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作业标题:第二次校本研修成果 作业周期 : 2019-05-05 2019-07-25











提交者:学员周丛玉    所属单位:新县第三初级中学    提交时间: 2019-06-20 09:44:01    浏览数( 15 ) 【举报】

                          Unit5 Topic2 SectionA
学习目标 1、 通过 1a 的学习, 初步了解先行词为人的定语从句的结构和关系词的选用; 2、 通过学习 1a、 1b 了解并会说一些常见的孔子的名言; 3、 了解孔子的生平简历, 学习孔子致力学术, 专注教学的精神。
重点 初步了解先行词为人的定语从句的结构和关系词的选用
难点 1、 了解先行词为人的定语从句的结构和关系词的选用;
2、 了解并会说一些常见的孔子的名言 教 法 三疑三探 学 法 自学、 合作、 探究 教具学具 ppt
一、 设疑自探
(一) 创设情境, 导入新课 出示课件: 1、 Look at some sayings. Which sayings are Confucius ?. (1) When I walk along with two others, I may be able to learn from them. (2) The early bird catches the worms. (3) What you know, you know; what you don’ t know, you don’ t know. (4) He who learns but does not think is lost; he who thinks but does not learn is in danger. (5) Love me, love my dog. (6) Where there is a will, there is a way. 2、 Do you know about Confucius? (1)Confucius was a pioneer in the field of education. He was also a famous philosopher. (2) He was born in the year 551 B. C. He began to teach in his thirties and spent the rest of his life teaching. (3) His main idea is about kindness and good manners.
(二) 出示学习目标 • 1、 通过 1a 的学习, 初步了解先行词为人的定语从句的结构和关系词的选用; • 2、 通过学习 1a、 1b 了解并会说一些常见的孔子的名言; • 3、 了解孔子的生平简历, 学习孔子致力学术, 专注教学的精神。
(三) 出示自探提示, 组织学生自探。
自探提示: Read 1a and answer the questions. (1) Whom are they talking about? Confucius. (2) When was he born? He was born in the year 551 B. C. (3) Have his wise sayings influenced many people? Yes, they have.
二、 解疑合探
(一) .小组合探。 1.解决以下问题; • 1、 找出下列词组 1.询问…关于…__________ 2.在教育领域____________ 3.关于人性和行为的至理名言 ______________________ 4.仁和礼_______________ 5.…之一_______________ 6.学习和思考的重要性_________________ 2、 找出文中的定语从句, 并从三要素的角度分析 1.______________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________ 3、 完成 1b 小组展示 2.教师出示展示分工。 题号 展示组 方式 1 题 2 组 板书 2 题 3 组 板书+口述 3 题 4 组 口述 (二) .教师点评。 1.教师点拨或精讲。 1. He was a great thinker who/that had many wise ideas and thoughts about human nature and behavior. that/who 修饰 thinker, 在定语从句中做主语。 2. He is also a famous philosopher whose wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries. whose 修饰 philosopher, 在定语从句中做定语。 e.g. (1) He is the man that/who I want to meet. (2) I like the teacher who/that can play with us. (3) We passed some shops whose windows were decorated for Christmas.
三、 质疑再探:
1.现在, 我们已经解决了自探问题。 下面我们再回看一下, 开始我们提出的问题还有那些没有解决? 2. 老师还有几个问题, 同学们看下应该怎么解决。 (1) 、 如果先行词为人时, 若在从句中做宾语成分, 能不能用 whom 呢? (2) 、 先行词为人时, who 可以替代 whom 吗? 什么情况时不可以替代? (3) 、 那么 whom 可以替代 who 吗? (4) 、 关系词使用 whose 时, 先行词只能为人吗? 四、 运用拓展(8 分钟) (一) 根据本节学习内容, 学生自编习题, 交流解答。 请你来当小老师, 编一道题, 考考大家(同桌) !
(二) 老师也给大家设计了一些习题, 检测一下大家对本节知识的掌握与运用情况。 请看:Join the sentences with that/who to form attributive clauses. ① She is a girl. I want to meet her. ② The boy is my brother. The boy stands in front of the house. ③ The astronaut is coming here. The astronaut is Yang Liwei. ④ He is the student. He comes to school first every day.
(三) 全课总结 1. 学生谈学习收获。 通过这节课的学习, 你都有哪些收获? 谈一谈. 2. 学科班长评价本节课活动情况。
(四) 作业设计
Unit5 Topic2 SectionA
ask sb.about sth. in the field of education wise ideas about human nature andbehavior kindness and good manners one of +可数名词的复数 the importance of learning and thinking 1. He was a great thinker who/that had many wise ideaman nature and behavior. that/who 修饰 thinker, 在定语从句中做主语。 2. He is also a famous philosopher whose wise sayings people in different countries. whose 修饰 philosopher, 在定语从句中做定语。 e.g. (1) He is the man that/who I want to meet. (2) I like the teacher who/that can play with 个性


评语时间 :2019-06-28 08:07:09






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