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作业标题:第二次校本研修成果 作业周期 : 2019-05-05 2019-07-25











提交者:学员代肖    所属单位:河南省淮滨高级中学    提交时间: 2019-05-06 20:07:24    浏览数( 0 ) 【举报】

unit20 lesson3教学设计

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language目标语言

a. 重点短语

range from… to…, single out, according to, be used to…, wrestle with something, be dedicated to, by mistake

b. 重点句子

  In the summer of 1905, this outspoken young man was rocking his one-year-old baby when he was suddenly inspired.

Without the discoveries of these pioneers in science and technology, whether lucky or planned, the world as we know it today would have been a completely different place.

2. Ability goals 能力目标

Enable the students to talk about some pioneers of science and some discoveries and inventions.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help the students learn how to talk about some pioneers of science and the importance of some discoveries and inventions.

Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点

Talk about some scientists and their discoveries.

Teaching methods教学方法

Scanning, skimming and discussing.

Teaching aids教具准备

A recorder, a computer and a projector.

Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式

Step I Revision and lead-in

Check the answers to Exercises 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on pages 76 and 77. Meanwhile, explain word-formation: affix and prefix as well as abbreviations where necessary.

T: In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, scientists all over the world made many important discoveries in many fields. Can you name some of them? What are their discoveries?

S1: Madame Curie studied physics and discovered radioactivity.

S2: Albert Einstein was famous for his Theory of Relativity.

S3: Alexander Fleming. We should thank him for his discovery of penicillin.

T: Wonderful. There were some other scientists who also made great contributions to the world. Today let’s read a passage “Pioneers of Science”.

Step II Reading (pages 24 & 25)

Ask the students to read the passage on Pages 24 & 25 and learn about some important discoveries.

T: Now turn to page 24 and look at the pictures on Pages 24 & 25. Do you know the major discoveries of the scientists in the pictures? Any volunteer?

S: Albert Einstein: the Theory of Relativity; Edwin Hubble, who discovered nebulae; Alexander Fleming, penicillin; the last picture is about one of the scientists who produced the world’s first computer.

T: Good. Now do Exercise 2 and try to match the discoveries with how they were discovered.

Ask one of the students to read his answers to this exercise.


T: Up to now you have guessed something about the scientists without reading the passage. Please read the passage to check your guesses you made just now. and try to answer the following questions.

1 How many important discoveries and pioneers are mentioned in the passage?

2 Were all their discoveries made by accident?

After the students’ reading, ask two of them to answer the questions.

T: Who’d like to answer the first question?

S: Five.

T: What about the second one?

S: Not all their discoveries were made by accident. Some of them are made by chance, while some as planned.


T: OK. You’ve got the general idea of the passages. Now I’ll give you a few minutes to read the passage again carefully and get more information about it. Do Exercise 4 on page 25 and try to decide the statements are true or false. You can first refer to the reading strategies on page 24 before doing the exercise. Are you clear?

S: Yes.

T: OK. Please begin.

After a few minutes, check the answers together.

T: Time is up. I’ll ask some of you to read the answers for us.

Suggested answers to Exercise 4:

1 F 2 NI 3 F 4 NI 5 F 6 T 7 F 8 NI 9 T 10 T 11 T 12 T


T: Up to now, you have understood the passage well. Listen to the passage, paying attention to the phrases and important sentences on the screen.

Show them on the screen.

range from… to…, single out, according to, be used to…, wrestle with something, be dedicated to, by mistake

1 In the summer of 1905, this outspoken young man was rocking his one-year-old baby when he was suddenly inspired.

2 Without the discoveries of these pioneers in science and technology, whether lucky or planned, the world as we know it today would have been a completely different place.

T: Do you have any difficulty in understanding the passage?

S: Could you explain how to use the two phrases “be used to” and “be dedicated to”?

