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作业标题 :实践研修成果--教研活动设计 作业周期 : 2017-11-282017-12-29

作业要求 :




发布者 :培训管理专员


提交者:学员陈初霞    提交时间: 2017-11-29 18:57:19    浏览数( 31 ) 【举报】



Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.

Section A(1a-2c)


Listening & Speaking


儋州市第一中学      陈初霞


本课时的主题是中国民间神话故事。主题图呈现了女娲补天、后羿射日、西游记、愚公移山四个家喻户晓的神话故事。1a-1c主要通过主题图及听力活动导入单元话题。2a-2c部分是听说教学。本部分的听力材料巩固和补充了1a-1c的语言输入,增加as soon asso… that…, unless等连词用于故事的叙述,使交际语言更丰富、更完整。该课时的重点是让学生学习讲述故事,在讲述过程中恰当使用连词。












1.      Target language

Words and expressions:

shoot, stone, weak, god, remind

Sentence structures: 

.  as soon as

As soon as the man finished talking, Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mountains after he died.

. so …that…

Finally, a god was so moved by Yu Gong that he sent two gods to take the mountains away.

. unless

This story reminds us that you can never know what’s possible unless you try to make it happen.

2.      Ability goals:

1) Ss can learn to listen by predicting the pictures.

2) Ss can tell a story.

3.      Emotional goal:

To enable students not to give up in times of difficulty because where there is a will, there is a way.

1.      To improve the interest and skills of listening.

2.      To tell a story.

1.  To improve the interest and skills of listening.

2.  To tell a story.

Situation teaching method, listening and speaking method






























































Step 1 Greeting.

a)        Greet the Ss.

b)       Divide the whole class into 4 groups. The one who answers correctly can get 1 point. Which is the best group at the end of the class?

Step 2 lead-in

T: Do you like Chinese legends?

Ss: … …

T: Do you know who they are?

Show some pictures with characters in different legends.

T: Who is your favorite character?

Ss: I like _____best because he/she ___________.

Step 3 Presentation(1a)

Do you know the names of the stories? Match the story titles with the pictures [a-d].

Step 4 Listening(1b)

1.      Anna and Wang Ming are talking about a Chinese story. Listen, which story are Anna and Wang Ming talking about?

2.      Listen again and check () the facts you hear.

3.      Check the answers.

Step 5 Watch a video about Yu Gong Moves a Mountain. Then answer the questions.

1. What were the names of the two mountains?

2. Where did Yu Gong and his family put all the earth and stone?

3. Who helped Yu Gong take the mountains away?

Step 6 Listening(2a&2b)

Task 1 : 2a

1.      Ask the Ss to predict the orders of the pictures and write them down.

2.      Listen and number the pictures [1-4] in order to tell the story.

3.  Check the answers.

Task 2 : 2b

1.      Ask the Ss to predict the missing words and circle.

2.      Listen again and circle the words you hear.

3.  Check the answers.

Step 7 Emotional goal

What can you learn from the story?

Where there is a will, there is a way.

Step 8 Group work—— Challenge

Which group will be the best voice actor/ actress(配音员) in our class

 (Ss are required to dub one sentence by one sentence according to the video---Yu Gong Moves a Mountain.)


Rules for group work

  1. 4-6 个学生一个小组。边观看视频边配音。
  2. 每个学生配音至少12句。同一学生可多次配音。
  3. 配音期间会暂停视频让学生配音。
  4. 最佳配音组+ 15 分,非最佳则+10 .

Step 9 Tell a story

This is my friend Lily. She likes Chinese legends very much. She is very interested in Sun Wukong. Could you tell the story to her with the pictures and key words?

Long long ago, there was a monkey called Sun Wukong. He was not a normal monkey. He could…


normal monkey. He could…




 fly to the sky                                  make 72 changes





  magic stick(金箍棒);                 was always ready to help the weak;

make it big and long                      hero; like

Step 10 Summary


shoot, stone, weak, god, remind

Sentence structures: 

1.  as soon as

As soon as the man finished talking, Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mountains after he died.

2. so …that…

Finally, a god was so moved by Yu Gong that he sent two gods to take the mountains away.

3. unless

This story reminds us that you can never know what’s possible unless you try to make it happen.

Step 11 Which is the best group?

Step 12 Homework

Tell the story Yu Gong Moves a Mountain in English to your parents.

Long long ago, there was a very old man …









Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.

Section A (1a-2c)


Groups :




1. shoot



2. stone



3. god



4. weak



5. remind





评语时间 :2017-12-17 12:48:51




