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our body and healthy habits

  发布者:肖娟    所属单位:达川区达川中学    发布时间:2019-01-22    浏览数( -) 【举报】

The First Period   Reading
Teaching goals 教学目标
1. Target language目标语言
a. 重点词汇和短语
anxious, captain, injure, injury, pain, painful, normal, lifestyle, head, eye, toward, a sweet tooth
b. 重点句式
When Zhou Kai’s mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jacket on, she eyed him anxiously. P2
Zhou Kai went and did as he was told. P2
I never have to diet ... P3
I was stupid enough to ... P3
As you can see from what I’ve said, I’m a normal kind of person. P3
As I’ve said, this isn’t a problem. P3
2. Ability goals 能力目标
Help the students to learn Zhou Kai’s healthy lifestyle by reading the texts.
3. Learning ability goals 学能目标
Enable the students to learn how to talk about personal lifestyles.
Teaching important points教学重点
Why does Zhou Kai have a healthy lifestyle?
Teaching difficult points教学难点
Understand what a healthy lifestyle is.
Teaching methods教学方法
Skimming, scanning,asking and answering activity and discussion.
Teaching aids教具准备
A recorder and multimedia.
Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
Step I Warming up
T: Good morning, boys and girls! I think you must know the famous Chinese saying: People regard food as their prime want. Eating plays an important part in our daily life. Now, I have some questions for you. Please answer my questions with complete sentences. Do you often eat fish?
S. No, I don’t often eat fish.
T: Do you often eat fruit?
S: Yes, I often eat fruit, almost every day.
T: Do you often catch cold?
S: No, I don’t quite often catch cold. I’m very fit.
T: You eat a lot of sweet things, don’t you?
S: I like eating sweet things, but I don’t often eat them.
T: Do you often take exercise?
S: I take a lot of exercise every week. For example, I do morning exercises every day.
T: Good! That’s why you have a strong body. Now, class, please go through the words in the box of Activity 1. Then do Activity 2 and tick the sentences true for you. And then make a dialogue with your partners just as what I did with you just now.
After some time, ask some pairs to do their role-play.
T: OK. You did an excellent job! Now, let’s learn some English proverbs in Activity 3. Now, I want someone to read the proverbs for us. OK, Mike, please read them out.
Mike reads the proverbs.
T: Very good! Your pronunciation is really beautiful! Next, I’d like you to explain the meanings of these proverbs in English. Maybe it’s a little difficult for you. Just have a try.
The students discuss the proverbs.
T: OK. Stop here. Who volunteers to explain the first one to us? What is the meaning of You are what you eat”?
S: It means what you like eating will have an effect on your body.
T: Well done! What about the second one?
S: It means that if you have a healthy body, you’ll think clearly and quickly.
T: Yes, a strong body can help you make a success. Next one?
S: It means that if you go to bed early and get up early, you’ll have a good rest at night, and if so, you’ll feel full of energy.
T: That’s a good explanation! OK, next one?
S: It means that fruit and vegetables will protect you from illnesses.
T: Good! All of you did a good job! Now, let’s do some translation. Please translate these proverbs into Chinese. Have a discussion first!
The students work in pairs.
T: OK. The first one, who wants to have a try?
S: 吃什么补什么。
T: Right! What about the second one?
S: 身体健康,精神爽!
T: Good! Next one?
S: 睡得早,起得早,聪明,富裕,身体好!
T: Excellent! The last one?
S: 每日一苹果,疾病远离我!
Step II Presentation of the text
T: You did a good job! Next, let’s look at the photo on the next page. What can you see in this photo?
Ss: A boy.
T: Yes, a boy! What’s your impression of the boy?
Ss: He is very handsome. He is tall. He is smiling at us. He is wearing a white shirt.
T: Can you guess his hobby?
Ss: He likes playing football.
T: Yes, we can see he holds a football in his hand, right? Do you know the boy’s name?
Ss: Zhou Kai.
T: Yes. This class we’ll learn something about Zhou Kai’s lifestyle.
Step III Reading
T: Before we come to the text. We’ll deal with some words in Activity 1. Please do it quickly. A few minutes later, we’ll check the answers together.
The students do the activity.
T: OK. No.1, which word is connected with food?
Ss: Sweets.
T: Right. Which words are connected with the body?
Ss: Fever, injure, injury, pain, painful, break (an arm).
T: Good. Which word means usual or ordinary?
Ss: Normal.
T: Yes. Which word means leader?
Ss: Captain.
T: Right. Which word means worried about something that may happen?
Ss: Anxious.
T: Now, let’s come to Zhou Kai (1). I’ll play the recording for you. While listening, please catch the main idea of the passage and do the multiple choice on the screen.
The students do it while listening to the tape.
T: OK. Stop here, please look at the big screen and choose the correct one. Which one is the best?
The passage Zhou Kai (1) mainly tells us that______.
A. Zhou Kai wants to play football in the rain.
B. Zhou Kai is fit enough to play football in all weathers.
C. Zhou Kai’s mother cares about him very much.
D. Zhou Kai dislikes his mother very much.
Ss: The third one.
T: Yes, good. We can see this point from the conversation between Zhou Kai and his mother. Next, let’s learn some details about this passage. You’ll be given a few minutes to read the passage again and answer the questions in Activity 2.
A few minutes later.
T: Now, do this activity with your partners. One asks and the other answers. OK, Question 1, who volunteers to do it?
S: Why is Zhou Kai’s mother anxious?
S: Because he is going out to play football in the rain without a jacket on.
T: Next question?
S: What does she think will happen?
S: She thinks he will catch a bad cold.
T: Next one?
S: What does she ask him to do?  
S: She asks him to at least wear a jacket.
T: Good. I have some words shown on the big screen. Please organize a short paragraph with the words according to the content of Zhou Kai (1). You may add more words.