T: A good question. First you should pay attention to the usage of the word “use” in the following three sentences. They have different meanings. 1) Wood can be used to make paper. 2) I used to play basketball, but I don’t now. 3) I have been used to getting up early. Second, a noun or a verb-ing form should be used after the phrase “be dedicated to”. Here “to” is a preposition. Are you clear?

S: Yes. Thank you.

T: Do you have any other questions to ask?

S: No.

T: Now let’s do Exercise 1 on page 70 and study some scientific words.

Ask one of them to read his or her answers to this exercise.


Ask the students to discuss the questions of Exercise 6. They are given several minutes to discuss. Each member is encouraged to think actively and participate in the discussion. Make sure all the students have their own opinion.

T: Discuss these questions of Exercise 6 with your partner. After a few minutes, I’ll ask some of you to report the result of your discussion.

Suggested answers to Exercise 6:

1 I think the world’s first computer has been the most important so far. Although it was nothing like our computers today, it has a great effect on modern computers. It is computers that have nearly changed our world. A computer is playing a very important part in our life. Through it we can learn some modern information about society, the country, and the world. We can also play computer games, write an e-mail, entertain ourselves, exchange ideas and so on with a computer. In a word, a computer is becoming increasingly popular. It is a necessity in our life.

2 In my opinion, Edwin Hubble’s discovery will have the most important consequences in the future, because he began to explore our galaxy and was about to make astronomy’s greatest breakthrough. It was his discovery that made us understand the universe better. And space is our final frontier. We’ll continue to explore space.

3 I admire Percy Spencer the most. It is his discovery – microwave that allows us to prepare meals in minutes. It brings much convenience to people, especially to the women who have got work and been rushed off their feet. The working women are lighted by the microwave oven. This can save a lot of time so that they can do something else.

4 I think Einstein’s discovery is the most difficult to understand. I don’t know how to understand “E= mc2” and “theory of relativity”well. They are both scientific terms in physics, which are hard to understand for ordinary people.

Step III Reading (page 72)

Get the students to read the passage on page 72 and finish off the exercises about it.

T: Just now we talked about some important discoveries in the twentieth century. The importance of them to social progress is very great. Apart from the discoveries, there were many inventions that also changed the world, even simple inventions. Now we’ll read another passage on page 70 “simple inventions that changed the world”. The inventions are closely connected to our daily life. Read the passage quickly to find the answers to the following questions on the screen.

Show them on the screen:

1 How many inventions are mentioned in the passage?

2 What are they?

After the students read it, check the answers together (1 Three. 2 The clock, the refrigerator and the elevator.)  

T: I think you have a general idea of the passage. This time read it carefully and try to finish Exercise 2 on page 73 to get some detailed information about it.

After 5 minutes, check the answers together.

T: Good! Now let’s do Exercise 2 on page 70 and study some words. I’ll give you two minutes.

After 2 minutes, ask 10 students to report their answers one by one. Explain the difficulty where necessary.

Step IV Summary and homework

Help the students to understand the importance of discoveries and inventions.

T: What can we learn from the two passages we read today?

S: We have learned about some great scientists and their important discoveries as well as the three simple inventions. Without the discoveries and inventions, whether lucky or planned, the world as we know it today would have been a completely different place.   

T: Right. I’m glad that you have thought a lot about them. It’s certain that discoveries and inventions do have great effects on people’s life and can always represent the advanced science and technology. With discoveries and inventions turning up all the time, our world is always taking on a new look. I hope that you make use of your imagination and creativity. Maybe some of you will become inventors some day. Do you think so?

S: Yeah!   

