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  发布者:蔡江山    所属单位:福建省长泰县第一中学    发布时间:2018-08-16    浏览数( -) 【举报】


1. 本单元的话题是“Travel Journal/ 旅行日志。通过本单元的学习让学生思考什么是旅游?为什么旅游?
2. 教学时间为1课时,45分钟。
3. 本文是记叙文,话题学生比较感兴趣,但是文中部分语句难度较大
1. 熟练掌握本文中的词汇:journal;prefer;ever since;persuade;graduate;organize
2. 培养学生快读阅读和仔细阅读的能力,掌握有效的阅读方法。
3. 了解湄公河的相关知识,讨论和理解旅行前和旅行中应做的工作。
4. 了解游记这一写作体裁。
1. 了解湄公河的相关知识,提高文化意识;讨论和理解旅行前和旅行中应做的工作。
2. 培养学生快读阅读和仔细阅读的能力,掌握有效的阅读方法。

Step1: Lead-in

设计问题:Imagine that you are in a holiday, you and your family are planning to go to some places for a visit. Which of the following places are you going to visit? How do you plan to get there?


Step2: Pre-reading

设计问题:Look at the map on page 18 and list the countries that the Mekong River flows through.


标题分析:Journey:travel  Down:along   The Mekong: the river


Step3: Reading

Skimming: Match the main idea with each paragraph

  Para.1         A. Preparation

  Para.2         B. Different attitudes

  Para.3         C. Dream


Detailed Reading:

 Para1: True or False

A. Only Wang Wei and Wang Kun are going to cycle along the Mekong River. (  )

B. It was Wang Kun who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River. (  )

C. The Chinese part of the Mekong River is called the Lancang River. (  )

 Para2: Answer the question

  Q: What difficulties did Wang Kun and Wang Wei find about their journey?

  A: The journey will begin at ____________________________ meters, where _______________ and _________ .

 Para3: Answer the questions

Q1: Where is the source of the Mekong and which sea does it enter?

A1: A1: The source of the river is in __________________ and it enters ___________________.

Q2: What can they see during the journey down the Mekong? Underline the words.


Pair Work:

  What do you think about Wang Wei and Wang Kun? Find evidence(证据).

  Wang Wei: _____________________________________________

  Wang Kun: _____________________________________________


Step4: Summary

Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have ______________ taking a bike trip. Two years ago, she bought an expensive bike and _________ me ___ buy one. It was ________ who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River. After ___________ from college, we got the chance to take a bike trip. _________ she didn’t know the best way to get to places, she insisted that she _______ the trip properly. ___ a stubborn girl, once she has ______________, nothing can change it. 
  When I told her that our journey would begin at _____________ more than 5,000 meters, she seemed to be excited about it. Before our trip, we went to the library to find some maps that showed _______________________. From the maps, we could see that the Mekong River ______ in a glacier and becomes rapids as it ______________ valleys. As it enters ________________, it travels slowly through ___________ to _________where rice grows.At last, it enters ____________________.


Step5: Discussion

设计问题:If you and your friends are planning a trip to the Mekong River, what would you take into account before taking the trip?



1. Try to find out some difficult words and sentences.

2. Find more about the Mekong River.



