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Starter Units 1-3 单元测试题

  发布者:文倩    所属单位:理塘县中学    发布时间:2019-08-27    浏览数( -) 【举报】

Starter Units 1-3 单元测试题

Written test part (共100分)


A) 在四线三格中规范地写出下列图片所含字母的大小写形式。






B) 根据首字母顺序给下列单词排序,并将其序号写在单词前面的括号内。

(    )21. month               (    )22. photo        

(    )23. watch                  (    )24. table        

(    )25. girl        

C) 根据要求填空。

26. 在英语字母表中,第十八个字母的大写形式是________

27. (美国)全国篮球协会的英语缩略形式是________

28. 英语中的五个元音字母分别是:a, e, i, o, ________

29. 服装的尺码为大号,用字母________表示。

30. 读音和see相同的小写字母是________


A) 将所给字母组成的单词写在横线上。

31. y, s, a  ______________          

32. l, u, b, e  ______________

33. d, o, g, o  ______________       

34. r, e, l, r, u  ______________

35. c, l, r, o, o  ______________

B) 将所给图片与其对应的单词连线。






















单项选择(每小题1分, 10)


(    )41. 下列单词中含有/ I /读音的是______

       A. please                     B. morning                 C. key

(    )42. 下列字母的小写形式在四线三格中只占一格的是______

       A. H                            B. P                           C. Z  

(    )43. 英国广播公司的英语缩略形式是______

       A. CCTV                B. BBC                  C. UFO

(    )44. hi意思相近的单词是______

       A. hello                      B. fine                       C. thanks

(    )45. 下列图片中表示停车场的是______

      A.             B.           C.      

(    )46. This is ______ orange. ______ orange is big.

       A. a; An                     B. an; The                  C. a; The

(    )47. I ______ 11 and you ______ 12.   

       A. are; is                     B. am; are                 C. is; am

(    )48. —What's the English ______ “钥匙”?

       —A key.

       A. in                          B. on                            C. for

(    )49. —Good evening, Bob!

       —______, Eric! 

       A. Good morning         B. Good afternoon            C. Good evening   

(    )50. —______?

       —I'm OK, thanks. 

       A. How is Frank          B. How are you              C. How is it



A: Hello, Helen!

B: (51)________

A: How are you?

B: (52)________ And you?

A: I'm fine, too.

B: (53)________

A: A pen.   

B: (54)________

A: P-E-N. 

B: (55)________

A: It's brown. 


A. Spell it, please.


B. What color is it?


C. I’m fine.


D. Hello, Bob!


E. What’s this in English?





Hello, everyone! I   56   Linda. I meet Grace and Dale in the   57  . I say good morning to them (他们). Grace has   58   red jacket. She likes   59   very much. She says to me, “Can you   60   ‘red'?” I say, “Yes. R-E-D.” Dale has a cup.   61   is green. He can say it   62   English. I have a   63  , too (). What color is   64   cup? It's yellow. I think (认为) yellow is a(n)   65   color.

(    )56. A. is                     B. am                    C. are

(    )57. A. morning           B. afternoon       C. evening     

(    )58. A. an                    B. a                       C. the

(    )59. A. green               B. yellow               C. red    

(    )60. A. spell                 B. say                   C. see

(    )61. A. This                 B. That                  C. It

(    )62. A. at                     B. in                     C. on 

(    )63. A. cup                  B. jacket                C. ruler        

(    )64. A. his              B. your                  C. my           

(    )65. A. good                B. OK                   C. English    



Alice: Good morning, Bob! How are you?

Bob: I'm fine, thank you. Your jacket is nice, Alice!

Alice: Thank you! I like (喜欢) the color purple.

Bob: Purple is good. My pen is purple.

Alice: My pen is blue. Bob, can you spell “blue”?

Bob: Yes. B-L-U-E.

Alice: Good! I can give () you an orange.

Bob: Thank you, Alice. Can you spell “orange”?

Alice: O-R-E-N-G-E. 

Bob: No! It's O-R-A-N-G-E!

Alice: Oh, yes. Thank you!


(    )66. Alice meets Bob in the afternoon.

