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作业标题 :研修作业截止日期 : 2016-12-26

作业要求 :





【作业三】从教学实际出发,策划1次主题活动,活动形式:校本活动、班会、春游或秋游等,具体要体现出活动给教学带来的变化或影响(下载附件2 主题活动策划模板,每个栏目必须填写完整)。





作者 :项目管理员


2016-11-18提交者:学员黄玉霞浏览(2 )【推荐】


Friends with English开心学英语五年级上册

Unit 5  School Lunch(2)教学设计

(Story & Chant Activity)

斗门区五山中心小学 黄玉霞





2、话    题:餐食所需

3、任务活动:Task 1: Look and say..           Task 2: Pair work.

Task 3: Watch the video.         Task 4: Answer the question.

Task 5: Read and act in group.     Task 6: Retell the story.

Task 7: Chant Activity.           Task 8: Story about Babea

4、对话材料:It’s time for lunch. I’m hungry, Me too. Let’s make our own lunch today./ What do we need? We need some rice and meat./ Do we have any fruit? No, we don’t./ OK.We need some rice, meat and fruit. / But Gogo, where can we get all the food?/ Here! Come on! Let’s go.

    5、听力阅读材料:Babear: I’m hungry. Er, I have some bread.

Penguin: I’m hungry, too. I need some food.

Penguin: Thank you. Bye!

Babear: I’m very hungry. I need food.

Babear: Wow! Fish, fish! I need fish.

Babear: Haha! I have fish. I have fish.

Babear: Oh, no!

Babear: Haha! My fish, my fish.

Babear: My God!


(1)理解课文并正确运用句型:What do (we) need? (We) need some…表达所需。



灵活运用句型What do wee have? We have some  What do we need? We need some…交流自己及他人所需。




1)学习运用有关食物话题范围的单词juice,rice, salt,sugar,meat, vegetable, tofu,fruit,need等单词。






3)能够正确的运用have, need写句子。












Step1(准备)Preparation--- Pre-reading


T:Good morning! What day is it today? What’s the date today?

Ss: Good morning. It’s Wednesday. It’s November 19th,2015.



1. Look and say.

(1)Lead in

T:Today is Mum’s birthday. Gogo,Tony and Jenny are going to cook dinner for mum. Where can they get all the food? Listen!(Here! Come on! Let’s go!)

Ss: They can get all the food in the supermarket.

(2)Guess: What’s on the Magic table?

T:Gogo,Tony and Jenny are in the supermarket now. There are many Magic Tables there. Guess! What’s on the Magic Table? Look! What are these?

Ss: They are meat. (drink\ vegetables\ fruit\food)

T: What’s on the Magic table?

Ss: Duck, fish and chicken.(Juice, cola, milk and tea.)(Carrots, pepper, onio and

cucumber.)(Apple, pear, orange and banana).

(设计意图:通过Magic table呈现Vocabulary各图并学习food,引导学生归纳meat, drink, fruit, vegetables等各类单词,激活已有的知识储备并拓宽知识面,为下面的学习打下铺垫。)

2.: Talking: Do we have any…? What do we need?

(1) Pair work

T: There are so many things in the supermarket. Gogo, Tony and Jenny want to know ”What do they need? What do they have?” You can ask me.

Ss: Do we have any meat/tofu?

T: No, we don’t. / Yes, we do.

(2)Practice in four pairs.

T: Now, practice in pairs. Choose one picture to talk in 1 mimute.

(3)Ask and answer together

T: Look at the magic table.“√”means have,“×”means need.Look and answer. What do we need?

Group 1,2,3,4:We need some fruit/juice/vegetables/meat.

(设计意图:师生在语境中对话,学习cook,复习巩固所学的相关句型What do

we need? 学生的回答问题的过程中反思自己的行为,自己的生活,明白自己的


Step 2(呈现)Presentation-- While-reading


T: After shopping, Gogo,Tony and Jenny go to school. It's 12 o’clock. It’s time for lunch.They are very hungry. What do they want to do? Listen carefully.

Ss: (Listen to the tape and answer)

T: What do they want to do?

Ss:They want to make their own lunch.



T: Yes.Gogo,Tony and Jenny want to make their own lunch. But what do they need?

Watch the video and tick in the correct places.

Ss: Watch the video and finish the form.

T: What do they need? Salt, fruit, tofu, meat, rice, sugar and vegetables?

Ss: They need some rice, meat, fruit

    and vegetables.




T:Ok.We know Gogo,Tony and Jenny need some rice, meat, fruit and vegetables for mum’s birthday. Now, look at the picture, listen and imitate. (It’s time for lunch. I’m hungry, Me too. Let’s make our own lunch today./ What do we need? We need some rice and meat./ Do we have any fruit? No, we don’t./ OK.We need some rice, meat and fruit. / But Gogo, where can we get all the food?/ Here! Come on! Let’s go.)

Ss: Listen and read after the tape together.



T: (Have the Ss to act out the story.)Now, practice in groups. Then, act out together. You can get the stars for each picture. (Correctly正确地,Loudly响亮地,Fluently流利地)

Ss: First, practice in group. Then, act out in groups and get some stars.

(Picture 1:★★★,Picture 2: ★★, Picture 3: , Picture 4: ★★, Picture 5: ★★, Picture 6: ★★, )


Step 3(操练)Practice


1.Read the story together.

T:OK. Now, open your books and read the story.

2.Fill in the blanks.

T:Look at your books and fill in the blanks on your paper.

3.Have the students tell the answers one by one.

T: Who can read out?



1.Read and number.

2.Retell the story.


Step 4(拓展)Production-- Post-reading


T:Gogo, Tony and Jenny get all the food in the supermarket. They make their own lunch now. They are very happy. Let’s chant together.

1Listen to a chant.

2Chant and clap.

3Make a new chant.

4Chant to check.

(设计意图:通过Chant activity, 引导学生拍掌演唱,能让学生更好地巩固课文内容,在歌谣演唱中牢记知识。通过让学生Make a new chant,检测学生对第三人称句型的掌握情况。)


T:(Have the students look and talk the pictures.)We need to do many things in our life.

That will make us happier. Let’s look and talk.



1Watch a story about Babear.

2Answer the question: What does the Babear need? (He) needs some…


Moral education: We should help people in need. When we need something, we can not do bad things.


Step 5(提高)Progress

1.Tell the students what we have learnt this lesson. Then read it if there is time.

What do we have? We have some… 

What do we need? We need some…

2.Practice 2: Ask and answer in pairs.



Step 6(作业)Homework

1. Recite the story on Page 56.

2.Review all the key words and sentences.

3. Prepare the exercises on Page 60,61,64,65.



Unit 5  School Lunch

What do we have?

We have some…

What do we need?

We need some…





