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作业标题:课程作业 作业周期 : 2021-12-06 2022-01-15






提交者:学员张黎明    所属单位:苏州市吴中区华东师范大学苏州湾实验小学    提交时间: 2022-01-14 16:05:52    浏览数( 0 ) 【举报】

2018-2019学年度第一学期 年级  剑桥英语 学科备课教案


课题: KB4 U2 Good sports


【教学时间】 11月  18日  第  1 节


KB4 Unit2 Good sports P 18


1. Ss are able to tell their willingness of learning sports.

2. Ss are able to know the meaning, pronunciation and form of the activities

3. Ss are able to understand a dialogue about learning to do sports


1. Ss are able to know the meaning, pronunciation and form of the words: climb, sail, Activity Centre, outside, inside, rock climbing, dance, skate, fish, swim, sports;

2. Ss are able to tell their willingness of learning sports by using ‘I want to/I’d like to learn to…’;

3. Ss are able to understand a dialogue about learning to do sports


1. The meaning, pronunciation and form of the words: climb, sail, Activity Centre, outside, inside, rock climbing, dance, skate, fish, swim, sports

2. The usage of ‘learn to…’


Step 1 Greetings and warming-up

T: Good morning/ afternoon, class.

Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Miss Zhang.

2. Sing a song——Maskman song

T: Now, let’s sing a song together.

3. Brain storm sports.

T: Some of you like doing sports. Can you brainstorm as many sports as you can?

Step 2 Lead-in and presentation


T:There is a new Activity Centre near Simon’s village. Let’s go and have a look.

(T shows the picture of the Activity Centre and explains the meaning)

T: What do you think they can do in the center?

S: They can swim… (ask student how do they find out)

T: That’s right. Can you see there are houses and playground? That means we can play inside and outside (explain the meaning and check understanding)

T: Take a guess, what kind of inside activities has it got.

Ss: dance, basketball, table tennis…

T: There are three doors. Which one do you want to take a look?

Teach the words dance, climb, basketball; check understanding by asking the questions: Can you…? Do you like…? Are you good at…? Do you want to learn to…?

T: Now let’s go outside.

T: What can you see?

Ss: A lake

T: What can we do on the lake?

Ss: We can go fishing

Teach the words fish, swim and sail and explain the meaning of water sports.

T: What else can you do outside?

(Show the picture of ride bikes and rock climbing)

T: Wow, there is also rock climbing here. Who is learning to climb? Where is she climbing? Is she climbing on the mountain? That’s right, she is climbing on the wall


(1) Game: Bomb

Teacher draws a bomb next to one word and asks students to follow teacher to say the sentence ‘I want to learn to…’. When it comes to the word with bomb, students need to be quiet.

(2) Say a chant

Dance, climb, basketball,

These are activities inside,

Sail, swim, skate,

Let’s do activities outside,

Move, move, move,

Let’s learn to skate,

What can I learn to do?

You can learn to sail.

Step 3 Practice

1 Listen and say the letter

T: There are so many people in the activity center. What are they learning to do? Now listen and say the letter.

2 Listen and tick

Simon, Stella and Suzy are talking about the activities to choose. Now listen and tell me what they can learn to do.

3 Ask and answer

Now, each student chooses an activity which you think is good for children from part 1. Write it down on a piece of paper and please do not let others see it. Then take turns asking the other group members’ advice by saying “What can I learn to do?”.  And the other group members should give advice by saying “You can learn to …” Keep asking and answering questions until one of them guess out the activity on your paper.

Step 4 Production

Interview classmates about their choice of learning

Step 5 Homework

Listen and repeat after the tape and memorize the words.



Unit 2 Good sports

                  Activities inside       Activities outside

                      dance                      climb

I want to learn to    play basketball            skate

I’d like to learn to play table tennis          sail

You can learn to      climb                      swim










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