1. 作业标题:作业要求截止时间:2016-06-26
  2. 作业要求:








  3. 发布者:培训管理专员


提交者:斯玉     所属单位:省直     提交时间:2016-06-08    浏览数:0     

   Teaching Plan  

  1. Teaching content:  Fill in the blanks with correct words     

  2. Teaching aids:   projector and whiteboard

  3. Teaching aims:  helping students to analyze the grammar points and fill in the blanks with the

        correct form of words

  4. Teaching methods:  discussion and exploration

  5. Teaching procedure:

    Step one:  (lead-in)

      Present the students with the three new exercises which they feel difficult to handle. And ask them which is the most headache one. Discuss why and what make them feel it hard to finish the task.

    Step Two:

    Present them with the requirements and what the competence they need to develop when   they are learning.  Ask them to analyze themselves what they are good at and what they are poor at.

    Step three:

         Ask some smart students to report how they do the exercise and then I will make a conclusion about the methods of these students, so that all the students can have a clear clue in dealing with the same exercise.

    Step four:    ( practice in class

    I give out the paper to them and ask them to finish it within 6 minutes. When time is up, two students will be asked to come to the stage and report. When they have different answers, they two will have a debate. The other students will be given chances to offer their different  ideas. When doing this, the core is to analyze the reason why they use this word or this form of the given words. In debating, they will have a clear view of their own idea. They will know what they neglect and what they should consider.

    Step five:

       Since they dont like boring grammar which is taught by me, I divide all the grammar items into 6 columns. And ask them to discuss what should be paid attention to. The items are : pron, prep, conj, verb, noun, special sentence structure. After each discussion, we make a conclusion.

    Step six: consolidation

     After they have gained some experience in doing grammar exercise, some exercise will be given to strengthen their ability.

    Step seven: conclusion






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