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The Mystery Writer

  发布者:廖春霞    发布时间:2019-06-10    浏览数( -) 【举报】


课题名称: Unit 6 Detective Lesson 18 The Mystery Writer

本课是北师大版《初中英语》八年级下册教材Unit6 Lesson18,作为本单元的第三课时,基于本单元Detectives的话题,本课介绍了英国著名女侦探小说家Agatha Christie一生的主要成就以及她塑造的主要人物。帮助学生了解Agatha Christie这位高产作家,激发学生课后去阅读其作品的兴趣。 本课为人物传记,主要介绍了两点的内容:Agatha Christie写作上的成就以及她塑造的两个典型的人物:侦探Hercule Poirot 和侦探 Miss Marple。在阅读教学中,可以帮学生梳理出两条脉络,一条是根据时间顺序,引导学生了解Agatha Christie一生的成就; 另外一条是其塑造的两名侦探,引导学生发现其塑造不同人物的特点。 因为本课文章较长,内容对学生来说不容易,而且没有语法内容,所以本课的教学设计将分为两个课时。第一课时主要依据第一条脉络。重点让学提取出Agatha Christie一生在写作上的成就,本课难点是让学生可以总结出Agatha Christie是什么样的人。并为学生推荐Agatha Christie相关作品。 本课共有16个生词:其中要求掌握的有create, translate,, actress,wealthy, pupil,education, cleverly, fear, print, sales 共10个,要求理解的有billion, perform, guilty, intelligence, crime, career 共6个。 其中actress, sales,billion,perform可能会影响学生理解文章,进行读前处理,其余词汇在阅读过程通过构词法、上下文让学生理解,或者在读中处理其余生词。同时,在阅读过程中还会渗透阅读策略:在阅读中找到指示代词所指代的人或物的技巧。 第二课时在复习Agatha Christie主要成就的基础上,引导学生根据第二条脉络:其塑造的两个人物,获取两名侦探的主要信息和特点,并能比较他们的相同与不同之处。第二课时还包含对学生学习策越的指导:让学生学会在阅读中找到代词所指代的人或物的技巧。通过第二课时学生对文章全面的理解,让学生可以谈论一下自己喜欢的作家或者书中某个塑造的人物。鼓励学生能够继续进行课外的阅读。
通过本单元前两课的学习,学生已经了解了有关“侦探”的相关话题。文章中没有新的语法,但是文章较长,内容生词较多。本课的细节信息较多,比较零散,所以把本课 阅读分为两条主线,分两节课讲完。能够帮助学生更容易理清文章脉络以及更细致的理解文章内容。
Unit 6 Lesson 18 第一课时
在本课结束时,学生能够: 1. 认读本课生词,如:translate,sales, actress, education,print等 2. 获取文章各段段意以及作家Agatha Christie一生的成就的信息 3. 思考并讨论Agatha是一个什么样的人以及你这样认为的理由
[教学重点] 获取文章各段段意以及作家Agatha Christie一生的成就的信息[教学难点] 思考并讨论Agatha是一个什么样的人以及你的理由
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 时间
Step 1 Pre-reading Step 2 While-reading Step 3. Post-reading Step 4. Homework 1. Show students some numbers which is chose from the passage. 103 languages,24,000 shows,two billion 2. According to the numbers, show them 3 sentences: Her books have been translated in to 103 languages。 Actors and actresses perform one of her play on more than 24,000 shows。 Her sales are more than 2 billion books. 3. Read the new words. 4. T asks: Do you think the writer is popular? Let's get close to the mystery writer. 1st Reading 1. Read the passage and match the main ideas with each paragraph. a.Agatha had a long and active career and is still famous now. b.Agatha's books and plays are popular. c.Agatha learned at home and became a fantastic writer. d.Introduce detective Hercule Poirot. e.Introduce detective Miss Marple. Para.1_______ Para.2 _______ Para.3_______Para.4________ Para5._______ 2. Check the answers. 3.Show them a tree map and conclude: Para.1,2,5 talks about the writer; Para 3,4 talks about her 2 main characters. T: Now first let's read about the writer. 2ndReading: 1. Read and finish the time line about the writer's whole life 2. Ask them more questions and deal with some new words while reading. Question: Readers must pay close attention while reading Agatha's stories. Do you know why? New words: education, print Strategy: can be clear about what the pronoun refers to. 3. Check the answers. 1. Try to introduce Agatha Christie according to the time line. 2. Discuss about:What kind of person is Agatha Christie?And tell us your reason. Read the time line about Agatha Christie and practice retelling her success in writing. look at numbers and the sentences. learn the new words Read and match the main idea with each paragraph. Check the answers in groups and in class. Read and finish the time line Check the answers in group first and then in class Retell what they have read. Find out some words or sentences to describe the writer and find out the evidence. 激活话题,为阅读做准备。 通过文章中的一些数字引出生词,为阅读扫除生词,降低一下阅读难度 通过速读,了解文本大意。 用树状图更直接更形象的把文章的主要内容展现给学生,引导学生关注介绍作者成就集中的段落,为下面的阅读做准备 获取作者一生的成就的主要信息 利用追问引出一些生词、帮助学生更透彻地理解文章以及渗透阅读策略:明白指代词所指代内容。 根据时间轴复述作者的一生成就,帮助进行信息的内化。 通过回答开放性问题,培养学生深层次理解文本的能力。 10' 10' 15' 10'
Unit 6 Detectives Lesson 18 The Mystery Writer in 1973 at the age of 82

  in 1976 now   in 1952   by age 5   in 1920 new words: translate, actress, learned to first book mousetrap last book died her book, perform, sales, read, started produced printed, education,print played,loved 75..,22..,22,, her sales Her father taught people know Education,helped,fantastic now





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