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作业标题 :校本研修成果提交要求 作业周期 : 2017-03-022017-04-17

作业要求 :






1. 课程时长:必须是完整的一堂课,每课时长应在35~45分钟之间。在视频的后期制作中,应编辑删除与教学无关的内容。

2. 录像要求:视频要保证图像清晰,能够清楚地呈现师生活动;画面无抖动、无倾斜、无变形;白平衡准确,曝光适当。 用摄像机附带麦克风或专用麦克风采集声音,保证教师和学生发言的录音清楚无杂音。

3. 后期制作要求:1、片头时长不超过5秒,应包括:课程名称、年级、上/下册、版本、主讲教师工作单位和姓名等。片尾包括录制时间、制作单位等信息。2、视频文件要求(1)稳定性:视频图像同步性能稳定,无失步现象,CTL同步控制信号必须连续:图像无抖动跳跃,色彩无突变,编辑点处图像稳定。(2)色调:白平衡正确,无明显偏色,多机拍摄的镜头衔接处无明显色差。  (3)课堂实录视频的格式为H.264+AAC编码的MP4文件。(4)视频码流率:码流为0.5~1Mbps,如上传的视频内容编码率低于0.5Mbps,则码率不变,转码为H.264+ACC编码的MP4文件。 (5)视频分辨率要求达到720*576以上。 (6)视频大小不能超过500M。












发布者 :项目管理员


提交者:学员王美花    所属单位:遂溪县第三中学    提交时间: 2017-03-20 10:41:47    浏览数( 0 )



Unit3 AHealthy Life – Reading

By 王美花

Step1 Greeting

Greet the students.


Step2 Lead-in

1.       Admire a video: what is the topic of the video?

2.       Do you think smoking is a healthy activity?


Step3 pre-reading

1.       Do you know that Tobacco kills more than heroine and cocaine together”? So if we get addicted to smoking, what can we do to quit it?


Step4 Reading

1. Skimming

(1). Skim the letter and match the paragraphs with their main ideas .

Paragraph1               a. Granddad talks about James’ problem of smoking.

Paragraph2                b. The harmful effects of smoking

Paragraph3                c. Granddad’s life and the importance of healthy life.                  

Paragraph 4                d. Granddad’s hope for James and his advice on stopping smoking.

 Paragraph 5                e. The three different ways of becoming addicted.


James’ grandfather wrote to help James__________________ (戒烟)by telling him the ways of ________________(沉迷香烟), ________________________(香烟的恶果)and giving him some advice on how to get rid of the bad habit.

2. Scanning

Scan the passage and choose the best answer.

1. The first sentence of the letter shows James’ granddad            .

A. lives a healthy life           B. is addicted to sitting in the garden

C. has nothing to do at home     D. is tired when returning from a long bike trip

2. In what way did the old man try to persuade his grandson to give up smoking?

A. Using scientific theory.       B. His failure in love.

C. His sports activity.           D. His own experience.

3. According to the letter, James’ granddad             .

A. didn’t give up smoking       B. used to be a member of the school football team

C. is lonely                   D. wrote down the advice from his experience

4.________________forced James’ granddad to give up smoking.

A. That he ran too slow         B. That he was taken off the school football team

C. His girlfriend               D. His parents

3. Careful reading

Read the passage carefully and fill in the chart with information from the reading passage

Different ways people can become addicted to cigarettes

1. ____________ addicted to nicotine.

2. addicted through _______

3. ___________ addicted

harmful effects of smoking

1. do terrible damage to your  ______________.

2. more difficult for smoking couples to _______________.

3. Smoking could ______ the health of ______________.

4. smell ________.

5. The ends of fingers __________.  

How can you stop smoking

1.         _____________________________

2.         ______________________________

3.         ______________________________

4.         ______________________________

5.         ______________________________

6.         ______________________________



Step5 post-reading

Role play

A: Someone who gets addicted to smoking.

B: One of A’s family members or friends or classmates, etc.

    B tries to gives A some helpful advice and persuade him/her to give up smoking.

How to ask for advice:

What should I do?     Could you tell me what to do?       Can you give me some advice?

How to give advice

You’d better…                 I think you ought to..

Perhaps you should…            I suggest that you…


Step6 Homework

1. Make a summary of the advise on how to stop smoking no more than five sentences.

2. Read the reading text aloud for some times until you can read it aloud fluently.

3. Find out the useful words and expressions in the reading text and learn by yourself.



评语时间 :2017-04-05 09:44:08


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