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Unit 1 What' the matter?教案

  发布者:彭梦秋    所属单位:大竹县安吉乡中心小学    发布时间:2019-01-27    浏览数( -) 【举报】




Learn some key words and phrases:

1.matter, back, throat, stomachache, cough,fever...

2.have a stomachache/cold/fever/cough...

3.—What’s the matter(with sb.)?

—Sb. have/has a ...

  1. 过程与方法

  2. The students work in pairs or groups to learn the cooperative learning.

  3. Do some listening and speaking practice.

  4. 情感、态度与价值观

    To ask the students to take good care of themselves.



  5. Master the new words and phrases.

  6. Be able to talk about health problems using the target language.

  7. 难点

    How to develop the students abilities of listening , speaking , reading and writing.


    Multimedia method, group work, cooperative discussion.


    Step1 Warming-up (about 3 minutes)

  8. 打招呼Greet the class:

          T: Class begins.

          Ss: Stand up.

          T: Good morning, boys and girls.

          Ss: Good morning, Miss Peng.

          T: Sit down,please.

  9. 分组Divide into groups(赠送神秘礼物)

    G1, G2, G3....Every time one student answer the questions right, the group can get 1 point ,after class,lets see who is the winner.

  10. 欣赏歌曲Enjoy a song

    Step2 Presentation (about 6 mintes)

  11. 展示图片Show a picture of Pan Changjiang on the screen. Teach the words of body parts.Read the words to students and ask them to repeat.

  12. 牛刀小试,give it a try.完成导学案部分习题

  13. 单数变复数形式

    Pay attention to tooth and foot these two words. The plural is teeth and feet. We change oo into ee.

    Step3 练习Presentation and Practice(about 15 minutes )

    1.完成1aWork on Section A 1a

    2.做游戏Play the game:Touch and say

    Touch the parts of your body.Ask six students to come to the front and do as the teacher tells them:Touch your...If one does wrong,let him or her go back,the last one whos in the front is the winner.

    3.引入What’s the matter?及其回答方式。游戏结束后,老师问学生们

       T:Are you happy?

       Ss: Yes!

       T: Look at the picture. Is he happy?

       Ss: No.

       T: No.Why?


       T:He has a cold. If there are something wrong with sb.We could ask sb. ,Whats the matter?(Write it on the blackboard).

      Then show some pictures on the screen and ask students to practice.

      To use gestures to show the illness, let students repeat with other pictures about other illness.

    Eg.T:Whats the matter?

       Ss:He/She has a cold/fever/cough/headache...

    总结出 -ache和sore的用法,“have a +n.”表示患了某种疾病

           Whats the matter with sb.?并做练习

    Step4对话练习Pairwork: ( about 6 minutes )

    Have students work in pairs and ask some pairs to act out their conversations.

    Step5.总结 Summary( about 3 minutes )

  14. Ask students to sum up the parts of a body and the names of illness.

  15. Learn to care for our own and others health.

    Step6.家庭作业Homework( about 1 minutes )

  16. Do some exercise for consolidation.

  17. Pattern transformation.










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