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作业标题 :教学设计截止日期 : 2016-12-15

作业要求 :请参训教师结合自己任教学科的教学情况及培训课程内容,提交一篇教学设计。

发布者 :李玉贞


提交者:学员倪婧    所属单位:涟水县保滩中心小学    提交时间: 2016-12-12    浏览数( 0 ) 【推荐】


四下  Unit 8  How are you?


1.      能听懂、会说、会读单词、词组cold, fever, come to school.

2.      能听懂、会说、会读句型This is speaking. May I speak to ?并能初步运用该句型打电话。

3.      能听懂、会说、会读句型How are you? I’m fine, thank you. I’m sorry to hear that. See you tomorrow. See you.并运用该句型进行问候。

4.      能正确理解Story time故事,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并尝试分角色表演。

5.      通过学习,引导学生学会关心同学、关心他人。


1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词、词组cold, fever, come to school.

2.      能听懂、会说、会读句型This is speaking. May I speak to ?并能初步运用该句型打电话。

3.      能听懂、会说、会读句型How are you? I’m fine, thank you. I’m sorry to hear that. See you tomorrow. See you.并运用该句型进行问候。

4.      能正确理解Story time故事,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并尝试分角色表演。


1.      能听懂、会说、会读句型This is speaking. May I speak to ?并能初步运用该句型打电话。




课前准备: 播放歌曲《Hello, hello, how are you?


Step 1. Warming-up

1.      Self-introduction and free talk

T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. I’m your new teacher. I’m Miss Guo. Hello, boys and girls.

Ss: Hello, Miss Guo.

THi, I’m Miss Guo. What’s your name?

S1: I’m ***.

T: Nice to meet you, ***. What day is it today?/ What’s the weather like today? S: .


Step 2. New lesson

1.      Tfree talk基础上问How are you?

S: I’m fine, thank you.

问两组学生,引出How are you? I’m fine, thank you.

揭题 Unit 8 How are you?


   (出示杨玲生病图片)TWe’re all fine today. But how about Yang Ling? Is she fine


   TLet’s ask Yang Ling.

   S: .

   Yang Ling(录音): Not so good.

   教学Not so good.

【设计意图:通过Free talk复习与新知识有密切联系的旧知识,自然地引入新知识,使学生能立刻参与到英语会话课堂这个情境中来,为进一步探究新知凝聚了动力。】

2.      T: Yang Ling is not so good. What’s the matter?

出现选择 A. She has a cold.

         B. She has a cough.

         C. She has a fever.


学生选择,同时教学cold fever

cold  A. 冷的   B.感冒

   教学I have a cold and a fever. 指导朗读。

【设计意图:通过旧知What’s the matter?以及动画的呈现,让学生自主理解coldfever在文本中的意思。】

3.      T: Yang Ling has a cold and a fever. How does Miss Li know?

A.  From a letter.

B.  From a telephone call.

   S: B.

   T: Good job. So this time please watch carefully. How does Yang Ling make a telephone call to Miss Li?



   引出Hello, this is Yang Ling speaking.

   教学speak  eat speak speaking


   同法引出May I speak to Miss Li?

   操练(学生扮演Yang LingMiss Li打电话)

   (录音)Hello, Yang Ling. This is Miss Li.

   T: So we can make a telephone call like this. Can you call Miss Guo? Have a try.


   T: Now try to call your friends.



4.      TYang Ling has a cold and a fever. So she makes a telephone call to Miss Li. Now    let’s read the dialogue in Part 1. Then tell me:

    Can Yang Ling come to school today? (教学come to school)

    How does Miss Li react?


教学 I’m sorry to hear that. 

here hear



5.      TYang Ling has a cold and a fever. What can she do? Do you have any suggestion? You can say in Chinese.

S: .

T: In a word, please cake care.

引出Take care. 教学


6.      跟录音读课文第一部分。


7.      TMiss Li is a nice teacher. She is worried about Yang Ling. So she makes a telephone to Yang Ling later. What do you want to know from the call? You can say in Chinese.


T: I want to know How is Yang Ling now?

    Can she come to school tomorrow?

(教tomorrow  today+ morning+ r+ snow

    How does Miss Li react?



8.      跟录音读课文第二部分。

Step 3. Consolidation

1.      齐读课文。

2.      二人一小组,分角色朗读

3.      表演。(给出得星规则)

4.      根据课文内容填空。

5.      自编对话(Mike生病了,打电话问他明天能不能来上学。)

6.      (图片:一女孩生病,同学去看望她。)T Look at the picture. The girl is ill. Some classmates go and see her. Because they are friends. So remember to care about and help others.

Step 4. Homework

1.      Listen, read and act Story time.

2.      Make a telephone call to your friends.



                Unit 8  How are you?

a cold   a fever

can’t come to school


can come to school

I’m sorry to hear that.

Take care.


See you tomorrow.





