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作业标题 :作业2 作业周期 : 2018-12-042019-01-31

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提交者:学员靳秀梅    所属单位:达川区第四中学    提交时间: 2019-01-16 20:32:10    浏览数( 9 ) 【推荐】 【举报】

Unit 6 Do you like bananas?
Section A (1a-2d)
1. 语言知识目标:
1) 能掌握下列词汇:banana, hamburger, tomato, ice-cream, salad, strawberry, pear, milk, bread, birthday, dinner, food, week, sure, How about …?, burger, vegetable, fruit, right, then  
2) 能掌握以下句型: ① — Do you like salad?    — Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. ② — Does she/he like …?  — Yes, she/he does./ No, she/he doesn’t. ③ — I like … /I don’t like …    ④ — He/She likes … / He/She doesn’t like … 3) 能通过介绍食物学会询问对方喜欢与不喜欢的食物。
2. 情感态度价值观目标:该部分学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的主题涉及学生的饮食习惯和偏爱,对学近学生的生活,谈论的主题涉及学生的饮食习惯和偏爱,对学生养成健康的饮食习惯很有帮助,能引起学生的特别关注,极易于激发学生学习英语的欲望和兴趣,使他们乐于参与各种英语实践活动。通过学习西方食品文化,促使学生了解西方生活方式与文化,培养跨文化交际的意识。
1. 教学重点:1) 学习并积累一些食物的词汇。2) 名词复数的使用。3)动词like一般现在时的各种句式及一般疑问句的肯定、否定回答;
2. 教学难点:1) 行为动词like的一般现在时的用法;2) 使用do和does引导的一般疑问句的构成和使用。
I. New words
According to the pictures, learn the new words.
II. Warming-up   
Ask some Ss questions: 
T: What’s that?
S1: It’s _______.  T: What are those in English? 
S1: They are _______. 
III. Presentation
1. Show some pictures of food on the screen and learn the new words.(banana, hamburger, tomato, ice-cream, salad, strawberry, pear, milk, bread, birthday, food, burger, vegetable, fruit) 
2. Let Ss read and try to remember the new words. 
3. T: Let’s look at the picture in 1a. Match the words with the things in the picture. Then check the answers.
IV. ListeningT: Let’s work on 1b.
Listen and number the conversations [1-3].
Ss listen to the tape and number the conversations.
V. Pair work
1. Read the conversations in 1b. Let Ss read after the teacher.
2. Now let’s act out the conversations 1-3.  (Ss work with their partner and act out the conversation 1-3.) 
3. Look at the picture and make more conversations using the words in 1a.
4. Let some pairs act out their conversations. VI. Listening
1. Point to and read each word aloud, Ss only listen. Then let some Ss read the words by themselves. Check that Ss understand the meaning of the each word.
2. Play the recording for the first time, Ss only listen.
3. Then play the recording again Ss circle the words they hear. Play the recording again. Check the answers.
4. A girl and a boy want to have something in the restaurant. Do they like hamburgers? Does the boy like milk? Does the boy like ice-cream? Now let’s listen to the recording. For the first time, Ss only listen.
5. For the second time, Ss listen and fill in the blanks.
— I like hamburgers. Do you like hamburgers?
—Yes, I do.
— Do you like __________?
— No, I don’t like ___________.
— Let’s have _________.
— Oh, no.
— No?
— I don’t like __________.
6. Play the recording for the third time, Check the answers.
VII. Pair work
1. Read the conversation in speech bubbles in 2b. Ask Ss to read after the teacher.  
2. Ss practice the conversations in pairs. 
3. Let some pairs act out the conversations.   4. Ss give answers that are true for them. Then practice their conversations.  
5. Ask some pairs act out their conversations.
从教学设计角度来分析,该课内容充实,重点突出,从教学策略角度分析,课堂上注重以学生为课堂的主人,注重教学方法的引导和兴趣引导,学生在乐中学。体现以学生为主体,教师为主导,人人都获得必需的表现,不同的人在学上得到不同的发展的理念。应该实现评价的多样化。要打破以测试一统天下的评价格局,一方面要注重对学生基础能力的测量,也要评价学生的能力 ;另一方面,还要提倡多种多样的评价方法。当然,各位老师可以根据具体的情况灵活地创造出更多、更有效的评价方法。 


perfect !

评语时间 :2019-01-18 13:42:03






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