优秀教学设计How often do you exercise?

发布者:吴云肖     所属单位:陵水思源实验学校     发布时间:2016-08-25    浏览数:0

Teaching plan for Section B2a-2e, Unit 2, J2A

                How often do you exercise?

海南省乐东县民族中学     陈广燕

Teaching Objectives

. Knowledge Objectives

  1. Be familiar with the words and useful expressions in reading: result, percent (of), television, mind, body, writer, die, online, together, although, by/through, the answers to our questions, at least, not……at all, go online, such as, old habits die hard.……etc.
  2. Get familiar with percentages.
  3. Pay attention to the structure of the article about the survey report:

Part 1: Introduction, Part2: Body, Part 3: Conclusion

  1. Pay attention to the sentence patterns of the survey report:

Here are the results.

We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day.

The answers to our questions about watching television were also interesting.

. Skill Objectives

  1. Predict what the article is about by reading the title of the article.
  2. Get to know the type of the article.
  3. Skim Paragraph 1 & get to know what the article is about. (It’s about the free time activities of No.5 high school students.)
  4. Skim Paragraph 1 for how many free activities the article talks about and what they are.
  5. Skip & read Paragraph 2, 3 and 4 for the detail information about the survey results by completing the pie charts and choosing the best answers.
  6. Learn to observe & make use of pie charts.
  7. Infer the writer’s opinion about the survey results.

. Affective Objectives

  1. Be aware that exercise is a best way to relax, and it’s good for body and mind.
  2. Be willing to start exercising before it’s too late.

Teaching Procedures

 Stage 1 Pre-reading Activities

  Step 1 T greets Ss & chats with them in order to make them familiar with some new words before reading.

  Step 2 T talks with Ss about the free time activities they know by using mind-map.

  Step 3 Ss predict what the article is about by reading the title of the article.

 Stage 2 While-reading Activities

  Step 1 Ss skim Paragraph 1 & confirm their prediction.

  Step 2 Ss skim for how many free time activities the article talks about and what they are. (3 free time activities: exercise, use the Internet and watch television.)

  Step 3 T helps Ss to observe the pie charts in 2b by questions.

  What information is missing?

  Which paragraphs can we find out the results?

Step 4 Ss skip & read Paragraph 2, 3 and 4 to complete the pie charts.

Step 5 Ss scan & choose the best answers according to the article.

  1. 1.     Most of No.5 high school students use the Internet for__________.

A. fun        B. homework        C. work

 2. Most of No. 5 high school students usually watch __________ when they watch television.

  A. sports shows        B. talk shows        C. game shows

 Step 6 Ss answer the questions “Is the writer happy about the survey results?” and “Does the writer think using the Internet and watching TV are best ways to relax?” by making inferences.

Step 7 Ss scan Paragraph 5 & answer two questions.

  1. 1.     What does the writer think is the best way to relax? Why?
  2. 2.     What’s the writer’s advice?

 Stage 3 Post-reading Activities

Step 1 Ss match the useful expressions in the article with the right meanings.

 _____1. not……at all                   a. 例如

 _____2. go online                     b. 至少

 _____3. at least                      c. 问题的答案

 _____4. such as                     d. 旧习难改

 _____5. by/through                  e. 一点也不

 _____6. Old habits die hard.          f. 通过……(表示方法和手段)

 _____7. The answer to the question    g. 上网

Step 2 Ss get to know the type of the article by doing a multiple-choice question.

  What’s the type of the article?

  It’s a(n) __________.

  A. letter   B. ad (广告)   C. survey report (调查报告)   D. diary

 Step 1 T asks Ss to divide the article into parts and tell the reasons.

 Part 1: Paragraph 1

 Part 2: Paragraph 2, 3 and 4

 Part 3: Paragraph 5

 Step 2 Ss get to know the structure of survey report with the help of T.

 Part 1: Introduction

 Part 2: Body

 Part 3: Conclusion

 Step 3 Ss find out the sentence patterns of the survey report in the article.

Here are the results.

We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day.

The answers to our questions about watching television were also interesting.

Step 4 Group work:

Work in groups, choose one of these free time activities, ask and answer how often you do this activity, finally choose a group member to report the results to the class.

How often do you _________?

Names of group members

1-3 times a week


4-6 times a week


every day


You may report like this:

Hello, everyone! My name’s (I’m)……I’m from group……

In my group, …………………………………….

……Thanks for listening.







Step 5 Summary

Ss summarize what they have learned in class with the help of T.

Step 6 Homework

1. Write down the new words and useful expressions they have learned in the article & finish 2d on P14.

2. Draw a pie chart together about the results in your group.



