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Unit 8 Detective stories

2016-12-13  发布者:高汝珍  浏览数( -)

Unit 8 Detective stories

2016-12-13  发布者:高汝珍

Unit 8 Detective stories (Comic strips & welcome to the unit)

                       班级                                 学号          





(    ) 1. Audrey won ______ Oscar _____ Best Actress _______her role in that film.

       A. a, to ,to       B. an, for ,for         C. a, for ,for        D. an, to,to

(    ) 2._____ of the students in the school is over 2,000. ____ of students are from the country.

A. The number; A number         B. The number; The number

C. A number; A number           D. A number; The number

(    )3. He devoted all his efforts _______ children.

A. to educating     B. educate     C. education     D. education

(    )4. We have _______a lot of wild animals, because of the _______ of their living areas.

       A. lose; loss     B. lost; lose     C. lost; loss        D. lose; lost

(    )5.It was her _______performance. Her successful career _____about forty years.

      A. last, last   B. last, lasted for    C. lasted , lasted    D. lasted,  last


  People __________that Chen Xiaoxu was the ___________girl __________ _________ the lead _________ _________ Lin Daiyu.

2.她的弟弟四岁时就学弹钢琴了.Her brother learned playing the piano ___ ____ ____ ___4.

3.许多人为她的美貌所吸引。Many people ___________ __________ _________ her beauty.

4..Zhang Yimou is _________________________(被人们认为是一名有才能的导演)by people.


1.打扮得象一个侦探                           2. 看侦探故事

3.寻找一些重要事情的线索                     4.发生什么啦

5. 更加严重得多                              6.对所有嫌疑犯做记录

7.有罪                                       8.说出真相

9.在别的地方                                 10.一个中等身材的办公室职员

11.看上去不整洁而且紧张                    12.查出真相



五、【合作探究】任务一:  Free talk (谈论有关包青天,福尔摩斯)               

任务二:Activity Three Presentation of welcome to the unit(PartA)

1.How to Know the clues of a crime

2. Discuss: How to make notes on suspects?

3. Read four detective’s reports carefully and answer the following questions.

1) Who was murdered?                  2) When and where was he murdered?    

3) How many suspects are there?          4) Who are they?                     

5) What were they doing when the murder happened last Saturday?


1. Make a dialogue like this and guess who is the most likely to be the murderer.

A: Who do you think may be the murderer?  B: I think     is the most likely to be the murderer.

A: Why?                               B: Because he’s                              

A: But I don’t think he is the murderer. He is kind        B: Then who do you think is                    

A: I think       because                   

任务四: 1Comic strips

1. What is Eddie dressed like?              2. What happened to Eddie?

2  Listen and answer the question.

1. Is there a murder?                    2. Why was Eddie dressed like that?

3. In Eddie’s opinion, what is more important, a murderer or his food?

任务五:Read and act out


1. dress 在这里是动词,“穿着衣服”  常用于被动语态,be dressed in意为             

dress oneself/sb (in+衣服)意为        _______________________     

dress up  意为          dress up as------       

2. detective 用做名词,意为“侦探”他是一名私人侦探。                     

detective 用作形容词,意为“侦探的”。

   我弟弟喜欢看侦探小说。My brother likes reading         novels.

3. serious用作形容词,意为“庄重的”“严肃的”严重的。他看起来严肃               

  (副词             他妈妈病得很重。His mother is               ill.

4. My food has gone missing. 食物不见了。

1 go可用作连系动词,意为“变成,处于……状态,后接形容词,而且多指不好的变化。

e.g. I cant understand how I went wrong. 我搞不清是怎么走错路的.

2missing / lost作形容词,意为“     “,我的项链不见了My necklace is               

5.We have made notes on all of them.意为                    

note 用作名词,意为“笔记,记录,便条,纸币”等。

e.g. You must listen to the teacher carefully and take notes in the class.


6. suspect 用作可数名词,意为“嫌疑犯”suspect用作动词,意为“怀疑,猜想”。

1I __________him to be a pickpocket. 我猜想他是个扒手。

2We are sure he must be one of the __________.我们肯定他一定是其中的一个嫌疑犯。

7. height 用作名词,意为“高度,身高”,形容词是high

这山有多高?What is the           the mountain? He is two meters in        他身高两米。

8. murder n.. 谋杀()  v.谋杀  murderer   n. 谋杀犯,凶手

1)她为得到他的钱而谋杀了他。She _________ him for his money.

2)警方还没查出凶手是谁。The police haven’t found out who were the      _  ____ .


1. Miss Green looks      (整洁)and clean. 2. Do you know the man of        (中等) height.

3. The police havent found out who the      (凶手) is.4. I like reading       (侦探) novels.

5. The police have taken the            (嫌疑犯) to the police station

二、单项填空。  (    )1. The child isn’t old enough to      himself.

A. wear        B. put on     C. have on       D. dress

(    ) 2. The necklace that I had shown to my friends       . It made me very sad.

A. was lost     B. gets lost    C. were missing   D. was missed

(      ) 3. The police __________ trying to ___________ who the murder is.

       A. is, find       B. are, find out        C. is, work out        D. are, look for

(      )4. He ___________his baby every day because his wife is very busy.

A. puts on         B. wears               C. dresses                  D. is in

四、完成句子   1.身高1.7米以下的男子被认为是中等身材。

Man __________1.7m___________________ are considered _______________.

2. 警察已对四位嫌疑犯作了笔录。The police __________________ the four ___________.


The ____________________inSunshineTownseemed _____________________________.

4. 穿红色打扮自己会使你更容易地采取行动。

___________yourself ___________________will make ________________to ___________

5. 食物已变质,尝起来实在是难受。The food ___________________and it tastes ________.

6. My food __________________________________(已失踪了).

7. The murder _____________________________________(发生在一个冬天的早晨)

8.__________________that woman______________________(长什么样)?


The man__________________________________. He________________________. 

10.我猜他没说真话。_________ that he didn’t ______________________.

七、【课后巩固】1.做导学和评价  2.熟读漫画。 3.预习Reading




