抄袭 广告 违法 脏话 色情 其他

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  发布者:李颖    发布时间:2019-06-10    浏览数( -) 【举报】



1.Sing and dance

Music:《Ten little candles dance》学生们伴随着音乐,跟着教师边唱边跳。

(所选的歌曲可复习数字 1—10。该活动充分利用室外环境的优势, 教师与学生一起唱、跳,拉近了师生间的距离,为整堂课师生间和谐关系的形成和发展做了有利的铺垫。这个环节通过师生互动式的热身活动带领学生进入了英语学习的氛围。拉开了本节课“动、活、化”特色的序幕。)

2.Free talk

T: Welcome to Yucai English corner. Let's talk freely.

The students talk with each other freely.


—Hello, nice to meet you.

—Glad to meet you.

—I have a toy car!

—May I have a look?

—Sure, here you are.

—Thank you!

—Look, I have many balloons.

—Really? How many balloons?

—One, two, three, four...9!


—I have a kite.

—What colour is it?

—It's red, black and white. Look!

—Oh, it's beautiful. I like it.

—It's for you.

—Thank you.




1. Let's chant

Listen to the tape.

1, 2! How are you?

3, 4! Close the door.

5, 6! Count the sticks.

7, 8! Eat a cake.

9, 10! Say it again.

The students chant and do the action.

2. Review the drills

1)Look at my hands:

How many fingers?

The students look at the teacher's hands and answer.

2)Look at these pictures and answer:

How many cats?

How many dogs?

How many...?

The students count and answer.

The students count:

One, two, three ...

T: Look at these sticks.

How many sticks can you see?

Let's count. one, two...

Teacher helps the students to answer.

Students count: one, two, three ... twelve. I can see twelve.

Ss: I can see 12.

T: Take out your sticks, count them and talk in pairs.

—How many sticks can you see?

—Let's count.

—One, two, three.... I can see 13.

(从How many ...?的提问,学生边数边回答,引入到数小棒,用新句型问答:How many sticks can you see? I can see... 这样自然地从旧知引入到新知。学生两人一组拿出带来的小棒,数一数,问一问,答一答,这种通过动手操作,调动了学生的注意力和参与的积极性。)


1. Draw and talk

T: Everybody drew pictures in your art class yesterday. Have you brought your pictures here? Take out your pictures. Put it on the trees and talk with each other.

Students put the pictures on the trees and talk about them in the garden .

Teacher talks with the students as a visitor.


—Look at this picture.

  How many balloons can you see?

—I can see 13.


—Hello, glad to meet you.

—Nice to meet you.

How many boats can you see?

—I can see 9.

—Really? Let's count.

One, two... Yes, you're right.

(学生把自己的美术作品挂在小花园里,快速布置成为一个临时画展,学生三五成群,欣赏着同学的作品,又用新句型讨论着作品。这一部分教师把语言学习活动与美术学科相结合. 使课堂语言训练走出了禁锢在座位上的看图说话形式。)

2. Memory game

Teacher takes out a beautiful picture.

T: Look, I have an art work, too.

You can look at it for 3 minutes and remember what‘s in the picture. Then, I'll take the picture away. You should answer my questions, OK?


1) How many flowers can you see ?

2) How many trees can you see ?

3) How many .... can you see ?

(birds, swans, girls, and so on.)

4)Can you see ...?

I can see 12 swans in the picture. Do you think so? (Do you agree?)

You can' see 12 swans in the picture? How many swans can you see?

(通过记忆游戏,使学生参与学习的热情达到高潮。这个活动使学生的注意力高度集中,大家在想想、猜猜、说说当中训练了语言。在这一环节中教师有意识地在基本句型的基础上增加了语言的输入量,如Can you see …?How many… can you see in the picture?...)

3. Search and talk

T: What do you think about these pictures?

Do you think these pictures are beautiful?

Do you think our garden is beautiful today?

Ss: Yes, it's very beautiful.

Ss: How nice!

Ss: Yes, of course.


T: There are a lot of things in the garden:Flags, dolls, toys, flowers and so on. You can search and count these things in the garden. Then, you may talk about them. Don't forget to write down the numbers.


Goods number

Name flags balloons kites...

Students try to find and count the flags, the toys, the balls and so on. They talk about each other freely.


—Look, our garden is very beautiful today.


—How many kites can you see?

—Let's count.

—One, two...

—I can see 12.

—Do you like this kite?

—Yes. (No, I like the red one.)







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