anxious, fever, catch a bad cold, get one’s jacket on
Give the students some minutes to prepare it.
T: OK, who volunteers to do it?
S: Mother eyed Zhou Kai anxiously when she saw him going out without a jacket on. She was afraid of his catching a fever and a bad cold. Finally, Zhou Kai had to obey his mother’s words and got his jacket on.
T: Excellent! Now, let’s learn more details about Zhou Kai’s lifestyle. Please read Zhou Kai (2) and then summarize the main idea of each paragraph. You can discuss with your partners.
The students read it silently.
T: OK, class, who volunteers to tell the topic sentence of each paragraph? What’ the topic sentence of Paragraph 1?
S: The topic sentence of the first paragraph is My mother has always made sure we eat very healthily, and fresh fruit and vegetables are a very important part of our diet.
T: Yes, right! From the first paragraph, we can see that the family really have a good diet habit. Especially, Zhou Kai, he doesn’t have a sweet tooth. Do you know the meaning of have a sweet tooth?
S: Sorry, we are not sure.
T: Let’s analyze it together. Zhou Kai says, A lot of my school friends eat sweets every day but .... Pay attention to the word but, it tells us that Zhou Kai doesn’t have the same eating habit as his school friends. Following this, Zhou Kai also says, I’d rather eat a nice piece of fruit. Now can you guess if Zhou Kai like eating sweets?
S: No, he doesn’t like eating sweets.
T: So, have a sweet toothmeans: like eating sweet things. OK, what’s the topic sentence of Paragraph 2?
S: It is  I’m quite healthy.
T: Yes, right. But he still tells us his two unlucky experiences. Now, what about Paragraph 3?
S: The topic sentence is I’m crazy about football.
T: Really good! What’s the meaning of the phrase be crazy about here? Does it mean someone has mental problems? Let’s read the context. We can see a dash  between the two sentences, so we know the sentenceI’m crazy about footballis used to explain the last one. The two sentences have the same meaning. The last sentence is But there’s one thing I really love, so the phrase be crazy about means lovelove or like something very much.
T: Yes, good. We can know Zhou Kai’s hobby is playing football. OK, good, now please summarize the whole passage in a sentence. What is it?
S: Zhou Kai has a healthy lifestyle.
T: OK, good, really good. Now read the passage again and finish Activity 4.
Several minutes later, check the answers.
T: I have more exercises for you in order to understand the two passages deeply. Please look at the big screen and choose the best answers.
Choose the best answers:
1. Which of the following statements is RIGHT?
A. Zhou Kai was strong enough to protect him from the cold weather.
B. Zhou Kai was not healthy enough to play football in the rain.
C. Zhou Kai’s mother advised him to play football in the rain with a jacket on.
D. Zhou Kai’s mother didn’t allow him to play football in the rain.
2. And I’m not too heavy, so I never have to diet. The word  diet means_____.
A. eat meat B. eat less sweets
C. eat more fat D. eat less
3. According to Passage 2, which of the following is NOT healthy food?
A. Fresh vegetables   B. Fruit   C. Fish   D. Fat
4. From what Zhou Kai said in Para.2 of Zhou Kai (2) we can infer that_____.
A. he often plays football while raining.
B. he often gets injured while doing sports.
C. he is a lot healthier than his classmates.
D. he catches no cold all the time.
5. From the two passages we learnt that _____ play(s) an important role in Zhou Kai’s daily life.
A. Zhou Kai’s classmates and teacher
B. the football team members
C. healthy food
D. Zhou Kai’s mother
6. In Zhou Kai’s opinion, _____.
A. sweets are better than fruit
B. sweets are not so good as fruit
C. both sweets and fruit are important to one’s health
D. neither sweets nor fruit is important to one’s health
T: Have you finished? Let’s check the answers together.
T: Now, let’s come to the words of this passage. Please finish Activity 5.
Let the students deal with the exercises. And talk about the answers with them.
Step IV Post-reading
T: Now, please go through the two passages again and find out how are the two passages connected? You can discuss this problem in groups.
Let the students do this job.
T: Who can explain this question to us?
S: They are connected because they both talk about the way Zhou Kai’s mother looks after him, and because they both mention the time he got ill after playing football in the rain.
T: Yes, that’s right! But there is a big difference between the two passages. Do you know what it is? That is Zhou Kai (1) is in the third person while Zhou Kai (2) is in the first person. Right?
Ss: Right!
T: What is the advantage of using the first person to tell a story?
Ss: It’ll make the telling more vivid and shorten the mental distance between the author and the readers.
T: Really good! Now we have finished the reading. Do you think Zhou Kai has a healthy lifestyle?
Ss: Yes.
T: Why? Can you explain this point according to the text? Now, suppose you are Zhou Kai. Please tell your healthy lifestyle according to the two passages.
S: My name is Zhou Kai and I think I have a healthy lifestyle. My mother gives me lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. I eat fish, rather than fat, sugar and sweets. I also exercise regularly, and I often play football.
T: Yes, that’s right. You know why Zhou Kai has a healthy body. So, if you want to have a healthy body and live a happy life, you should follow Zhou  example to build a healthy lifestyle  eat healthily and exercise a lot.
StepV Homework. 
T: Revise the text, please pay attention to the important language points. Next class we’ll have a dictation of some key sentences first and then we’ll come to the grammar part, please preview it after class. Time is up today. Bye-bye!





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