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作业标题 :根据自身实际教学情况及课程学习,设计和实施一次教学活动。截止日期 : 2017-07-01

作业要求 :实践研修是本次培训的一个重要环节,通过在岗实践、反思、再实践、再反思的良性循环过程,逐步提升实践教学及教育科研能力。现将实践研修成果做如下提交要求,各位参训学员请在“实践研修成果”栏目中根据要求提交一篇实践研修成果。 



发布者 :耿老师


提交者:学员王东玲    所属单位:洛门初中    提交时间: 2016-07-19    浏览数( 0 )

Lesson3: Good Food, Good Health

Before class: To show pictures of different kinds of foods.各种食物美图连播,既使学生快速了解本课主题,也激发了他们的学习兴趣。

Greeting: How are you?...

Step1. Pre-reading

1. Class opening: T: This class we’ll continue to learn UNIT1 STAY HEALTHY. We know an old saying “You are what you eat.” What does it mean? …It means “Eating healthy food can make us a healthy man.” “Good food, good health”. ..So, are you a healthy man? Yes? OK, tell us “What foods do you often eat every day?” (帮助学生回忆熟悉的食物单词导入新课)2om

(Divide the class into two groups. See which group can give the most food words. Then which group will be the winner.(第一个小比赛,学生每说出一个食物单词,教师在黑板上画一个花瓣,五个单词一朵小花,既有意思又能快速记数) T: Dont worry. Thats not the final result.

T: There are lots of delicious foods. Are they all healthy? Yes, some of them are unhealthy, such as cake, hamburgers and other kinds of juice. We should keep away from those unhealthy foods, right? In a word, healthy food is the most important.(正确引导:健康食物是最重要的)

2. Introduce the new wordsTNow lets get started with our new lesson, Lesson 3, Good Food, Good Health. First, we will learn some new words from this lesson. 21·世纪*教育网


grain/grein/谷物, corn/kɔ:n/玉米, bean/bi:n/, soy/soi/, yogurt/'jogət/酸奶, bone/bəun/骨头, vitamin/'vaitəmin/维生素, mineral/'minərəl/矿物质, fibre/'faibə/纤维素, protein/'prəuti:n/蛋白质, calcium/'kælsiəm/,2balanced/'bælənst/均衡的, diet/'daiət/日常饮食, Asian/'eiʃən /亚洲人、亚洲的, include/in'klu:d/包括, contain/kən'tein/包含.

Diet means the foods we usually eat or drink. Asian means people who live in Asia. The price for the hotel includes breakfast. The water doesnt contain alcohol. (口述例句、为后面的语言点讲解作铺垫)

Step2. While-reading.

1. Skim and answer: (略读找答案、了解本课主题)

 T: Now let's look at our text. First, read it quickly and find out the answers to the questions.

1) How many food groups are there? And what are they?

2) In your opinion, what is a balanced diet?

2. Scan and Choose the food words from the lesson (跳读挑词、了解食物分类)

T: Read it again and choose the food words for each group. You can do it on your paper.

3. Read carefully and answer. (细读回答、熟悉课文、了解各类食物对人体的作用)

4. Find important or difficult points. Take some notes

5. Match each word with its definition. Then complete the passage using the four words.

 (老师或学生1读出词语解释,其他学生一起说出所描述的单词, 学生2读出段落填词)

6. Listen and follow

III. Post-reading

1. What do you often eat at every meal? Do a survey and compare your eating habits with those of your classmates.(调查报告:通过比较同学与自己的饮食差别,引导学生选择健康饮食,花瓣)

2.Read and catch the main ideas.(阅读并小结每段大意、花瓣)·j·y

Scientists have learned a lot about the kinds of food people need. They say that there are some kinds of food that people should eat every day. They are (1) green and yellow vegetables of all kinds; (2) citrus fruits and tomatoes; (3) potatoes and other fruits and vegetables; (4) meat of all kinds, fish and eggs;(5) milk and foods made from milk;(6) bread, cereal or rice; (7)  butter or something like butter.
     People in different countries and different places of the world eat different kinds of things. Food are cooked and eaten in many different kinds of ways.  People in different countries eat at different times of the day.  In some places people eat once or twice a day; in other countries people eat three or four times a day.  Scientists say that none of the differences is really important.  It doesn't matter whether foods are eaten raw or cooked, canned or frozen.  It doesn't matter if a person eats dinner at four o'clock in the afternoon or at eleven o'clock at night.  The important thing is what you eat every day.
      There are two problems, then, in feeding the large number of people on earth.  The first is to find some way to feed the world's population so that no one is hungry. The second is to make sure that people everywhere have the right kinds of food to make them grow to be strong and healthy.

3.Talk about “How to Stay Healthy?”(讨论展示、花瓣)


Thats all for today. This class we have learned about the four food groups. We have known that a balanced diet can keep us healthy. Theres an old saying “A healthy body is a healthy mind.” Thats true. Our bodies need lots of healthy food and exercise. So let’s eat more healthy foods and do more exercise, OK? Wish you have a healthy body, a healthy mind and a wonderful future!21教育


Write a short passage: How to Keep Healthy. (About 80 words)  





