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作业标题 :教学设计截止日期 : 2016-12-16

作业要求 : 







发布者 :朱飞


提交者:学员焦亚君    所属单位:江苏省郑梁梅高级中学    提交时间: 2016-12-10    浏览数( 0 )


Module 2 Unit 3 Reading

Amazing people

Teaching aims:

After reading the text, the students will be able to know about a famous explorer, Howard Carter, who led a team to Egyptand made some unexpected discoveries in tombs. Besides, the students can learn from Carter’s perseverance. At the same time, the students will learn to predict what an article is about by just looking at the title and reading the first paragraph. Gradually, they will become better and more active readers by learning how to predict information in advance. And they are expected to master the strategy and become more competent readers.

Teaching procedures:

Step1  Lead-in

1. Part of the movie “the mummy” is shown and some related questions are raised. (PPT4:点击右下超链接标志播放视频:The Mummy)

Where did the story happen? (Africa)

      What is it about? (Mummies)

2. Pictures of mummies are shown and some questions are put up. (PPT5-6:呈现木乃伊图片,让学生有感性认识)

Do you know what mummies are? (They are the preserved bodies of dead kings.)

How are these mummies found? And by whom?

Today, we’ll read a passage about it. (PPT7:点击鼠标呈现课文标题)



Step 2  Prediction and fast reading

1.       Prediction PPT8:呈现问题,学生预测标题与文章间的关系

What might be the connections between The curse of the mummy’and the famous explorer?

From your point of view, what might be dealt with in the following article? … (Students’ different opinions are collected.)

2.       Read the first paragraph and then tell the general idea of the 1st paragraph.PPT9:点击鼠标


Howard Carter is a famous explorer and he discovered many amazing things.

The first paragraph serves as a general introduction of Howard Carter. Pick out the key words in the first paragraph to describe him. (famous, brave, amazing)

According to the first paragraph, can you predict what the following paragraphs will tell us? Some choices for reference PPT10:点击鼠标呈现预测问题,再点击显现选项及答案

Carter’s hobbies

   Howard Carter made some unexpected discoveries.

      Carter’s family

Carter’s school life

3.       Exchange your ideas with your partners. Then check your prediction by reading the following paragraphs and complete C2 so that students can know the main idea of each paragraph. PPT11:点击鼠标逐个呈现书上练习C2的答案

      Paragraph 1 ____     Paragraph 2 ____           Paragraph 3 ____     Paragraph 4 ____

Paragraph 5 ____     Paragraph 6 ____           Paragraph 7 ____     Paragraph 8 ____

       (e b d c g h a f )



Step 3  Careful reading

1.    Listen to paragraphs 2-3 and summarize the main idea.PPT12:点击鼠标呈现阅读要求及答案

What does this part mainly tell us?  (Howard Carter’s discovery) (PPT)

Do you want to know about Howard Carter? Try to find some related information in the passage about him. And then say something about Howard Carter.PPT13:点击鼠标呈现Howard Carter生平的主要信息,在学生复述完Carter的信息后再进入下一张PPT

Howard Carter (1874-1939)

Education: didn’t go to school, learnt to draw from his father

Interests: loved visiting new places

Discoveries: many amazing things

Went toEgypt: 1891

Job: explorer (by the 1920s)

Greatest discovery: King Tutankhamen’s tomb (超链接呈现法老及坟墓PPT14,注意:不要多点击,此时不能出现红箭头,然后返回到PPT13)

Year of the discovery1922

WhereValley of the Kings, Egypt

Are you curious about what’s in the tomb?

When entering the tomb, Carter found gold, treasures everywhere. Let’s enjoy the pictures of

the treasures in the tomb. (PPT13上再次超链接直到出现红箭头,点击红箭头进入下一张PPT14,呈现墓中宝物PPT15,点击PPT15让其自动播放到完毕)

What did Carter do when they saw these treasures? (emptied the tomb, took away everything in the tomb, including the king’s body (the mummy)

Do you like gold / treasures? What would you do if you were there?  (I would took away all

the treasures, too)

2.    Howard Carter emptied the tomb, would anything happen to him and his team workers? They disturbed the peace of mummy, would they be cursed? Watch part of a film. PPT15:在墓中宝物自动播放到slippers出现,点击影像图标播放视频:KingTuts Final Secrets

What does this part of the film tell us? (The death of Carter’s teammates. They fell ill and died after the discovery work.) PPT16:点击呈现问题及答案)

Yes. His teammates died one by one. That’s really mysterious. Are their deaths strange? Is

that the curse of the mummy?

Read paragraphs 4-5 by yourselves and then fill in the form.(Group work) PPT17:点击呈



Connection with Carter and the tomb

How did he die?

Lord Carnarvon

Money provider, was present when the tomb was opened

fell ill with a fever

George Gould

Carnarvon’s friend, visited the tomb 

had a high fever

Richard Bethell

Carter’s secretary, entered the tomb

died of heart trouble

Arthur Mace

team member

not mentioned

3.    In fact, within seven years, 21 people died. Is it really the curse? If so, why could Howard Carter live so long? How can we explain that? Let’s read paragraphs 6-8 together. And think over what this part mainly tells us? (Different beliefs/explanations of strange deaths) (PPT18:点击呈现6-8段的主旨,再逐个呈现对死亡的不同观点)

What are the different beliefs?

1. Coincidence

2. The mummy’s curse: Those who disturb the king’s rest would receive death in return

3. A scientific explanation: The viruses caused the illness and death

Conclusion: The mystery has never been fully explained.

4.    Post reading

Do you think Howard Carter is a successful person? Is he amazing?

In order to succeed, what kind of personalities should we develop? (curiosity, bravery,

strong will, team spirit, a good state of mind) (PPT19点击呈现部分观点供参考)


这一步骤中让学生听、读课文,更好地体现出语言课的特点;在了解Howard Carter的概况之后让学生进行介绍,训练了学生的口头表达能力;通过设问What would you do if you were Howard Carter in the tomb?激发学生说的欲望;播放电影片断使学生有视觉的感知,明白the death of Carter’s teammates,更好地理解文章第四、五段的内容。在这过程中三个环节均设计了对段落主旨的归纳理解题,这也是课文阅读教学应实现的目标之一。在post reading中设问In order to succeed, what kind of personalities should we develop?把思想教育融入课堂教学中,使学生明白要成功应具备的素质。

Step 4  Summary

Think over the organization of the passage and the main idea of each part? (PPT20点击呈现篇


     Para1-3: Howard Carter’s experience and his discovery

     Para4-5: Strange deaths after the discovery

     Para6-8: Different beliefs about the deaths



Step 5  Homework (PPT21点击呈现作业)

1. Finish the exercises on P45.

2. Learn the following by heart.

    be curious about

    come across

    be in connection with

    result in


3. Make sentences with the above expressions.







