作业标题 :个人教学设计 作业周期 : 2018-11-19 — 2019-03-31
作业要求 : 在本次培训中,我们学习了学科专业知识的相关课程,也参加了相关交流研讨活动。要进一步做到“教学实践改进”,需要在课堂中真正去应用学到的知识。请您将本次培训所学融入到课堂中去,并完成一份个人教学设计提交至平台。 作业要求: 1.教学设计请参照模板要求填写;要体现应用了本次培训所学到的哪些学科专业知识; 2.要求原创,做真实的自己,如出现雷同,视为不合格; 3.字数不少于300字。 注:为方便批改,请尽量不要用附件的形式提交。(最好先在文档编辑器word软件里编辑好,再将内容复制到答题框提交,操作时间不要超过20分钟)
发布者 :项目管理员
提交者:学员陈琳 所属单位:法帕中学 提交时间: 2018-12-09 13:01:59 浏览数( 0 ) 【举报】
个人教学设计 | |||||
课题名称:Unit7sectionB2a-2e | |||||
姓名 | 陈琳 | 工作单位 | 法帕中学 | ||
年级学科 | 八年级英语 | 教材版本 | 人教版 | ||
一、教学难点内容分析(简要说明课题来源、学习内容、知识结构图以及学习内容的重要性) | |||||
(1)理解2b的课文,能理解并运用其中的重点短语或句子。 (2)将比较级和数字的表达灵活地运用到文章中去。
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二、教学目标(从学段课程标准中找到要求,并细化为本节课的具体要求,目标要明晰、具体、可操作,并说明本课题的重难点) | |||||
(1)理解课文内容,知道如何捕捉细节。 (2)正确使用形容词、副词的原级,比较级和最高级。 (3)学会对事实和数字的比较。 (4)意识到保护环境和自然资源的重要性。
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三、学习者特征分析(学生对预备知识的掌握了解情况,学生在新课的学习方法的掌握情况,如何设计预习) | |||||
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四、教学过程(设计本课的学习环节,明确各环节的子目标) | |||||
Step1. Warming–up activities. 教师用一个关于熊猫的视频作为热身,并在幻灯片上呈现熊猫图。 紧接着,教师和学生展开问答,呈现课本54页2a的新课目标词汇(用下划线标注出),并逐步绘制出图1。 T: What do you know about pandas? What do pandas look like? S1: They are big and cute. S2: They are black and white. T: Yes, what do they eat? S3: They eat leaves. T: We call this kind of leaves bamboo. And where do they live? S4: They live in Sichuan, some live in zoos. S5: Some live in the forest. T: You are right. What do you think of pandas. S6: Popular and beautiful. S7: Very famous. T: I think so. What problems do pandas have now? S8: They are in danger. T: Great! That means they are endangered. We must do something to protect them.
What do you know about pandas?
Sichuan,China zoo forest
图1 Step 2. 教师在黑板上写下10,12,300,2000四个数字,要求学生快速阅读2b 文本,找出这些数字分别对应的内容。 在阅读前教师要告诉学生在阅读文本时寻读(Scanning .This means moving your eyes quickly down the page to find specific information.)的方法,即:直接搜寻数字,然后阅读数字前后的内容,确定数字表达的信息。 10 kilos of bamboo, 12 hours a day, 2000 pandas, Another 300 or so. 接下来引导学生用完整句子表达这些数字的含义。 Adults pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating about 10 kilos bamboo. There are now fewer than 2,000 pandas living in the forests. Another 300 or so live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries. Step3. Scanning. Read the text again, try to answer some questions. 学生阅读2c的五个问题,在充分理解问题的基础上快速寻读文本,找出关键信息,并在问题后写出简略的回答。教师可以规定学生在较短的时间来快速阅读并抢答,答对者给予一定的加分。 1.What is Lin Wei's job?___________________________ 2.What do the baby pandas have for breakfast? ____________________________________________________ 3.Why are pandas endangered?_________________________ 4.What does the education program in Chengdu do? ___________________________________________________ 5.Why are scientist doing research? __________________________________________________Step4.活动2d. Intensive Reading: Read the text again, try to finish the mind-map. 先让学生从头到尾地仔细阅读文本,尽可能记住文章中的细节。教师借用以下文本框架(见图2)帮助学生深入地理解文章。
然后鼓励学生用自己的语言复述课文。教师可以给出一个模板,让学生参照着复述课文。 Pandas do not have many __________, maybe only one_______ .The hobies often_________ illnesses and do not live very long. Adults pandas ________ more than 12 hours a day ________ about 10 kilos bamboo.Many years ago, there are________bamboo forests and pandas than there are now. But then humans started to_______the forests , and there was______bamboo for the pandas. Scientists say there are now fewer than 2,000 pandas ________ in the remaining forests. Step5. Extension activity. To ask the students to tell something about pandas and finish 2e. 通过问题What do the children do to help save the pandas?导入保护熊猫的讨论,引出2e 的问题。 教师让学生以小组的形式讨论,并将讨论的结果(保护熊猫的方法)罗列在黑板上,在全班进行交流分享。
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五、教学策略选择与高效课堂融合的设计(针对学习流程,设计教与学的方式的变革,配置学习资源和数字化工具,设计高效课堂融合点) | |||||
教师活动 | 预设学生活动 | 设计意图 | |||
| T: What do you know about pandas? What do pandas look like? S1: They are big and cute. S2: They are black and white. T: Yes, what do they eat? S3: They eat leaves. T: We call this kind of leaves bamboo. And where do they live? S4: They live in Sichuan, some live in zoos. S5: Some live in the forest. T: You are right. What do you think of pandas. S6: Popular and beautiful. S7: Very famous. T: I think so. What problems do pandas have now? S8: They are in danger. T: Great! That means they are endangered. We must do something to protect them.
| 教师通过构建熊猫的思维导图(mind-map见图1)的方式鼓励学生谈论他们对熊猫的了解,还可以结合前面的2a的内容,让学生有机会自己组织语言表达已知的信息。 | |||
教师在黑板上写下10,12,300,2000四个数字,要求学生快速阅读2b 文本,找出这些数字分别对应的内容。
| Adults pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating about 10 kilos bamboo. There are now fewer than 2,000 pandas living in the forests. Another 300 or so live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries.
| (1) 读是学生获取信息的有效途径。通过让学生默读可以培养其快速阅读的能力。(2)通过有目的地读,让学生在了解课文大意的同时握课文中一些细节性的内容。
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| 学生阅读2c的五个问题,在充分理解问题的基础上快速寻读文本,找出关键信息,并在问题后写出简略的回答。 | 进一步有目的地寻读,可以让学生更好地掌握scanning。同时,通过抢答加分的方式,进一步激发学生的主动参与性。
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| 鼓励学生用自己的语言复述课文。可以参照一个模板,让学生参照着复述课文。
| (1)通过文本框架让学生深入地理解文章,提高他们阅读的积极性。 (2)通过搜寻具体信息,培养寻读(scanning)的能力。(3)了解国宝熊猫与动物保护。 | |||
六、教学板书(本节课的教学板书) | |||||