
发布者:林小平     所属单位:廉江市第五中学     发布时间:2016-07-02    浏览数:0



Writing Class----Studying in Guangzhou

Teacher: Lin Shuang

Students: Class 4, Senior Two

Teaching objectives:

1. To help students use the new expressions for writing

2. To enable students to write an English letter

3. To arouse students' awareness of cross-cultural communication


1. Present the writing task:

Tina, your American pen-friend, is coming to study at Sun Yat-sen University . She's wondering what life will be like in Guangzhou

2. Pre-writing

Step 1: Brainstorm: What makes you feel proud of Guangzhou ? (Students are encouraged to say what they think of with the pictures.)

Guangzhou is a metropolis( 大城市 ).

It's a pleasure to enjoy morning tea and all kinds of canton food here!

Your mouth will be watering at the delicious dim sum!

The local people are very friendly and easy-going!

Step 2: Make a list : Can you prepare Tina for the difficulties she may have?

(If needed, offer special hints for students to recall what Xie Lei said about her life in England .)

Possible version: (Refer to PPT.)

1. I don't always understand, They don't talk like they do on our listening tapes.

2. I had to learn how to pay on the bus and had to ask for directions, …”

3. When I miss my family, it's a great comfort to have a substitute family …”

4. I have been so occupied that I haven't had time for social activities.

Step 3: Group Discussion

Do you think Tina will also come across such problems in Guangzhou ?

Possible answers: (Refer to PPT.)

1. Mandarin( 国语 ) and Cantonese( 粤语 ) may confuse Tina at first.

2. Many means of transportation are available: subways, taxis, buses etc.

3. Heavy traffic.

4. live on campus. (cheap)

5. rent a house. (expensive)

6. join the school English Corner.

Step 4: Generation of ideas (Rearrange the order so as to draw students' attention to the importance of logic and structure.)

1. The best side of Guangzhou .

2. Wishes.

3. Greeting.

4. The differences: language, transport, accommodation etc.

5. Things I can do to help her settle in.


Step 1: Planning / Outlining

1. Greeting

2. The best thing about Guangzhou

3. Differences or difficulties

4. My offer to help her settle in

5. Wishes

Step 2: Drafting

1. How do I feel about Tina's coming?

2. What are good about the life here?

3. Is there any custom she has to get used to? Give examples.

4. What can I do to help her?

5. I hope

Dear Tina,

I'm really pleased that you will be coming to Guangzhou to study

Step 3: Editing

Pay attention to:

1. Spelling

2. Grammar

3. Punctuation ( 标点符号 )

4. Conjunction (besides/ however/ maybe)

After writing


1. Did I write a letter?

2. Did I tell Tina about some differences or difficulties?

3. Did I offer to help?

4. Did I give her some encouragement?

5. Was I objective( 客观的 ) enough?

6. Did I make her think positive?


On writing a letter describing something:

1. Make sure of the correct form of a letter: greeting, letter message, wishes etc.

2. For description, focus on the characteristics of the topic.

3. Cover both good and bad aspects.

4. Convey positive message.


1. Further polish your letter according to the 6 tips of self assessment .

2. Rewrite it and hand it by Friday morning.