T: After class, please finish Exercise 2 on page 78 and read the passage “Space: The Final Frontier” on page 26.


unit20 lesson3教学反思


语篇整体理解是阅读教学的重要环节,因此阅读第一课时教学是否有效将决定整个阅读教学的成败。 阅读第一课时教学重在运用语篇整体教学模式帮助学生们理清思路,抓住细节,完整、系统地进行语篇阅读与理解,  培养学生用英语进行思维的能力和提高学生的语言运用能力。

仔细分析教材,把握文本特点在阅读教学中显得尤为重要,因为 阅读第一课时重在对文章的整体理解和阅读能力的培养,而阅读能力的提高就需要教师在各个教学环节中渗透阅读策略的指导,使学生在活动中提高阅读技巧。既然是阅读课,就应该给学生足够的阅读和思考时间,引导学生进入文本,体会文本的深层含义,而不仅仅是停留于表面,读过且过。教师应通过教学活动把学生迅速带入问题情境,使他们的注意力集中到语言材料中来,引导他们整理、加工、联想,进行创造性思考,提高他们运用有价值的信息解决问题的能力和语言表达能力。根据不同的文体,如日记、书信、评论等,把握文章整体结构及特点,灵活运用不同的阅读方法,或结合多种方法,如:略读、跳读、细读、推读、概读等。

新课程标准提出教师要转变在教学中的角色,教师不应仅仅是知识的传授者,还应成为学生学习的促进者、指导者、组织者、帮助者、参与者和合作者。教学的过程是教师与学生交流的互动过程,教师需要根据课程的目标、学习活动的要求、学习过程的需要以及学生的需要扮演不同的角色。教师要有意识地引导学生发展自主学习能力,使学生真正成为学习的主体。因此在“读中”(while-reading)这个环节中,教师应尽可能作到以下几点::1. 任务设计目的明确;2.任务对理解课文具有真实意义;3. 任务应涉及信息的接收、处理和传递等过程;4. 学生应在完成任务的过程中使用英语;5. 学生必须通过主动参与(个人阅读或小组讨论)来完成任务;6. 完成任务后应有一个具体的成果。 同时在问题的设计上照顾到不同层次的学生,做到分层设计任务,分层教学。对较简单的表层问题,让基础较弱的同学来回答,让这些学生在课堂上体验成功的喜悦。在 “快速阅读”(Fast-reading)后的问题设计即是遵循这个原则。在“仔细阅读”(Careful-reading)过程中,让学生判断句子正误。采用抽取卡片的方式,让一个同学读,然后让另外一个学生回答正确与否。这样既能锻炼学生读的能力,又能检验学生的听力水平,同时有可以激发学生积极主动参与课堂活动的意识。新课程倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,目的是帮助学生树立主体意识,进行个性化的独立思考和学习探究,并能形成个性化的理解和结论。独自解决不了的问题才有必要提交小组讨论,并在师生、生生的互动中解决问题。对于课文中比较难的深层问题,让英语程度好些的学生回答,或采取分组讨论的方式进行。例如分析每段的段落大意,就是采取小组活动的方式来进行的,让每位小组成员都能参与到活动中来,充分发挥学生的合作意识和创新意识。在“巩固”(Consolidation)环节中,针对短文完形填空(Fill in the blanks)的检查,多数同学能较快较准确地完成,基本达到预期目标。同时,针对新的高考题型,每篇阅读都配有任务型阅读,这样可以让学生时时都在接触高考。最后的总结(Summary)部分,让学生自己总结这节课所学到的东西。


授之以鱼,不如授之以渔。现代教育更重视培养学生的自我发展能力,这就要求教师不仅要教学生“学会”,而且还要教学生“会学”。要用各种方法教会学生“怎样学”, 使学生具备学习和运用英语的能力。在阅读过程中根据不同的阅读目的和要求, 采取不同的阅读方式和策略, 遵循由浅入深, 由表及里, 由具体到概括的顺序要求阅读,从而有效的提高学生的阅读水平。

要迎接新课程的挑战,教师就要不断反思,并建立终身学习的理念,不断更新知识结构,发展专业能力与知识能力,以适应现代社会发展对英语课程的要求。  总之,语言学习是一个循序渐进的过程,又是一个终身习得的过程,教师应成为终身学习的典范,本着“为孩子的一生负责”的教育理念和教学态度,求真务实,不断创新,以饱满精神状态和满腔的热情展示语言的魅力。这样我们才能够打造真正的英语教学的优质课堂。








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