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新目标英语七年级Unit 10 I’d like some noodles

  发布者:钟梅娟    所属单位:湛江市第十七中学    发布时间:2019-06-02    浏览数( -) 【举报】

Unit 10   Id like some noodles. 学生学案

Section B  Reading    Class


学习目标:1.巩固运用Would you like to ...?




Step 1Warm up : 

1. 观看视频或图片,学生谈论图片内容

2. Revision(复习)What  do you have  on your  birthday?(你们生日晚会上,会有什么东西?)

____________    ____________    ____________     ____________

____________    ____________    ____________     ____________

3.Games : :(Group work) What do you do or eat on your birthday?


____________    ____________    ____________     ____________

____________    ____________    ____________     ____________


Step   2. 学习2b

1.,Fast reading快速阅读 ,回答问题及完成2c

  1). What would people like to eat on their birthday in many countries?


2) What would most people like to eat in China on birthday?


3How can a person make his or her birthday wish come true?


4What do people in the UK sometimes put in a birthday cake?


5Why do people never cut up birthday noodles in China?


6Why do people eat special foods on their  birthday?



 Paragraph 1      The ideas of the birthday food are to bring good luck to the birthday person.  

 Paragraph 2     Different people in different countries like to eat different food on their birthday.

Paragraph 3     It talks about what people often eat on their birthday in China.

Paragraph 4     Birthday traditions in many countries.

3.Careful reading :完成表格:Read the article about food traditions and complete the chart.



Special meaning(特殊意义)





 6. Post reading :短文填空

    In many countries, people have birthday _________ with candles. The number of candles is the persons _______. The birthday person must _______ a wish and _______ out the candles. If they blow out all the candles in one go, the wish will come ________. In the UK, there is a candy in the cake, The child with the candy is ________.

In China, it’s getting ________ to have a cake on one’s birthday. But many people still eat very long _________. They never ________ up the noodles because the long noodles are a symbol of long life. In some places, Chinese people also eat eggs on their birthdays. They are a symbol of life and good ________.

All of these birthday foods may be different, but the ________ are the same. They bring good luck to the birthday person.



A.(Summary)T:How many countries are mentioned in 2b? __________

What would people like to eat or do on their birthday in different countries?在其他国家的人们生日会上会吃或做什么?

1People  will eat longevity noodles(长寿面)in _________.

2People will eat a birthday cake with a candy in __________.

3People will _______  Korean seaweed soup(韩国海带汤)  in  Korea.

4People will _______  rice boiled together with red beans (红豆饭) in  _________.



B.(What have we learned in this class?从这节课中我们学习到什么?)


Step 3 课堂检测


1)我会有蜡烛的蛋糕.      I will have birthday _______ with ________.

2)我会许愿和吹蜡烛.    I will make a _______ amd ________  out  the candles .

3)我会吃长寿面.     I will eat  the  ________  ________.

4)在生日那天我会吃鸡蛋.    _________ birthday , I will  _________  _______.

5)我会收到很多礼物.    I will  get  _________  _________  ________ gifts .

6)我会开生日晚会.   I  will _________ a  birthday  ________.

7My mum usually_________a big dinner_________ me.我妈妈通常会煮大餐给我吃。
















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