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教案:七年级上册 Unit1 My name is Gina  第一课时

(张科 已在 2019-01-25 20:37 推荐!)

  发布者:冯志清    所属单位:达川区达川中学    发布时间:2019-01-20    浏览数( -) 【推荐】 【举报】

一. 教材处理:本单元的重点在于如何在一个新的场合下介绍自己和认识他人。让刚入学不久的初中新生用英语搭建起他们友谊的桥梁。学会用“What’s your name? / What’s her name? / What’s his name?”以及复习Starter U1-3 所学过的一些common English Greetings 来结识朋友。本课生词量不大,重点在于对学生的口语操练以及常用人名的熟悉。
 Step1: 课前热身:通过欣赏一个flash “The farmer has a dog, his name is bingo!” 通过随着节奏的拍手以及一起说唱来激发学生进入课堂的状态并且引入本课主题“something about name”. (但是在授课中,发现学生不能很快熟悉这类chant, 本人为了抓紧时间进入课程,草草结束,并未达到预想的那种进入课堂的气氛。)
Step2: 新课导入并复习前面说学过的名词及句型;
1. Today, we will learn Unit1. My name is Gina. We know Gina is a girl’s name. First, let’s see something about Gina.
This is Gina’s classroom.
What things can you see in Gina’s classroom? Please write down.
Except for the things, we also can see many students in the classroom. They are talking with each other. (让学生熟悉第一单元的生词,并引导进入Step 3 )
Step3: 介绍人名以及对话操练:
1.Gina’s classmates: Jim, Mary, Alan, Jenny.  They are making friends with each other.
   Now, let’s listen how they are making friends.
2. listening, 让学生看课本,并对所听到的对话排序。
3. Pair work: Making friends with your partner.
让学生操练(What’s your name? I’m/My name is …)
Step4: Meet some new friends.
(导入“What’s her name? / What’s his name?)
1.Alice, Cindy, Grace, Helen, Eric, Frank, Bob, Dale;
(通过复习starter U1 所学的男名和女名, 向学生介绍如何询问第三方的姓名)
What’s her name? / What’s his name?
2. 巩固 “What’s her name? / What’s his name?“的句型,
3. Group work: Know the students’ names in your group and make friends with them.
Step5: Listening: 课本section A, 2a,2b
Game: Quickly reaction.
Game2: Let’s guess!通过文字的描述,让学生猜“What’s her name? / What’s his name?”猜的过程中,通过激发学生的好奇心,让学生不断地开口说“Her/His name is…?”然后逐渐的增加信息量,直至学生猜出真实得姓名。
Step6: Group work and report
1.教师演示:These famous people we referred are my good friends. His name is … Her name is …  So , where are your friends?
2. 学生操练对话并做一个report
3. 上台展示
Step7: Homework:





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