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作业标题 :教学设计与反思提交要求 作业周期 : 2017-11-282017-12-25

作业要求 :







发布者 :培训管理员


提交者:学员谢文君    所属单位:扬州市江都区大桥镇中学    提交时间: 2017-12-24 19:39:13    浏览数( 1 ) 【举报】




Warming up(Enjoy a  music)

Play a music called“秋日私语”for the students, then have a free talk:

Are you familiar with the music

Do you know the name of it is?

In English it is translated into?

what season does autumn whisper tell?

So together with the music, lets go on our trip through the four seasons.

 Ok, today well learn a poem about seasons of a year. Are you ready to learn it?

First, open your book to page82.


(fast reading)


1. Read through the poem, try to find out the tone of the poem, and what do you feel about the poem?

2. Ask some questions:

After reading the poem, do you feel sad? Do you feel excited or other feelings? What do you feel about the poem?

Do you feel stressed?

Do you feel cheerful?

Do you feel hopeful?

Good, so after reading the poem, I feel cheerful, relaxed and hopeful.


3. Deal with some new words.

For the first reading, I think therere some new words that stop you from understanding the poem, now pick them out.

(e.g. pile. Therere some books on the desk, and put them together, we can say it a pile of books. And everyday you have a pile of homework to do, right? Of course, I have a pile of  homework to correct)



(lead in)

1. Before we go into each part of this poem. I would like you to read a Chinese poem, I’ll show you. Have you ever heard about this poem? Have you ever learnt it?







2. After you read the poem emotionally, I think some pictures came into your mind. What kinds of pictures can you have?

3. A good poem always have beautiful pictures in your mind. So we can see it, hear it, and feel it.




一、About para.1-winter

1. lets go into out English poem. Lets see it, hear it and feel it..

First of all, tell me what the season is in the first poem, say it together.

 What can you see or feel in winter? Use your imagination, think about your winter days.

2. listen to the poem

What can you feel from the first para.?

What do the birds do? Why?

Do we people hope to have a warm and sunny day in winter?

Can we fly to the south?

3. Read the poem together.

Discuss in groups, try to find out the answer. Can you guess the writers feelings?

二、About para.2-spring[来源:__]

1. If the winter comes, will spring be far away?

Now spring is coming, heres the spring.

Do you like spring? Why?

What do you like to in spring

What does the writer want to do?

2. Read by yourself, and try to find out the key word..

What does each line talk about?

Whats the weather like in this paragraph?

What do people usually do?

What animals are mentioned?

3. Thats the writers spring, we have warm weather, lovely animals and people, all kinds of activities. So whats your feeling after you read about it? Discuss in groups.

I think theres a saying:

The years at the spring, and days at the morn.

        ——Robert Browning

What does morn mean?

What does it mean in Chinese?

So we should treasure our time and make full use of our time, especially spring and morning.

三、About para.3-summer

1. In spring light, here comes summer night. I think summer has a lot of good memories to you all, including me.

Can you share your good summer memories with all of us?

(E.g.: In summer, I can stay at home, I dont have to get up early to go to the school, any other good memories? You can talk about it with your partners, and tell me your answer. I mean: good memories.)

2. How is the writers summer memory? Read by yourself and try to find the key word again

3. What mentioned in his sweet memories?

4. Now I would like you to be the writer, can you add some more in this picture?

5. If I were the writer, I would add a picture with a bed on it, because I can have a good rest.

If youre the writer, what other things can you think of?


四、About para.4-autumn

1. They are good memories. But good memories always fly away quickly. And we have to say goodbye.

What season is coming?

Tell me your own autumn, what can you see, hear, feel? 

2. Read the last paragraph by yourself.

What are mentioned in the writers autumn?

What can you see and feel in autumn?

What colour can you see in autumn?

What are the farmers busy doing in autumn?

⑤_x0001_  What changes can people see or feel in autumn?

3. Read the last two lines in the poem again and try to tell the writers real feeling between the lines.(discuss in groups)


五、About personification

So till now we have went through the four seasons and feel the changes of the seasons. I’d like you to read the poem by heart, and tell which line or which part do you like best and why?

