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2016-12-21  发布者:邓玲丽  浏览数( -)

 主要演员: 农民哥哥    农民弟弟         4只兔子    1个主唱         1个撞树兔  1个旁白        


第一幕  农夫兄弟锄地上场,兄弟二人种大田。(音乐起) 哥:我是哥哥(I’m  brother!)

弟:我是弟弟(I’m little brother)

哥:我不爱劳动,就等着天上掉下一个大馅饼(I don’t like working, are waiting for the next big pie. )

 弟:我诚实勤劳,不相信世界上有不劳而获的东西(I’m honest and hardworking, I don’t believe the big pie. 弟:let’s  work!

 哥: Ok,Ok!Hey, there’s a big tree, Let me have a rest.


第二幕  撞树兔子出场(音乐起)

兔:(喘气)快跑,快跑,大灰狼追来了。没处躲呀没处藏,我还得快快跑,还得快快跑。(Run,run, run,run run, run. The wolf is coming. The wolf is coming. I have no place to hide,  no place to hide.I I can run fast,  run fast. ) 兔子撞树

兔:诶呦,我撞树了,我有点有点头晕,我···我不行了(Aye, I hit the tree, I’m a little dizzy, I... I can’t ) 兔子晕倒

哥:这可真是个肥兔啊。来,弟弟,咱把它搬回家,不用干活啦,咱有吃的啦(wow,It is really a big rabbit, the rabbit is so fat. Come on, brother, we take it home, we don’t have to work.)

弟弟:Ok,brother .I’m coming. 合:走喽(let’s go ) 全场退


第三幕  哥出 哥chant:Two little black rabbits hitting on the tree. One is fat. One is big. Wow ,yummy, yummy , yummy. Waiting for my rabbit near the tree. )

弟:哥,哥,你还是跟我们一起去干活吧。不会再有自己送上门的兔子了。(Come on,brother, Let’s work together. We won’t have the rabbits any more. )

哥:有的,一定会有的。一只,二只,三只,哈哈,好多兔子。总之我天天吃兔子肉。(It must be. The first one, the second, the third. ha ha ,there will be lots of rabbits. Ha ha, (傻笑)I can eat the meat every day.)


第四幕  出示PPT课件(时间,春夏秋冬图片) 旁白: Winter comes,he waits. Spring  comes, he waits. Summer comes, he also waits. Fall comes ,he’s still waiting for the rabbits near the tree. 哥望

哥:诶幽幽,这秋天已经来了,你说这等得我胡子都长出来了,那胖嘟嘟的肥兔子怎么还没来呀?哎呀呀,兔子兔子快快来呀(Oh,no, the autumn is coming. My beard has grown out,(用手摸摸胡子) but where is the rabbit? 兔子出 哥:哎呀呀,兔子来了,(Ah, ha, ha .The rabbits are coming.) 兔子舞起来:(英文兔子舞,1个主唱,四只兔子跳舞)

兔子1:We are the small white rabbits.

兔子234: The small white rabbits .

兔子1:One of my friend hit the tree.


兔子1:We won’t. We must be careful!


哥:诶,你们怎么还不撞树丫?(rabbits, why don’t you hit the tree? )

兔子:商量逗他玩。撞树啦,撞树啦,就是撞不着,就是撞不着!(Let’s bump a tree.(音乐起)We don’t bump a tree. Bye~ )

哥:Bye 这群兔子太笨啦,连撞树都不会撞,你说这有什么难的,不就这么一撞嘛(哥撞) 哎呦,你别说,还真有点头晕。(The rabbits are too stupid to hit the tree.  It’s easy .Look at me.(撞树)Oh, yes, a little dizzy. 哼,I’m waiting for the next rabbits.


第五幕  丰收舞(出示课件丰收图片)

弟:哥,快看,今年我们又丰收,哥,别再等那兔子了。还是跟我一起种庄稼吧,好不好,这世界上,根本就没有不劳而获的事情(Elder brother, look, we harvest this year. Don’t wait for the rabbits. No pains No gains. )

哥:可你们不得干活吗,你们不得辛辛苦苦的干一年吗? But we have to work  hard all the year! Don’t we? )

弟:是啊。(yes. )

哥:我在这儿等兔子就不一样了。我不用干活啊,哈哈(I’m waiting for the rabbits here . I don’t have to work. ah, ha ha ha)

弟:哎。哥,(Ah. Elder brother,Are you hungry?)

哥:还真有点饿I’m really hungry .

弟:哎,你看(Ah, you see)

哥:饿没关系。他不用受累啊,我勒勒裤腰带,我还接着等(It doesn’t matter. I wait. I wait.)

弟:哥,嗨(My brother is so stupid, ah) 退到后场

哥:oh,I’m really hungry,really hungry. rabbit,rabbit… 哥哥饿昏,弟弟上前扶。

弟弟:Friends,don’t do like this. No pains ,No gains.

群舞:Farmer in the dell. 鞠躬,走 





