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作业标题:研修成果 作业周期 : 2019-04-19 2019-06-15




运用所学课程理念尝试去上几节改变自己教学习惯的课,然后把最得意的一节课形成文稿分享出来; 撰写要求层次清楚,观点明确,重点突出,条理清晰,措辞严谨。

1. 重点围绕“ 教学习惯改变”,提交教学设计,

2. 字数要求600字以上;

3. 必须原创,如出现雷同,视为无效。



提交者:学员潘文婷    提交时间: 2019-05-31 20:26:28    浏览数( 0 ) 【举报】

Module 1 Did you come back yesterday? 》第一课时教学设计



 1、让学生掌握基本句型: Did you come back yesterday?-No, we came back last Sunday.



教学重点:让学生掌握基本句型:  Did you come back yesterday?-No, we came back last Sunday.


课前准备: pictures, cards, tape recorder, computer


Step I. Warming-up

Listen and act

T: Come to the blackboard! Walk back!play football,watch TV,play computer games ,go swimming…

Ss: Do actions

Step II. Revision

1.Guess: What did Miss Liu do yesterday?

T do actions, Ss guess and use sentences describe.

For examples:


学生用英语描述:You cooked yesterday.

2). (教师做打电脑的动作)

学生用英语描述:You played computer games yesterday.

Step III. Presentation


T: Who can you see?

S1:I can see Amy.

S2:I can see Sam and Lingling.

S3:I can see another boy. He’s John.

T: Are Lingling 、Sam and Amy in England or in China?

S1: They are in London.

S2: I think they are in a park .

T: Good job.

2.listen and answer

T: Did Sam and Amy come back yesterday?

 S1: No, they came back last Sunday.

讲解come back (教师站在教室中间向学生发指令)T: Walk to the blackboard. (学生向黑板走去),教师招手并对学生说: Come back.如此几次,学生理解了come back的意思。

T: What did they buy in the park?

S2: They bought some ice creams.

(多媒体出示图片,学生明白了ice cream的意思)

T: What happened after that?

S3: Lingling dropped her ice cream.

讲解drop (教师拿一本书装做不小心掉在地下) T:Oh. I dropped my book. (告诉学生drop的过去式是dropped)

3. Teacher writes the words on the blackboard. Then read after teacher.

(教师通过肢体语言与动作让学生理解了come back drop

ice cream等单词的含义,并通过教师领读,学生自读加深了印象)

4.Follow the tape recorder read the dialogue. (学生跟读课文然后以四人为单位分角色朗读,教师评出最佳朗读组)xx jx sj.cn

5. (多媒体展示图片) T: Look at the picture. This is Sam’s family. Yesterday evening, they were very busy. Let’s say: What did they do yesterday evening? (给学生两分钟准备)

T: What did Sam do yesterday evening?

S1: Sam watched TV.

S2: He helped his dad.

T: Can you ask questions like me?

Ss: Yes.

S3: What did Amy do yesterday evening?

S4: She painted a picture.

StepⅣ Practice

1.(展示图片).T: Who is she? Yes, it’s me. On summer vacation my family went to Qingdao .We went there by car. My daughter and I went swimming in the sea. We ate some seafood. At there, we had a good time.

2. Talk about the summer vacation

1) I want to know where did you go on summer vacation?

2) When did you come back?

3) How did you go there?

4) What did you eat?

5) What did you wear? …


StepⅤ Homework

Say and write: What did your parents or friends do last weekend?


Module 1 Unit 1 Did you come back yesterday ?  教学反思


   本节课,是新学期的第一堂英语课,总体上比较顺畅,大都数学生能够积极参加课堂活动,收到了较好的效果。孩子们刚从快乐的暑假中回到美丽的校园,首先采用问答式,询问学生暑期生活,提高学生学习兴趣,又通过小游戏,激发他们的课堂气氛,再逐步导入课堂内容学习,但过去式的学习中,我发现有些同学还是不能够完全掌握,故特别讲解了课文中的Part 4 Practise练习并完成学习指导和同步中的过去式题型,以达到巩固的效果。  我们学英语的目的除了进行检测,更重要的是在日后能够和其他的人正常的交流。因此在课堂上应尽量多给学生一些自己表达,锻炼的机会,让他们从对话中体会英语的交际性。同时也要识记知识点,掌握新知识。在本课教学后,大部分学生掌握了本课的训练句型能够进行简单的对话,一些学困生经过反复跟读光盘及教师引导,他们也收获了成功的体验。


评语时间 :2019-06-04 10:31:37






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