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Unit 4 Pygmalion

  发布者:徐赟齐    发布时间:2019-06-06    浏览数( -) 【举报】

Unit 4 Pygmalion

Period 2 Learning about language


  本节课的内容是人民教育出版社出版的NSE高中教材选修8第四单元的Learning about language部分。本单元的中心话题是"皮格马利翁",涉及的内容包括引导学生了解希腊故事,一步步接近剧本的主题,从而产生阅读剧本的兴趣。本节课是单元的语言知识学习课,教师可在充分利用教材资源的基础上,结合学生的实际情况设计教学活动,旨在帮助学生有效地学习语言知识,并能熟练运用所学知识,形成有效地学习方法和解题技巧。同时,通过背诵大量经典例句,为以后的写作积累了素材。





  classic, hesitate, whistle, troublesome, classify, betray, acquaintance,  fortunate,  antique, referee,  disgusting,  compromise etc.













Before class (课前自主探究,合作学习)

Task 1 根据汉语提示写出下列词汇或短语。(方法引导:先默写,然后再核对答案,错误之处用红笔标出,写出正确单词并加以巩固。)

1. ____________ adj. 经典的,一流的  2. ___________ vi.犹豫,踌躇

3. ____________ n.吹口哨,发出汽笛声 4. ___________ adj.带来麻烦的,使人心烦的

5. ____________vt. 编排,分类,归类  6. ___________vt.显露出(本来的面目)背叛

7. ____________ n.相识,熟人,了解   8. ____________adj. 幸运的,侥幸的

9. ___________ adj.古时的,珍贵的  10. ___________ n.裁判员,仲裁者

11. ____________ adj. 使人反感的,令人厌恶的   12. ___________n.\vi. 妥协,折衷

Task 2 完成课本第32页第2、3两题。

In class:(课上展示交流、研讨提升)

Step 1 Check-up (展示预习成果)

1. Get two Ss of different groups to come to the Bb and check up their prevision tasks.

2. Get other Ss to read the reading fluently.

Step 2. Focus on language points

 Read all the following sentences and find out the usages of the underlined words or phrases in each sentence and then make a summary.

1. mistaken


1). You are completely mistaken about Jane.

2). A mistaken person should admit his error.

3). He is often mistaken for a famous singer.

4). I got on the wrong bus by mistake.

【归纳总结】:mistaken 为:          词,意为:               ,可作      语


拓展延伸:mistake ----for----意为:             ; by mistake意为:             ;

[回归原文]  __________________________________________________

2. hesitate

【原文再现】A gentleman passes and hesitates for a moment.



 1) If you have any questions , don't hesitate to ask me.

 ★2) He is still hesitating about\at\over\in joining the expedition.

3)I would have no hesitation in recommending Jack for the position.

4)The great majority of players would, of course, sign the contract without hesitation.

【归纳总结】:  hesitate为动词,意为:___________ ;其用法为:             ,。词性拓展:其名词形式为:________________;have no hesitation in doing意为:

without hesitation意为:

Give your sentence with this word: _______________________________________

__________________________________________3. betray典型例句:

★1) The solider betrayed his country to the enemy.他把他的国家出卖给了敌人。

 2) The officer betrayed the secret to his friends. 那个军官把秘密向朋友泄露了。

3) The expression on his face betrays his anger. = The expression on his face betrays that he is angry.

4) Many people will betray themselves when tempted by money.


要点归纳:betray sth. to sb. 意为:___________ ;              。还可用于结构 :_______________________;betray oneself意为:___________ 。

[回归原文]  ___________________________________________________4. condemn【原文再现】Look at this girl with her terrible English: the English that will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days.


 1). We all condemn cruelty to children. 我们一致谴责虐待儿童的行为。

2). The papers were quick to condemn him for\as his mistake. 报纸及时的指摘他的错误。

★3). Paralysis of the lower limbs condemned him to a wheelchair.下肢瘫痪使他只好坐轮椅。

 4). He was found guilty and condemned to be shot.

 要点归纳:由于---而谴责某人:                        ;condemn sb. to sth. 意为:___________; condemn sb. to death 判某人死刑

5. pass---off as

【原文再现】 Once educated to speak properly, the girl could pass herself off as a duchess at an ambassador's garden party.


He passed his secretary off as his wife.

要点归纳:pass ---off as意为:___________

★拓展延伸:pass off (时间)消逝,(怒气)消失,进展顺利; pass away 死亡,断气,消失;pass by时间经过,从旁边经过,避开,忽视; pass through 穿过,通过,经历pass out昏厥,醉倒; pass down\on传递,流传



6. in terms of

[原文再现] Correct all these sentences in terms of grammar, spelling etc, so that she can use them properly.


