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PEP六年级下册Unit 4

  发布者: 曹睿婷    所属单位:平桥区第二小学    发布时间:2023-03-15    浏览数( -) 【举报】

Unit 4 Then and now B Let’s learn & Listen, match and say

平桥区第小学龙江路小学 曹睿婷




Let’s learn

Ÿ 通过图片、课件等方式的学习,能够听、说、读、写单词或短语“go cycling, ice-skate, play badminton”

Ÿ 能够熟练运用上述单词和短语,在情境中结合适当的句型Before, I/he/she… couldn’t/didn’t like… Now, I/he/she…”介绍自己或他人对事物喜好的变化。

Ÿ 能够在教师的引导下梳理、归纳已学过的有关运动的单词或短语。

Ÿ 能够发现身边的变化,能够在老师的引导下树立多学习多思考的意识。

Listen, match and say

Ÿ 能够完成Listen, match and say板块的任务,根据所听到的信息进行匹配活动。









Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in

1. Greetings.

2. Let’s sing—Seasons Song.

T: Let’s sing a very cheerful song—Seasons Song. I’m sure you’ll like it.(出示课件)

3. Lead-in.

Draw four trees of the four seasons on the blackboard.

T: Which season do you like best

Ss: I like…best.

T: What can you do in…?

Ss: I can…

T: Did you like … before?

Ss: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Learn the phrase “go cycling” “ice-skate” “play badminton”.

T: In different seasons, the weather is different. We can do lots of different activities. We can do so many things. What about Wu Yifan? Let’s go and see.

 (课件出示:Wu Yifan的三幅图,并给三个新单词注上音标,由学生试着读一读)

(1) go cycling

Students try to read the phrase. Then read it after the recording. (课件出示:go cycling的图片及音频,在该环节复习有关go+动名词的短语)

(2) ice-skate

Students try to read the phrase. Then read it after the recording. (课件出示:ice-skate的图片及音频,在该环节拓展go ice-skating)

(3) play badminton

Lead students to read and memorize the word “bad-min-ton” in syllables. Students try to read the phrase. Then read it after the recording. (课件出示:play badminton的图片及音频,在该环节复习play+球类名词的短语)

2. Let’s learn.

(1) Watch and think: What are Mike and Wu Yifan talking about?

(2) Listen and answer(在对答案环节讲解thought


Step 3: Practice

1. Practice the dialogue.

(1) Students listen and read after the recording. (出示课件)


(2) Read the dialogue together.

2. Look and say.

Ask students to complete the sentences according to the pictures. (出示课件)

The teacher leads students to observe the pictures to find clues. Then fill in the blanks.


3. Free Talk.

T: What season didn’t you like before? Why didn’t you like it? Do you like it now? You can write and make free talks with your group partners. Work in groups and then share your opinions.


Step 4: Consolidation & Extension

1. Listen, match and say.

(1) Lead students to look at the pictures and make a quick review of the relative key words and phrases. (课件出示:Listen, match and say板块的图片) Then students listen and match the pictures.

(2) Listen again and check the answers with the teacher.

(3) Students read the listening materials after the recordings. (出示课件) Pay attention to their changes while listening.

2. Let’s say.

Students complete the sentences according to the pictures. Try to describe their changes between the past and the present.


3. Story timeThen and now

Step 5: Emotional Objects

1. Talk about some changes around us.

2. Learning more, thinking more. We are all the makers.

Step 6: Homework

1.Practice the dialogue.

2.Make a video about changes around us.






Unit 4 Then and now

                      B. Let’s learn

       I didn’t like … before.

I thought it was …, and I couldn’t ….   

Now I love to …, so I like ….       go cycling    ice-skate  play badminton



1. 欢快的歌曲导入能迅速激发学生的注意力和学习兴趣,直观生动的图片和多媒体资源辅助教学,能有效提升对核心语言点的理解和记忆。

2. 通过创设情境呈现核心词汇和句型,层层递进,由词逐句,学习过程潜移默化,让学生在情境中理解,在情境中表达。

3. 教学过程中以活动为导向,引导学生在不同的教学活动中体验语言知识,达成能力目标。重视对学生的引导和自主学习能力的培养,更多地发挥学生的主体作用。

4. 板书结构清晰明了,核心词汇和句型突出,能有效地帮助总结本课重点,注意要及时对学生课堂上的生成性亮点表达进行板书并大力鼓励表扬。



  • Unit 4 Then and now B 教学设计及反思.docx  下载 预览





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