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作业标题 :写一篇体现学科核心素养落地的教学设计 作业周期 : 2018-12-252018-12-28

作业要求 :写一篇能够体现英语学科核心素养落地的教学设计

发布者 :李莉 


提交者:学员梁奔    所属单位:四更中学    提交时间: 2018-12-25 22:52:56    浏览数( 4 ) 【举报】


I. Learning aims:

1. 知识目标

单词:central, magical, height, northeast, sheep, hat, fly, scissors, wool, hate

短语:here we go, according to, sailing boat, keep sb./ sth away, cut sth off, keep a diary, brush sth off sth, at that time 

2. 能力目标 




3. 情感目标


4. 教学重难点:定语从句

II. Learning process:

Step 1 Greeting 


Step 2 Pre-listening 

1By showing some pictures about Australia, ask the students the following questions: 

(1) Have you ever seen these places on TV?

(2) Which country is it? Is it beautiful?


Australia is a country that is very beautiful. (板书)

2Ask students to discuss the two questions:

(1) What language do the people here speak?

English is the language that Australians speak.

(2) What is the country famous for?(animals, food…) 给出袋鼠、考拉、绵羊的图片,引导学生回答。

Australia is a country that is famous for kangaroos , koalas and sheep.

(过渡:T: Australia is called a country on the back of sheep. Do you want to visit it? 

板书:Australia is a country________________.that I want to visit

(设计意图:1.引入定语从句。2. 与学生一起探讨澳大利亚常识,拉近与课文知识的距离)


Step 3 While-listening

1. Listen to the dialogue in Activity 2. Fill in the blanks.

(1) Tony knows that the Olympic Games in _____were held in Sydney. 

(2) Ayers Rock is a huge rock in the ______ of Australia. 

(3) Australia is ________ English-speaking country in the southern part of the world. (引导学生思考:Why?)

 (设计意图:1.针对文本听细节。2. 埋入伏笔,让学生思考澳大利亚人说英语的原因)

2. Listen to the first part of the dialogue in Activity 3 and think: 

(1) Order the three places you hear in the conversation.

A. The Sydney Opera House B. Ayers Rock  C. The Great Barrier Reef  

(2) What’s Ayers Rock’s height?

A. 348 metres    B. 548 metres  C. 843metres

(3) What is the Sydney Opera House like?

A. A special tree   B. A huge sailing boat  C. A large bag

3. Listen to the second part of the dialogue and think:

(1) What do Tony’s dad’s Australian friends do?

A. They are teachers  B. They are sheep farmers. C. They are policemen.

(2) Did Tony’s dad keep a diary ?

A. Yes, he did.    B. No, he didn’t.   C. We don’t know.


4. Listen to the whole dialogue, ask students to pay attention to the pronunciation.


Step4  After-listening

1. Students read the dialogue and complete the information: 

(1) This is Ayers Rock. It is huge, ______, ________  

(2) This is the Sydney Opera House. It’s like a ____ _____ _____with water on ______sides. 

(3) It’s the Great Barrier Reef. It’s a ______wonder and it’s over ____ kilometres long. 


2. Read again and think about the questions:

Why do sheep farmers wear special hats?

What are sheep farmers holding? What can they do with them?

Why do Australians speak English?

What didn’t Tony’s father like about Australia?

3. Ask students to read the sentences together.



Step 5  Free talk 

T: Read a million books and travel a million miles. Reading and traveling

make us a full man. Let’s have a free talk about travelling.

1.Which wonderful places have you ever been to?
  Which fantastic places do you want to visit?
2.Can you describe them? (Where is it? What is it special about? )

e.g. I want to visit the Great Wall that is very huge and special.

I have been to Mount Huang that is in Anhui.

3. Ask students to discuss in groups. Then share their ideas.


Step 6 Summary

Step 7 Homework 

Write more than five sentences about a favourite place you have visited before or you want to visit. Remember to use attributive clause (that……). Next class, you can show your sentences with your classmates.




Module 10   Australia

Uint1 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year.




Australia is a country that is very beautiful.


Australia is a country that I want to visit.


评语时间 :2018-12-27 08:11:40






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