1. 作业标题:提交校本活动成果截止时间:2014-07-15
  2. 作业要求:






  3. 发布者:英语李华


提交者:庄雪惠     所属单位:兴文中学     提交时间:2014-07-15    浏览数:3     


Unit 3 under the sea

 Extensive reading- - - a new dimension of life

                                         Class 8, Senior Grade 2 ,Zhuang Xuehui

l       Teaching Goals:

Enable the Ss to know more about the living things under the sea.

Develop students’ reading abilities by reading the diary .

Enable the Ss to sum up the passage in 30 words

Enable Ss to read aloud after the tape and correct their own intonation and pronunciation.

l       Important and Difficult Teaching Points:

Enable the Ss to understand the details of the text.

l        Teaching Methods: Reading, listening and speaking.

l       Teaching Aids: a computer; a projector; a blackboard and chalks.

l       Teaching procedures :

l        Step1:Lead-in 

1)        Questions: When you feel like escaping from everyday life, what would you prefer?

2)        Present some pictures of the creatures under the sea to lead to the topic of the passage.

l        Step2:Reading

Task 1: Fast Reading

Ask the Ss to glance the diary and then number the paragraph topics in the correct order.

Topic                       Paragraph number

colours and shapes                 ___                 

the reefs edge                   ___

dangers                          ___                

a final thought                    ___

reflecting                        ___          

some sea creatures                 ___

Answer: 254613

Task 2: ComprehensiveReading---by answering questions.

1)        What is the first thing he became aware of under the sea?

2)        What did the shapes of corals look like?

3)        Then what sea creatures did he find according to the para3?

4)        Were there anything that made him feel frightened? What were they?

5)        How did the author feel after his visit to this wonderful, limitless world?

Answer: 1) Vivid colors like reds,purples,oranges,blues,greens,yellows.

       2)They look like fans,plates,lace,mushrooms,deer horns,deer horns.

       3)orange and white fish (anemone fish); small fish (cleaners );parrotfish;sea-star;;turtle;;sea-slug

       4)Yes,there were. They were the eel, the giant clam,the grey reef shark.

       5)He felt himself a tiny spot compared with the enormous world.

Task3:Summary---by filling the blanks.

The passage was about the writers ________on the day when he went __________ and __________ an __________, limitless world under the sea.

A New Dimension of Life

Answer: reflecting ; snorkeling ; discovered; amazing

Task 4: Listen to the tape and read paragraphs aloud.

l        Step3:Homework

1.        Recite Para1 and the sentences below.

l        The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid colors surrounding me .

l         What a wonderful, limitless world it was down there!

2.        Finish the rest of the exercise.



此外,作为Using Language 部分的阅读,要注意引导学生总结归纳文中有用的单词短语,并将其学以致用,这是本节课所忽略的。

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