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(廖玉玲 已在 2019-07-03 16:59 推荐!)

  发布者:赖洁琼    发布时间:2019-06-11    浏览数( -) 【推荐】 【举报】

课题 :小学英语PEP五上 unit4  PartB  Read and write


1. Knowledge objectives:

1) 听说认读单词want, send, email, at, 并在语境中理解其含义。

2) 读懂Read and write 中的内容。

2. Ability objective:

1能够联系自身实际和生活经验准确并熟练运用本课中的词汇和关键句型“I can / can’t ___. ”


3) 通过对关键句型的合理运用,能给Robin回一封邮件,完成写作任务

3. Affective objective:

1) 朋友间会有许多的共同爱好和兴趣,

2) 真诚地交朋友,我们彼此都需要充满阳光的好朋友。



1. 学会能正确地听说认读4个重点词汇:want, send, email, at 并做到熟练掌握和应用。

2.能灵活,恰当地结合自身实际,运用关键句型I can /can’t…. 来介绍自己,并完成写一封邮件的写作任务。


教学难点: 掌握at 后面加邮箱地址的英语表达。


课前准备: PPT 单词卡 robin头像



Step 1: Warm-up

1. Guess: Can you…?  Yes,I can./ No,I can’t.

2. Yes,I can sing songs. Now Let’s sing together.

3. Free Talk:  What can you do?   I can


Step 2: Pre-reading

1. Lead in: Introduce “Robin ”

1) Watch the video

Today we have many new friends here, Let’s have a look .What are they? They are robots. (引出robot)

2) Wu yifan has a robot Friend. Let’s guess ! Who is he? (Robin )

Speak like Robin:I am Robin the robot!


Step 3: While –reading

1. Central reading (中心阅读)

1) Read quickly and circle:What’s Robin like?

2) Listen and answer: What can Robin do? (Listen and catch the key words.)

3) Tick or cross

2. Text- input (整体输入)

1) Understand “ Try me”

2) Understand “ Send an email”

Q: Do you want to be Robin’s friend? How can we make friends with Robin? (引出Send,email )

Q: Where is Robin’s email address? (引出邮件地址,跟读文中最后一个难句)


3.listen, imitate and follow


Step 4: Post-reading

1. Task 1: Write an email to Robin

1) Give Ss an example

2) Discuss in your group : How to write an email (Tell Robin something about yourself)

3) Group report

Task 2:

1) Read Miss Lai’s email.

2) Write your email and share.


Emotion infiltrsation:

1. We should make friends cautiously.

2. We need shining friends.


1. read the passage . (熟练朗读)

2. send an email to Your friend.






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