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作业标题 :实践研修成果展示 作业周期 : 2018-01-032018-03-05

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发布者 :教务管理专员


提交者:学员陈静    所属单位:第六小学    提交时间: 2018-02-14 15:38:51    浏览数( 1 ) 【推荐】 【举报】




  --- 陈静


Unit 6 How do you feel ? PartB Read and write


一、(设计思路)Design idea: We should promote quality education and the all-round development of the students. We should establish efficient class.

(一)(指导思想)Teaching guidance: According to the New Curriculum, we should develop students’ comprehensive language competence. At the same time, teacher should help students gain a sense of achievement and self-confidence. As time goes on, we will develop students’ reading abilities and foster students’ thinking ability.

(二)(设计理念)Teaching theoriesFor students in grade six, we will provide them to improve their cooperative, investigative and thinking abilities and strengthen their interest in studying English. Language is closely connected with our life. So I set a real situation to learn English. We read the passage and talk about the question--- What happened to Robin and the ant? Our students are eager to know the plot, they can read the passage and find the clue of the story. For their age, they have a certain ability of reading. The pupils are interested in reading stories. The reading material can develop their knowledge and enrich their life. Students can imagine the following plot and cultivate their imagination in English. Teacher can help students use language appropriately. And the assessment is closely combined with the main point of this period. Students learn to cooperate with others, and develop different ways to learn English.

(三)(教材分析)Analysis of textbookThe content of this period belongs to PEP Book I for grade six. Part B Read and write is the fifth period of Unit 6. The topic is Robin and the Ant. Students should mainly know the basic feelings. Meanwhile students can imagine the following plot about the story. They can use different feelings to express their idea and continue the story. We should develop students’ language and foster their thinking abilities.

(四)(学情分析)Analysis of studentsStudents have seen a film named . They have learnt and experience different feelings. in part A and B. The key pattern: How do you feel? Students can get the main idea of this story with the help of the picture. Students have rich imagination. They can share their ideas with us. Students can develop their language according to different imagination. They can use pictures and simple sentences to continue the story. Or they can write a short passage. Anyway, their language is useful and meaning in the situation. Different students in different levels can develop their language and ability by learning this story.

(五)(教学目标)Teaching aims:

1. Enable students to know and draw different faces according to different feelings.

2. Enable students to read the story and get the main idea, at the same time, they can guess the meaning of the new words in the context. Students can finish the exercises and get a certain ability of learning English, especially improve their writing ability. Enable students to form a good habit.

3. Students can finish the exercise and get a certain ability of reading English, especially improve their reading and writing ability.

4. Learn the tips for pronunciation. Find the rules according to P63.

5. Guide students to love animals, and retell the story of Robin and the ants.

6. Enable students to imagine the following plot and continue the story. Meanwhile teacher tries to help students develop their writing ability after reading.

(六)(教学重点)Teaching key pointsThe ant is afraid. Robin is worried.

      (教学难点)Teaching difficult pointsStudents can get the meaning of the word: stuck, mud, pull. Students experience and think of more feeling words.

二、(教学准备) Teaching preparations

教具准备:PPT, cards of feelings, different faces

学具准备:Head-dressers of Robin and Little ant.

三、(教学过程)Teaching steps

B Read and write

Step 1: Warm-up

1. Greetings and have a chant T: Hi, class. How do you feel? Are you happy?

Ss: I am sad. ..

T: ok ,lets have a chant ,lets have a good feeling.

Angry   angry        I m angry  

Sad     sad          I m sad.

Worried  worried      I m worried.

Happy   happy        I m happy.  (教师和学生一起来做。)

T: Try to adjust our mood, and be happy.

(设计意图:chant sad sad ,you are sad.,节奏感强,轻快活泼,很好复习单词并容易将学生的注意力吸引到英语课堂上,询问学生的心情及原因,学生可表达自己的真实感受,引出与本节课相关的话题---different feelings)


Step2. Presentation

1. Pre-reading

(1) Introduce the content of the first part---different faces. 

T: Talk about the pictures, and tell us different feelings. Can you draw faces?

Ss: Yes.

show your feelings.




T: great, i will show you a friend of mine ,can you guess who is he

Ss: guess ....

T :  教师简笔画在黑板上 -----蚂蚁

Do you know it ?

Ss:  yes.

T: now ,lets see how does he feel?

 Ss: he is...he has different feelings,

T: 教师讲解关于蚂蚁的知识。

Today, lets enjoy a interesting story about the ant and Robin.before our class, i will divide you into four groups. I you answer ma question you can get an ant, lets see which group can get the watermelon first .

Ss: ok.



2. While-reading

(1) Read the passage and try to understand it.

l       The first reading.

T: What can you see in this picture?

Ss: I can see Robin. I see a little ant. I see some trees. I see grass.

T: Read the picture with Robin and the Ant. Share your ideas with us.

Ss: I think Robin and Little Ant are good friends. I think…

T: Questions: What will happen between Robin and Little Ant in the story? Read the passage quickly.


2     The second reading.

T: Read the passage again, find different feelings and circle the words you don’t know.

Ss: Circle the new words, and try to guess their meaning according to the context. List and write different feelings.

T: what feelings can you find in the text? Who can try?

Ss:  Different feelings: afraid---worried---happy

T: wonderful. 出示不同的表情在黑板上,板书


3  The third reading.

T: Great ,we find three feeling words. Lets say  who is  afraid ?  and why?

Ss: read paragraph 1.2.3 and answer the questions and repeat the tape.

Question 1: ant is afraid. Because A: He is stuck in the mud.

                            B: He is in the grass, Robin is going to sit on the grass.

How is the weather like?  What does he hear? Who says?



T: lets read the paragraph 4.5.6 and answer the questions.

Who is worried and why is he stuck in the mud?

Because it is raining ,so Robin is in the stuck.

Who helps Robin go out of the mud?

How do the ants help Robin? Pull ---

Questions: Pull or push?



T: how about the end , are they happy?

Ss: yes.  Everyone is happy.

5.T: What does the story tell us?

A. We should always be nice to each other.

B. We shouldnt hurt ants.

(设计意图:用故事的总结来进行情感渗透, 在学习和生活中也要相互帮助。)

6.Number the pictures.

7. Retell the story according to the blackboard.


8.Follow the tape, and try to imitate the pronunciation, tune, and intonation.



Step3. Practice and extension

 (2)Role play.

T: Read the key words and phrases:

A sunny morning: sit on the grass, afraid, don’t sit on me, help.

A rainy day: stuck in the mud, worried, pull Robin out of the mud, happy.

Ss: Act out the story in roles.

Ss: Role play. Use the key words and phrases.



Step 4: Homework

1Search a story aboutThe lion and the mouseand enjoy it.


(板书设计)Board design:

Unit 6 How do you feel? B Read and write




chant 环节节奏感强,轻快活泼,很好复习单词并容易将学生的注意力吸引到英语课堂上。

评语时间 :2018-02-17 22:01:42




