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2017-02-20  发布者:张颖  浏览数( -)


Module 4 Unit 1 Women of Achievement

 ReadingA Student of African Wildlife

一、 教学对象分析


二、 教材内容分析

人教版《英语4【必修】Unit 1 Women of Achievement》的阅读文章为人物传记,描写了珍.古道尔在非洲丛林里的工作研究以及她的贡献,呼应单元话题:伟大的女性。文本主要通过主人公在丛林里一天的工作来引出话题,介绍了珍的理想,态度,研究,发现,以及她为保护研究野生动物所做出的贡献。以事记人,突出了人物的性格特征,通过理解女性在非洲丛林中工作的艰辛,来理解珍被人称为伟大女性的又一个原因。


1. 理解课文的文本特征和写作手法

2. 锻炼从文本中获取细节信息和论据的阅读策略

3. 培养创造性思维,学会深层思考

4. 学会理解伟大人物的性格特征和伟大的原因:性格;困难;贡献,以及他们之间的关系


Step 1. Lead-in2 mins



T: Look at these pictures. Do you know what they are? What do their expressions convey? Make a guess….Since none of us can know for sure, can we turn to someone else for help? Who is she? Jane Goodall.

T: Do you remember what we learnt about Mandela? What made him a great person? …So, today, we will also focus on the three factors of a great woman. Characters, difficulties and achievements.

[意图说明] 教师通过单元话题引起学生对已有知识的回忆,再联系到课堂,用图片导入本课的主人公,直观明了,为后面的活动奠定背景知识基础。通过追问回忆伟大人物传记的特点是突出人物的性格特征,遇到的困难,以及所作出的贡献,这也是本课的主线所在,帮助学生明确阅读目标。

Step 2. Prediction 3 mins



1. Read the title and the pictures in the text and answer the following questions and ask Ss to answer the questions as quickly as possible.

Who is the student?

Suggested Answers: Jane Goodall.

Where does she study?

Suggested Answers: In the forest of Gombe National Park in East Africa

[意图说明] 对于文本的预测和求证是帮助学生养成积极阅读思考的重要策略,学生利用素材进行猜测,并且带着问题读文章,有利于快速总结文章,得出文章大意。避免了对文章内容只停留在被动接受的层面上,不要为了读而读。

Step 3. Fast reading5 mins



Suggested Answers:

Para 1

 A day in the park

Para 2

 Jane’s way to study chimps and her discovery

Para 3

 Jane’s attitude to the animals

Para 4

 Jane’s achievements


Step 4. Detailed reading 18 mins



   Para 1

1) Ss read Para 1 and answer the questions

At what time do the group start working?

At 5:45am.

How are the members of the group after working for a day?

Tired and dirty.

The author describes the time and their feelings to show __________________________

Suggested Answer:

the difficulties of Jane’s work.

2) Ss sum up the three themes according to Para 1.

Characters ?

Suggested Answers: patient; devoted; hardworking; determined; persistent…


Suggested Answesr: dirty and tiring work day by day…


Suggested Answers:

She helps people understand how much chimps behave like humans.

She discovers the bond between members of a chimp family is as strong as in a human family.

1. Para 2

1) Ss read Para 2 and answer the questions

How does she carry out her study? 

She spent __________ following, ___________ and ______________ chimps’ family’s daily activities.

years; observing; recording

Why is Jane Goodall called a student?

Suggested Answer: Because she studies animals and learns from them.

2) Ss discuss the following question with their desk mates.

Why was it unusual for a woman to live in the forest when she first arrived in Gombe in 1960?

Suggested Answer: At that time, people don’t think women can live or work in the forest as men can. They have no confidence on women, which is a kind of discrimination. (歧视)

3) Ss find out the detailed information in Para 3 and answer the following question together.

What do we know about chimps due to Jane’s study?

1. She discovered that chimps hunt and eat meat.

2. She observed chimps as a group hunting a monkey and then eating it.

3. She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other.

4. Her study of their body language helped her work out their social system.

4) Ss sum up the three themes according to Para 2.