1). It was a bad year for films, in terms of both quantity and quality.今年的电影无论从数量上还是质量上都说不上好。

要点归纳:in terms of意为 : _______

拓展延伸:on no term 决不; be on good\friendly\bad terms with 与---关系好、亲密、坏


 according to 根据; take ----into consideration 考虑到,顾及; in consideration of  考虑,由于; allow for考虑到;  in the eyes of 从----观点来看; in one's opinion 据某人看来

Give your sentence with this phrase: ____________________________________


Step 3 Discovering useful structures


1. 观察探究

(1)作原因状语,多放在主句之前,相当于because, since, as引导的从句.

Tired from the day's hard work, he fell asleep soon.=(Because he was tired from the day's hard work, he...)

(2)作时间状语,相当于when引导的时间状语,有时在分词前直接加when, while, until等词可使其表达的时间意义更明确.如:

When heated, water can be changed into steam. Seen from the hill, the town looks beautiful.

(3)作条件状语,相当于if, unless引导的从句.

Given another chance, he can do it better.=(If he is given another chance,...)


Much tired, he still kept on working. (=Though he was much tired, he...)


Lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. The teacher stood there, surrounded by many students.

2. 用法归纳

 过去分词作状语,与主句主语之间是        关系,相当于一个状语从句,可表        、


when (it is)heated, water will boil.


She won't go to the party, unless (she is)invited.



Seeing in this light, the matter is not as serious as people generally suppose. (改错)


Once to be begun, the project will not changed. (改错)

If to be given more money, I will solve the problem soon. (改错)

(4)过去分词作状语,相当于对应状语从句,不可再用but, so, and, or否则重复.

Laughed at by everyone, but he had my sympathy. (改错)

Known to all, so he was recognized very easily. (改错)


No matter how well translated, we don't like it. (改错)


I. 根据要求,完成句子。

1. The experts studied the problem


2.我舍不得把这么多钱花在穿衣服上。(用hesitate 翻译该句子)


3. I have                                    French, but I do not know it well. 我懂一点法语,但不精通。

4. Lack of skills condemned him to a poor life.(英译汉)

5. Liu Hulan would rather die than         her own motherland. (用betray的恰当形式)

II. 单项选择

1. I have been suffering from a       cough since yesterday.

 A. trouble       B. troubled       C. troubling        D. troublesome

2. ----I saw Lily in the street this morning.

----You must have mistaken Lucy, Lily's twin sister        Lily.

A. about        B. as             C. for            D. with

3. This model is technically superior       it's competitors, though it looks         .

A. than; more attractive             B. to; less attractive

 C. than; as attractive                D. to; more attractive

4. We are not prepared to compromise        safety standards.

A. with         B. between        C. on            D. in

5. Though she        for a moment, she finally went in and asked to see a dress that was in the window.

 A. dared        B. nerved          C. wondered     D. hesitated

6.          achievement, he should get a higher position in his company.

A. In terms of    B. In case of       C . As a result of   D. In face of

7. Though she often seems quite cold and harsh, her smiling eyes         her true nature.

A. express      B. impress         C. betray           D. believe

8. The millionaire passed away, leaving his children with a large        .

A. fortune      B. luck            C. money           D. amount

9. The September 11 attack has been         by the entire international community.

A. condemned   B. scolded         C. criticized         D. blamed

10.         with so many trouble, we failed to complete the task on time.

A. Faced        B. Face           C. Facing           D. To face

11. The party       well and was a success.

A. passed off     B. passed out      C. passed on         D. passed by

12. The graduates can choose their jobs        .

A. on their own terms               B. by their own terms

C. in their own terms                D. to their own terms

13. And there, almost _____ in the big chair, sat her little brother, who never had to be told to keep quiet.

 A. having lost         B. losing           C. to be lost           D. lost

14.-Will you go to attend her party?

-No, _______.

 A unless invited to go.                    B. even if invited

 C. if not invited                         D. even though invited to

15.All the preparations for the project ______, we're ready to start.

 A. been completed                       B. have been completed

 C. had been completed D. completed

16.Such _______ the case, I couldn't help but______ him.

 A. is, to support                         B. was, support

 C. has been, supporting D. being, support

After class:(课下复习巩固、补偿提高)

1. Review the words and expressions explained in this class .(复习本节课讲解的词汇及语法,背诵重要的句子。)

2. Preview the passage on Ss' book P29.





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