Can bees and flowers play like all the children?


六、About the rhymes

1. After listening and reading, can you feel the difference between the poem and other types of English articles? Read the Chinese poem again, and find out what is special about it. Pay attention to the last two words.


2. Read and feel the rhymes.

Do you think therere rhymes in it, tell me

What rhymes with what?

What kind of rhymes does it have?

A. aabb B. abab

C. abba D. aaab

3. Read the poem aloud by yourself, try to feel the rhymes of the poem.

I think poems just like music, and it has pleasant rhymes.



competition time

Now its our competition time, I’d like you to read the poem in a group. You can choose the best part

 to read, and I’ll choose the best part voice.

Read it correctly, clearly, loudly and emotionally.



So today we go through the seasons, and I think you put your heart into this poem, and feel the beauty of it, no matter what season it is, I wish you each season filled with beauty and love.


1. 采取多种形式诵读本篇诗歌;

2. 完成《初中英语读本》8A P102-103 阅读1 上面的练习。

牛津初中英语8AUnit 7 Reading 教学反思







设计课堂环节的时候,基于考虑到学生学习的循序渐进性,所以设计的活动尽量由浅入深,由问问题→True or false→找每段大意完成图表,完成整个信息输入到输出的过程。但在问题的环节,一开始设计的三个问题(过于复杂,学生难于一下找到答案。尤其是第一问和第二问中的Why? 对于第一遍阅读来说太难。



4The whole class



经过第一次尝试,我更明白了布置的语言任务要贴近生活,设计学生感兴趣的话题,开发符合学生实际的教学资源,让学生在近乎真实的交际活动中,通过完成生活中具体任务来练习目标语,这样就能引起学生的共鸣,学习的效果就能提高。之前的课堂设计说教的味道太浓,而离学生的实际趣味相去远了些,并发现课堂时间分配的不合理,因此作了以下改动。 1Pre-task


在教授新单词的时候,更多地用操练来代替讲解,为下面的课文阅读作好了充分的铺垫。 2While-task

在听读的第一遍,改用比较简单的问题,让学生一下子就能找到答案,从而真正做到由浅入深,让学生在学习的过程中享受到成功的乐趣。但发现原有的为每段找标题的环节过于拖沓,并且没有太多意思,取不到应有的效果,经过考虑把文章分成三大部分,改为段落大意排序。 3Post-task

在学生交流讨论结果的基础上,加入总结 并就标语达成全班共识。



1. 借助于多媒体信息资源,加大了信息输入量,各个任务显得更有趣味性,从而增强了学生的学习兴趣和主体意识,有比较明显的教学效果。

2. 教师设计的教学任务在体现真实性的同时,更具有趣味性,可操作性,交际性,科学性和可拓展性。学生的听、说、读、写四项基本技能都得到了训练。任务的排列前后相连,层层深入,形成由初级任务到高级任务和由高级任务涵盖初级任务的循环。

3. 在课堂教学同时,不忘思想教育,建议学生从自身做起爱护动物,保护湿地,达到思想境界的升华。

4. 注重学生情感,创造民主、和谐的教学气氛。 学生只有对自己、对英语及其文化有积极的情感态度,才能保持英语学习的动力并取得成绩。

5. 因为本课是阅读课,在信息输入的同时,也对学生进行阅读技能的指点,如能长期坚持,学生的阅读能力会不断得到提高。 教学过程中的不足之处:

1. 教师对学生的回答进行评价的时候,语言过于贫乏,缺乏感染力,应该考虑有针对性,体现个性的评语。

2. 完成各个任务的同时也受到任务的限制,学生的自主性没有得到最大程度的体现,显得课堂热闹但没有深度,回答踊跃但思维缺乏创造性。

经过三次上课的磨练,我对基于任务驱动的课堂教学探索有了更大的兴趣。 今后,我会继续努力,设计语言任务将坚持贯彻真实性交际性原则,激发学生从内心深处真正行动起来,实现 “Learning by doing”,让学生真正成为课堂的主宰者。



评语时间 :2017-12-25 08:41:05





