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作业标题:结合今年所教年级,提交一份教学设计 作业周期 : 2022-04-25 2022-07-31








提交者:学员周爽    所属单位:荥阳市广武镇第二初级中学    提交时间: 2022-07-12 14:54:46    浏览数( 1 ) 【举报】

八年级英语下册Unit2 I'll help to clean up the park.Section A (3a-3b)

一、教学目标1. Students should master how to describe a scene about volunteering with 3W.

        2. Students should master the techniques of 5W to analyze an article. 

        3. Students should use 3W to write an outline for a composition.

        4. Through the reading skills in class, students can size the main ideas of each paragraph and make a summary.


1. Lead-in创设情境,导入新课

(1) Free talk about superheroes;

T: Good morning everyone! How’s going?

Ss: Good morning Miss Yin. I’m fine. 

T: Before our class, let’s have a free talk. Topic is superheroes. Do you know any superheroes?

S1: Sure, I know superman, batman and spider-man. 

T: Good! I like superheroes, too. But I have a question for you. Do superheroes exist in our real life?

S2: No, they are in movies. 

T: Exactly, they are just the characters in movies, and today I want to introduce a group of people who are in our life.  

(2) Play a short video about the Chinese volunteers. Lead students to think the real unnamed heroes are the normal volunteers in our daily life. 

T: Please tell me the name of the group of people.

Ss: volunteers. 

T: Excellent! So today we are going to learn an article which is about volunteers.

2. Pre-reading 带领学生走入阅读情境

(1) Review the relevant words in the article.

T: Before the reading, let’s review the relevant words in the article. Please read it after me. 

Ss read after me. 

Game time

Students are divided into 3 group for vocabulary games. The teacher will show the pictures on the PPT and students say the words. 

(2) Search information before reading. Through the pictures in the article, students can presume the theme of the article.

T: You really did a good job. One more challenge for you. There are two pictures, there are 4 questions for you. Please answer the questions according to the pictures. 

T:Where are the boy and the man?

S1:Maybe they’re in an animal hospital. 

T:What does the man do?

S2:Maybe he is an animal doctor.

T:Do the students work for money?

S3:No, “volunteer” tells us they work for free. 

T:Where are the girls in the picture? 

S4:Perhaps they are in the library. 

T: Good. Let’s read the article. 

3. While-reading 阅读三步走

(1) Skimming. Students will read aloud the whole passage. After that, they will identify the basic structure of it.

The teacher would play the recording for students for the skimming. 

T: Please read the passage after the recording. 

Ss read it together.

T: Now I have question for you. How many paragraphs do we have in the article?

Ss: Three. 

T: Great! And who are the main characters in this passage?

S1: Mary Brown and Mario Green.

T: Correct! Now please look at the paper I gave to you. There are questions for you and please underline the clues. You can discuss with your partner. 

(2) Scanning. Students read the passage again with the questions listed in 3b. They have to find each clue for each question. Besides, they will analyze the structure of the passage and summarize the main idea for each paragraph. 

T: OK! Anyone would like to answer the questions? Why does Mario volunteer to help others?

S1:Because he believes it can help him to get his future dream job.  

T:Why does Mary volunteer to help others?

S2:Because she can do what she loves to do and helps others at the same time. 

T:What does Mario say about volunteering?

S3:He gets such a strong feeling of satisfaction when he sees the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners’ faces.

T:What does Mary say about volunteering? 

S4:Volunteering is a dream come true for her.

T: You already get the detail of the story, but now we have a mind map on the paper. At first, I will lead you to finish the first two paragraphs, and you need to finish the last one. OK! Let’s have a try. 

T: For the first paragraph, can you tell me what kind of function does it have in this article?

S1: It tells us the background of the passage. 

T: Good! Now pleas look at the second paragraph. Please find out the topic sentences for me. 

S1:At the beginning of the paragraph. 

T: You’re right! The topic sentences told us the main idea of the paragraph. Now I need you to use the 5W to analyze the paragraph. Who did what? When and where did it happen? And why? Follow the clues please complete the mind map with your partners. 

(3) Emphasize the usages of 5W in analyzing an article.  

T: Good! I would like to select some students to fill in the mind map for Para.3. who would like to try?

Ss: Mary takes part in a volunteering program for reading stories for others after-school in the school library.

T: Good try. Now please use the mind map to summarize the main idea of each paragraph and retell the story. 

S1: For Para.1, it tells us Mario Green and  Mary Brown are volunteers after school.

S2: For Para.2, Mario volunteers in an animal hospital and feels satisfaction during the process.

S3: For Para.3, Mary volunteers in the after-school reading program where she can do what she love to do and help others. 

S4: Conclusion:“Volunteering here is a dream come true for me. I can  do what I love to do and help others at the same time.”

4. Post-reading 拓展视野、开阔思维

(1) Expend the topic. Lead students to think about the deep meaning of the volunteers, raise their interests in volunteering and advocate them join in it. Provide some choices for volunteering and make a discussion on it. 

T: We already finish the reading, and what kind of volunteering do you want to be ? Please tell me why

S1: I want to be a volunteer in sports events so that I can help athletes

S2: I want to be a volunteer who can fight against the COVID-19. Because one day I want to be a doctor. 

(2) Practice the 3W in writing. Ask students to write an outline with 3W about a volunteering plan.

T: Very good! I am so proud of your kindness. Now I prepare a CV for you. You can fill in the blanks. And use the CV to send an E-mail to apply for your volunteering position. 

(3) Assignment. According to the outline, finish a composition.


           Unit 2 Section A (3a-3c) Students Who volunteer 

Reading techniques: 5W

Structure of the article: deduction(总分结构)

Writing strategies: 3W

四、作业设计 Write a volunteer plan.


评语时间 :2022-07-15 23:43:37






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