether

I didn't know whether or not he had arrived in Wuhan.

主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句中,只能用 whetherWhether the meeting will be put off has not been decided yet.

④whether 可与动词不定式连用,但 if 不能。

I have not decided whether to go or not.

⑤whether 可引导一个让步状语从句,表示不管,无论,而 if 不能。

Whether he comes or not, we will begin our party on time.


4.whoever whomever

Please give the book to whoever needs it most.

此处,whoever 从句中作主语,因此不能用 whomever。名词性从句引导词的选择要注意其意义及它在从句中所作的成分。

思考: The work should be given to  you think can finish it ahead of time.



【误】 So now you know what should you do.

【正】 So now you know what you should do.

【解析】 名词性从句应用陈述语序。


考点三:that 不可省的几种情况

1. 引导主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句的 that 一般不可省。

2. 有多个 that 引导的宾语从句时,只有第一个 that 可省略。

World AIDS day reminds us(that) HIV has not gone away, and that there are many things still to be done.

3. 如果 that 引导的宾语从句之后有一个别的连接词引导的从句,则 that 不可省略,否则句型结构及句意都会发生变化。

I believe that if you work hard, you will succeed.



1. 介词后面一般不接 that 引导的宾语从句,此时需要用 it 作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语从句放在后面。

You may rely on it that he will come in time.


2. 动词 doubt 用在疑问句或否定句中时,其后的宾语从句常用 that 作连接词;用在肯定句中时,连接词用 whether  if 皆可,而不用 that

there is no doubt that....

sb. doubt whether/if....

3“wh ever”既可以引导名词性从句,也可引导让步状语从句;“no matter wh ”只能引导让步状语从句,可和“wh ever”互换。

I want to make friends with whoever can share both my joys and sorrows Whoever comes late ,he will be criticized.

4.表示建议,命令,要求的名词性从句,要用虚拟语气,即 should+动词原形, should 可省略。

一坚持 insist

二命令 order; command

三要求 require; request; demand

四建议 advise; suggest; propose; recommend

suggest 为例:

宾从 I suggest that you should attach more importance to learning English.

主从 It is suggested that you should attach more importance to learning English.

表从 My suggestion is that you should attach more importance to learning English.

同位语从句 The teacher’s suggestion that you should attach more importance to learning English is practical.


批阅者:工作坊坊主 王献奇
批阅时间:2020-10-31 16:34:05







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