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作业标题 :写一篇体现学科核心素养落地的教学设计 作业周期 : 2018-12-252018-12-28

作业要求 :写一篇能够体现英语学科核心素养落地的教学设计

发布者 :李莉 


提交者:学员文林智    所属单位:东方市民族中学    提交时间: 2018-12-25 18:04:59    浏览数( 5 ) 【举报】

Module 3 Sports

Unit1 Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis.

民族中学 文林智

u Type of this lesson: Listening and speaking

u Teaching aims: To understand the conversation about the sports.

                 To understand the comparison of sports .

                 To talk about the sports that that one likes and gives reasons, using comparatives.

u Teaching key points: Key vocabularybaseball, volleyball, boring, exciting, relaxing ,matter, hurt, stadium, miss,

mind, plenty, plenty of …                           

Key structuresWatching is not dangerous and it’s more relaxing too! And staying at home was easier than going to the stadium.

u Teaching difficulties: the use of comparative degree of adjectives with two or more than two syllables

u Teaching steps:

Step1, Greetings

Step2, Lead-in   

1.     Ask students some questions. How was your weekend? What do you usually do at the weekend? Do you usually do some sports at the weekend? Who does some sports at the weekend?

2.     Say “I usually do some sports at the weekend. I think it is good for our health. Do you agree with me? So today let’s talk about sports.

3.     Look at the picture, what is he doing? ( He is playing tennis) I like playing tennis very much, I think it’s very enjoyable. I think nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis.

Step3, Presentation/ Vocabulary/ Speaking

1.     Show student some pictures about sports. Elicit basketball, football, table tennis, volleyball, tennis and baseball

2.     Say “I like basketball very much, because it’s very exciting and relaxing. Ask students “ what sports do you like Why?  Give them more pictures about sports.

3.     Elicit the answers from the students and elicit some adjectives.

4.     Continue to say “I don’t like baseball, because it’s very boring and difficult.”  Ask students “How about you? Can you tell me what sports you don’t like?”

5.     Elicit the answers from the students and elicit some adjectives and write them on the blackboard.

6.     Read the adjectives on the blackboard together.                                                                        

7.     The teacher says “I not only like playing basketball, but also like swimming. But I think swimming is more relaxing than playing basketball.”

8.     Ask students to make sentences like the example.

9.     Students say their sentences one by one.

10.  Work in pairs and ask and answer.

Step4, Listening

1, Read the words in the box in Activity 1 chorally.

2, Match the word with the pictures.

3. Say “Just now we talked about our favorite sports, Daming and Betty also like sports very much. Let’s listen to the tape and find out what sports they like. When you are listen, you should number the words as you hear them.

4. Play the recording and listen for the first time.

5. Listen again and ask the students to check their answers.

6. Elicit the answers from the students.

7. Listen and check the answer together.

Step5, Listening and reading

1.     Ask students to read and listen to Activity 3. And answer the questions.

2.     Ask a student What do you do and say when you meet your teacher?” and write it on the blackboard.

3.     Write the answer on the blackboard.

4.     Do Activity5. Work in pairs and. Talk about what so you do and say when you meet different people.

5.     Elicit the answers from students.


Step6, Listening and reading

1.     Students work in pairs and read the conversation by themselves.

2.     Listen to the tape.

3.     Answer the teacher’s questions:

What do Russian/ Chinese/ Americans/ India/ Maori people do when they meet?

4.     Work in pairs and find out the answers from the conversation.

5.     Elicit the answers from students.

6.     Listen to the tape and read the conversation.

7.     Read the conversation in roles.

8.     Complete the table with the correct form of the words from the box.

Step7, Pronunciation and speaking

Homework: Copy the new words and try to remember them.

           Recite the conversation.

Blackboard design:

Unit 1 Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis.

-Which sport do you like, swimming or running ?

-I like swimming . It’s more relaxing than running



评语时间 :2018-12-27 08:09:57






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