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作业标题 :【第一次校本研修成果布置】 作业周期 : 2017-11-042017-12-20

作业要求 :






发布者 :项目管理员


提交者:学员靳菁晶    所属单位:开封市梁苑小学    提交时间: 2017-12-04 15:55:09    浏览数( 0 ) 【举报】

Lesson 5  What does he like?   

     靳菁晶 开封市梁苑小学     

 Let’s learn


一、Analyses of teaching background

Analyses of teaching contents

In lesson4 , the students  have learnt the general questions “Does he like… ?”In lesson 5,the students will continue to learn special question. “Let’s learn” is  the first class period. The topic is about hobbies and close to the students’ life .What does he/she like…?”“He /She likes…”these two sentences are the important points and difficult points. Should pass the practice, let the students further master the sentence pattern.

二、Analyses of students’ situation

After two years of English learning, students have a certain foundation. In the teaching of students to keep their interest in learning English. On the basis of consolidation, can be properly introduced in the English games, English songs and so on. 

三、Analyses of teaching aims

 (1)Knowledge ObjectivesLearn to say the following words and phrases :  see films,  listen to music, go shopping, take photos, sing , dance.

Be able to ask and answer “What do you like?” “I like…”        “What does he/she like? “He/She likes…”  

(2) Competence Objectives: Be able to use the actions to express what we like and what she or he likes. 

(3)Emotion ObjectivesInterest is the best teacher.

四、Analyses of teaching important and difficult points

The usage of the structure.

“What does he /she like”

“He / She likes ….”

五、Teaching Aid

OHP, chalk, animals tire, etc.

六、Analyses of teaching procedures

Step  Greetings

T: Hi. /Hello. Nice to meet you !

  I like running. Do you like running?

  I like swimming. Do you like swimming?

Design intent: According to greetings , the distance between the students and the teacher is shortened. Review the sentence pattern“ yes, I  do./no I don’t.” For the following study to do the bedding.

Step  Leading in

Look at the screen. LookWho is she?

Yes, it’s me! It’s Miss Jin!

Do you want to know Miss Jin’s hobbies?

Step III Presentation (New words)

Learn to say the words and phases: see films , listen to music,

take photos, go shopping , dance , sing

1 Read together.

2 Read individually.

3.Play games.

Design intent: Through the games to allow the students to grasp the new words, phrases. Make preparations for the sentences.

Step IV Presentation ( sentences)

What do you like?

I like …

What does he/she like?

He/She likes…

1. Read individually.

2 .Read together.

3.Play a game.

4. Let’s act.

Design intent: By doing the game, let the students practise  to  ask and answer the question. Fully mobilize the enthusiasm of studentsprepare for the next performance.

Step V Let’s sing a song

Design intent: In the singing of the students, the students have reviewed the new knowledge that they have learnt. The end of class is in a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere.

Blackboard writing design

Lesson 5 What does he like?

What do you like?

I like ...

What does he/she like?

He/She likes …









评语时间 :2017-12-05 10:51:18


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