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作业标题 :提交一篇教学设计截止日期 : 2016-12-15

作业要求 : 


发布者 :李玉贞


提交者:学员任玉珍    所属单位:涟水县陈师镇官荡小学    提交时间: 2016-12-04    浏览数( 0 )

                                                                                             6A    Unit 5 Signs


教学内容:       Story Time


1.      学生能初步理解并且会听、会说、会读单词及词组:    

No eating or drinking , No littering , No smoking , No parking  , wet floor,  Dange!  shopping centre,  smell  , careful

2. 学生能初步感知句型,能初步听懂并且会读句型:What does this sign mean? It means

3. 学生能初步理解本篇故事并能复述

4. 情感教育:学生能明白标志在我们日常生活中的意义和重要性。



No eating or drinking , No littering , No smoking , No parking  , wet floor,  Dange!  shopping centre,  smell  , careful

2. 学生能初步感知句型,能初步听懂并且会读句型:What does this sign mean? It means

3. 学生能初步理解本篇故事.



Step1 Warming up

1.    Greeting

2.    Play a game

T: OK. First, lets play an interesting guessing game.在这个游

戏中,判断你所得到的信息是否正确。如果是正确的,请大声说“Yeahyeahyeah”,如果是错误的,请大声说“No nono”

T: Now look at these pictures. (指其中的一副图片问) What does it mean? Chinese mean:它表示什么意思? Now you can answer me: It means… ok?

S: It means “Danger”.

T: Yes! It means “Danger.And what about this one?(指旁边的一张图片)What does it mean?

T: Clever! It means “No fishing”.

(按这样的方式问其他两张图片,分别是No parkingNo photos

再次领读句型:What does it mean? It means

4. T: (Point to the signs on the picture.)What are they? 

Ss: They are public signs.  领读signs .

引出课题:Today we’ll learn Unit5 Signs

5. T: But where can we see the signs?

S1: In the cinema.

S2: In the library.

S3: In the classroom ,in the shopping center…

T: All right. Thank you. 

Step2 Story time

1. Pre-reading

T: Today, Mike, Helen and Tim also see some public signs. Where do they see the signs? Watch the cartoon and find the places.


Watch the cartoon

find the places

教单词:a shopping centrejuice shopbookshoprestaurant

Let’s match


1.    While-reading

a. Read and explain

Read the book and underline the meanings of four signs.


(教单词:wet floor door –floor  bet –wet  Wet floor

b. Read and find

 T: Read the text again and find the advice from the story.

(1) In the shopping centre


T: Look , they are at a shopping centre . What sign can you see in the shopping centre?

Ss: Wet floor

T: Can you find the advice in this picture?

S1: Be careful

T: Let’s check out the answer. Yes, you’re right.

(教授:be careful当心,并让学生注意朗读时的语气)

1.2. Read after the tape

2in the juice shop


T: where are they now?

Ss: In the juice shop.

2.2. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks .

Helen: Do you want               ?

Mike&Tim: Yes,please.

Tim: Here’s           .What                  ,Mike?

Mike: It       you               here.

2.3. Work in pairs.

2.4. Read after the tape .(出示对话内容听录音跟读)

3In the bookshop


T: After they buying juice ,they see a bookshop next to it. Helen wants to go in .教短语:go in 意为“进去”。

3.2. Read the dialogue and answer the question.

T: But can Helen go in? Why?  

Read the third paragraph by yourself and answer me.让学生自读寻找答案。

S: No, she can’t.

T: which sentence tells us the answer.让学生找出答案出处的原句。

S: You can’t take your juice into the shopHelen.


T: Why

S: There’s a sign .

T: What does it mean?

Ss: It means you can’t eat or drink here.

T: Yes .The sign means “No eating or drinking ”.So the advice is …

S1: “you can’t take your juice into the shop, Helen.”

T: You’re clever.

3.3. Read the dialogue after the tape.

(4)In the restaurant


TNow, they are eating some noodles in a restaurant. What happens in the restaurant? 在餐馆发生了什么呢?Look at the picture ,can you guess? 让学生看图片自己先猜测发生了什么?

S: …

如果学生能说出单词,就顺便教单词: smoke , smoking , No smoking


T: Yes or No? Let’s look. (出示对话内容)

出示句型:Is someone smokingI can smell it.教新单词:smell

4.2.T: Look at this sign, it meansNo smoking”. Who can find the advice?

S1: Please don’t smoke here.

T: Great.

4.3. Act the picture

4.4. Summary the advice

Be careful…

You can’t…

Please don’t…

3. After-reading

a. Read the story in different ways.(完成学习目标一)

b. 帮助海伦完成微信圈的更新,retell the story(完成学习目标二)

Step3 Homework

1. Copy 5 times:   No eating or drinking , No littering , No smoking , No parking  , wet floor,  Dange!  shopping centre,  smell  , careful

2.Read and recite story time.

3. Try to know more about the other signs.



Unit5 Signs


    Where         Signs     Name             It means…

a shopping centre 图片     Wet floor         The floor is wet.

a juice shop       图片    No littering       We can’t litter.

a bookshop         图片    No eating or drinking We can’t eat or drink.

a restaurant       图片    No smoking        We can’t smoke.