Suggested Answers:  smart; intelligent; brave; courageous; strong-willed, adventurous…


Suggested Answers: the discrimination; inconvenience in the forest; loneliness; homesickness; being away from family and friends; dangers from chimps and other wild animals…

Her work changes the way people think about chimps.


Suggested Answer: Her work changes the way people think about chimps.

2. Para 3

1) Ss read Para 3 and answer the questions

What attitude does Jane have towards chimps and other wild animals?

Suggested Answer:Wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements.

What can we know about Jane according to her words?

Suggested Answer: She has a deep love for chimps.

2) Ss sum up the three themes according to Para 3.


Suggested Answers: loving; caring; helpful; outspoken; responsible; enthusiastic; passionate; tireless…


Suggested Answers: different opinions about animal such as using animals in entertainment and experiments…


Suggested Answers: 

She makes the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals.

She helps to set up special places where chimps can live safely.

3. Para 4

 Ss read Para 4 and list the achievements of Jane Goodall together.

The achievements of Jane:

1. working with animals in their own environment

2. gaining a doctor’s degree for her studies.

3. showing that women can live in the forest as men can

4. inspiring others who want to cheer the achievements of women


Step 5. Small discussion2 mins



    TLet’s have a small discussion to discuss what we can learn form Jane Goodall and the connection between her characters, difficulties and achievements.

T: From what we learn today, we can work out a truth: Your character is your destiny!


Step 6. Discussion 3 mins



    Ss discuss the following questions in groups of four.

Why does Jane choose to study the chimps in the forest rather than a university?

Suggested Answers: 

1. She had wanted to work with animals in their own environment since childhood.

2. Nobody before her fully understood chimp behavior.

3. It is only in their natural environment that chimps will behave naturally.

Besides being a student, what other roles does Jane Goodall play? Why?

Suggested Answers: 

A teacher who teaches people the knowledge about chimps and how to understand and respect them.

A protector who protects chimps from being harmed and helps to set up special places for chimps to live safely.

A role model for women around the world who encourages women to achieve their dreams bravely.

a mother; a doctor; a translator….


Step 7 An interview 11 mins



1) Describe the background of the interview for Ss:

You are Tim, a chimp who was saved by Jane Goodall from a laboratory when you were a baby chimp. She brought you back to Gombe National Park where you lived and worked with her. Today, a talk show host, Jack, invites you to his show to talk about Jane Goodall.

2) Assign Ss to work in pairs to make up an interview. Ss are reminded to stick to the text and the notes they take on the handout sheets and try to avoid using the same questions as the others groups’.

3) Groups compete to come to the stage and do their presentation.


Step 8  Inspiration 1 min



    Invite Ss to read Jane Goodall’s famous words together aloud and inspire them to learn from Jane Goodall and take care of the nature.

[意图说明] 激励学生向她学习,怀感恩之心,行助人之举。

Step 9 Assignment


Ss are asked to write a composition about a great woman they know.

附:The handout sheet for this lesson

Module 4 Unit 1 Women of Achievement

Reading  A Student of African Wildlife

A Student of African Wildlife

Pare 1: __________ in the park

Para 2: Jane’s way to _________ chimps and her _________

Para 3: Jane’s ___________ to animals

Para 4: Jane’s ____________

Pare 1




Para 2




Para 3

Why was it unusual for a woman to live in the forest when she first arrived in Gombe in 1960?




Para 4





Why does Jane choose to study the chimps in the forest rather than a university?

Besides being a student, what other roles does Jane Goodall play? Why?

Show time

An Interview

Useful expressions:

-- HiTim. Nice to meet you. Welcome to our (talk) show today.

-- Thank you for inviting. It is good to be here./ It’s an honor to be here.

-- May I ask you “…”?/ I am wondering why/how/what…/ Can you say something about why/how/what…?

-- Thank you for coming. It’s nice talking to you.

-- My pleasure./ You are welcome.



1. Stick to the text and the notes you take above.

2. Try to avoid asking the same questions as the others.



