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Unit1 The king’s new clothes

2016-12-14  发布者:贾奎俐  浏览数( -)

Step 1 Pre-reading

T:Hello, boys and girls.你们喜欢看童话故事吗?





1. 出示国王的图片。T: Who is he? (the king)(teach “king”)

2.  T: The king is very powerful and he has a lot of money.

3.  He’s rich. (teach “rich”)

 Step2 While-reading

 Show some pictures of clothes: such as dress, T-shirt, coat… They are clothes. Look at this green dress, it is very beautiful.

1.Listen and read — to learn “beautiful”, “clothes”

2.T: What does the king like? 引导Ss: He likes new clothes. (teach “clothes”)

3.T: Look at the clothes. How nice! They are beautiful! (teach “beautiful”)

4. Talk about the background

5. Paragraph 1:Look and learn

6. T: I’m the king. I am very rich. I like new clothes very much! (PPT: mirror) Mirror, mirror, are my clothes beautiful?

7.  Mirror: I don’t think so!

T: Who can make new clothes for me?

8.Paragraph 2 Read and underline

        T: Who can make new clothes for him?

    T: Why? Please read and underline. (学生自读)

引导Ss: Clever people can see the clothes.

        Foolish people can’t see them.


解决学生遇到的难词,先让他们组内解决,然后老师再讲解。Clever foolish, 可以穿插讲熊出没的故事,让学生来猜猜这两个单词的意思。光头强is     熊大is     

 9. Paragraph 3  T: What kind of clothes are they? T: They are soft and light. (teach “soft”体验感知, “light”手势感知)


    10.Paragraph 4&5

1) Learn the text

2) T: The king is going to show his new clothes to other people. What do they think of the clothes? (出示人群和男孩的图片)

 T: (拿出人群的图片) What do they think?(They are beautiful!)Do all the people think they are beautiful? (No)

 Then who? (The boy.)What does he say? (出示图片5,文字)(引导学生朗读文本)(teach “wearing”)

本处学习了wear这个词,要将它和put on 作比较,他们都是穿上的意思,但是使用又不相同,wear是指穿的状态,而put on 指的是穿的过程。

 3) 一位学生扮演国王巡演,引导其他学生朗读图4&5。

Step3 Post-reading

1. Talk about the characters


King: rich, foolish   Two men: clever, bad   Other people: foolish   Boy: honest

2. Read the story.   