(    )67. Alice likes the color purple.

(    )68. Bob's pen is blue.

(    )69. Bob gives Alice an orange.

(    )70. Bob can spell “orange”. 




I am Grace. This is


my ruler. It’s red. I


like red.



I’m Helen. This is


my key. I put () it


on my green quilt.



I’m Frank. This is a


yellow cup. It’s


from 来自) Eric. I


like it. My name is


on it.



I’m Bob. My jacket


is red. I like the


color. It is a good





(    )71. What color is Grace's ruler?

A. Red.             

B. Green.   

C. Yellow.        

D. White. 

(    )72. Helen's key is ______. 

A. on her ruler    

B. on her quilt   

C. in her cup          

D. in her jacket 

(    )73. What is yellow? 

A. The pen.            

B. The jacket.    

C. The quilt.            

D. The cup. 

(    )74. Eric gave () the cup to ______.

A. Grace                 

B. Bob   

C. Frank            

D. Helen

(    )75. 下列哪项陈述是正确的?

A. Eric's cup is blue.

B. Frank's quilt is red.

C. Helen's jacket is black.

D. Grace and Bob like red. 



76. 这把尺子是绿色的。

This ruler ________ ________.

77. 那是我的学校。

________ ________ my school.

78. 我喜欢这个白色的杯子。

I like the ________ ________.

79. 格雷丝会拼写她的名字。

Grace ________ ________ her name.

80. 请说谢谢!

Say ________, ________!



81. 海伦下午遇见戴尔,并和他打招呼。

Helen: _______________________________

Dale:  ________________________________

82. 鲍勃拿着一支钢笔,问辛迪用英语怎么说。

Bob: _________________________________

Cindy:  _______________________________

83. 弗兰克指着一个杯子,让简拼写。

Frank: _______________________________

Jane:  ________________________________

84. 杰克遇见他的同学吉娜,询问其身体情况。

Jack:  ________________________________

Gina:  ________________________________

85. 王欣指着一件棕色的夹克衫,问埃里克它是什么颜色的。

Wang Xin:  ___________________________

Eric:  ________________________________



Cindy and Amy are sisters. Cindy is 12 and Amy is 14. They are middle school students, and they go to No. 9 Middle School.

Cindy and Amy have some differences (不同之处). Cindy likes red, blue and white. Amy likes yellow, green and black. Cindy likes playing with her friends after school, but Amy likes reading books at home.

Cindy and Amy have something in common (相同). They like oranges. They like English. They have many CDs.

Cindy and Amy are sisters, and they are friends, too.


(    )1. How old is Amy?

A. 11.     

B. 12.   

C. 13.  

D. 14.

(    )2. What color does Cindy like?

A. Red, green and yellow.      

B. Red, blue and white.

C. Yellow, green and black.     

D. Blue, white and black.

(    )3. What does Amy like doing after school?

A. Reading books.    

B. Watching TV.  

C. Going shopping.   

D. Playing with friends. 

(    )4. Cindy and Amy have ______ things in common.

A. two              

B. three   

C. four              

D. five

(    )5. What can we know from the passage? 

A. Cindy likes apples.

B. Cindy and Amy like music.

C. Cindy and Amy are cousins.

D. Amy goes to No. 9 Middle School.




21-25 23541   26. R   27. NBA   28. u   29. L   30. c  

. 31. say   32. blue   33. good   34. ruler   35. color


. 41-45 BCBAC   46-50 BBCCB

. 51-55 DCEAB  

. 56-60 BABCA   61-65 CBACA

. 66-70 FTFFT    71-75 ABDCD

. 76. is green   77. That is   78. white cup   79. can spell     80. thanks; please 

. One possible version:

81. Helen: Good afternoon, Dale!

   Dale: Good afternoon, Helen!

82. Bob: What's this in English?

   Cindy: It's a pen.

83. Frank: Spell it, please. 

   Jane: C-U-P. 

84. Jack: How are you, Gina?

      Gina: I'm fine / OK, thanks.

85. Wang Xin: What color is the jacket?

Eric: It's brown. 







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