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作业标题 :作业 作业周期 : 2017-09-052018-02-28

作业要求 :









发布者 :培训管理专员


提交者:学员靳慧    所属单位:枣庄四十一中    提交时间: 2018-01-23 21:02:15    浏览数( 27 ) 【举报】

Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.

Section B 2b The Winning Team



◆ Knowledge aims 

1.Read and master the following words and phrases:weight, shoulder, goal, courage, agreement, let…down, kick … off, be hard on …, rather than, pull together
2.Learn to use the structure: make sb +V/ adj

◆Ability aims

1. Improve reading skills by grasping the key words.

2. Can talk about one’s own experiences and feelings.

◆Emotional  aims

1. learn how to deal with the bad feelings .      

2. Know the importance of team work and learn from mistakes. Be a confident and happy man.


Step 1 Warming up and leading in

1. Watch a video about a winning group.

(设计意图:通过观看同班学生观看编排的和阅读有关的视频,引导学生思考两个问题,视频中的学生犯了什么错误,感觉如何,进而进行下一步的free talk)

2.Free Talk: = 1 \* GB2 Have you ever made a mistake?

            = 2 \* GB2 How did it make you feel?



Step 2 Pre-reading

2. Lead in the new phrases through talking about Baggio’s story

Baggio _________   most important____ .

He felt like there was____________________________.

His fault ____teammates______.

However ,His fans  asked him not to ___________himself.
They believe if they____________, they would win next time.

2. Look at the title to predict.

  Q:Did his team win the game or lose the game?



Step 3 While-reading

Fast Reading

Task 1Read 2b quickly and match.

1. An hour ago               A. Peter talked to his teammates.

2. When he was at home       B. Peter missed scoring a goal.

3. The next day              C. Peter talked to his father.


Careful  Reading

Task Two

  Read Part.1 carefully and answer the questions.

1.      What mistake did Peter make?


2.      What happened to Peter’s team?


3.      How did he feel?


4. Why did he have such feelings?

Because he missed scoring a goal and  _______ his team _______. He was worried that his coach might ________him ________the team.

DiscussionIf you were Peter, what would you do ?




    Read Part.2(Para.2-6)and finish the mind map.

Q:What kind of advice did Peter’s father offer him?

 Role-play a conversation between Peter and his father.设计意图:让学生运用Scanning了解Peter父亲的建议,并掌握文本中出现的习语和短语。并学生通过角色扮演体会父亲的慈爱以及Peter沮丧的心情。)

Task Four. Read Para.7-11 carefully and fill in the chart.




 1.went to soccer practice with courage ______________ fear.

 2.said ____________to his teammates.

3.thought if they continued to _________________, they were going to win the next one



his teammates

1. nodded ________________________.

2.It was never one person’s _____________.

3. should think about how they could ________________  the next time.



Step 4 Post-reading

  Discuss in groups.

 Why did Peter think he was on the winning team?

(设计意图:让学生学会与别人交流,提高口语表达能力,让学生通过讨论体会团队精神,以及对团队合作有一个正确的态度。进而点题他们为什么是The Winning Team.)


Step 5 Homework



评语时间 :2018-01-28 10:16:48




