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作业标题:研修成果 作业周期 : 2019-04-19 2019-07-10




运用所学课程理念尝试去上几节改变自己教学习惯的课,然后把最得意的一节课形成文稿分享出来; 撰写要求层次清楚,观点明确,重点突出,条理清晰,措辞严谨。

1. 重点围绕“ 教学习惯改变”,提交教学设计,

2. 字数要求600字以上;

3. 必须原创,如出现雷同,视为无效。




提交者:学员肖波    提交时间: 2019-06-06 11:19:42    浏览数( 2 ) 【举报】

教学设计一、教学内容分析 教学内容 《英语》(人教版)选修7 Unit 2 Robots 第三课时 

教学对象 高二学生 教学项目 词语 结构 课文 Grammar: Revise the Passive Voice (I)其他 Reading 

教学目标 语言知识 掌握被动语态的用法。语言技能 使用被动语态进行描述自己的作品。语言运用 在具体语境中恰当运用被动语态。文化意识 了解一些有关机器人的发展。情感态度 培养学生创新精神及探索精神。

学习策略 借助联想建立相关知识之间的联系;善于总结所接触语言材料中的语言规律并加以应用。

教学方法 任务教学法、学生中心教学法、多媒体教学法 教学媒体 PPT幻灯媒体、黑板教学重点复习巩固动词不定式的被动形式。

教学难点能灵活运用动词不定式的被动形式。运用任务 Task of Unit 2: The Future Robot Company in America is holding a robot design competition. Design your robot and write a design plan.Task of Period 3: List what your robot can do and how each part of its body works, using the passive voice.

二、课堂教学过程 时间 教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 教学目的 第1 分钟 呈现任务 Task of Unit 2: The Future Robot Company in America is holding a robot design competition. Design your robot and write a design plan.Task of Period 3: List what your robot can do and how each part of its body works, using the passive voice.听教师布置任务,思考任务。 以真实任务开展教学,激活学生已有的知识,激发学生的兴趣,使学生在任务的驱动下更有效的学习。第3-4 分钟 复习导入 In the last lesson, we decided whether our robots have feelings or not after reading the passage SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.Ask Ss:Why does the writer choose the title SATISFACTION GUARANTEED rather than Tony, the best lover?Let’s have a revision.Answer the following questions according to the reading passage.1. Why was Tony sent to Claire?(Her husband worked for a robot company and Tony was going to be tested out by her.)1. What is the law for the robot Tony?(The robot wouldn’t harm her or allow her to be harmed.)1. When Tony said Claire must feel unhappy to say she was not clever, how did Claire feel?(It was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot.)1. By the time Tony was to leave, what did he expect?(By that time, Tony expected the house to be completely transformed.)1. What would happen to Tony at last?(Tony would have to be rebuilt.)(每个问题学生回答完后,将答案呈现;所有问题和答案呈现完毕后让学生注意每句中的黑体部分。) 根据课文内容回答问题,思考黑体部分的意义。 通过复习,让学生在熟悉的语境中体会不定式被动语态的用法,降低了认知难度。第5-6 分钟 知识拓展 Ask Ss:Find out the same points of parts in bold and summary the usages of the passive infinitives.被动语态基本构成: be + 过去分词 不定式构成: to + 动词原形 被动的不定式: to + be +过去分词。Compare two sentences and find out the usage.Ioften see him take physical exercise.He was often seen to take physical exercise.总结不定式被动语态的构成。 让学生通过发现法和归纳法发现和总结语法规律,培养学生发现问题和解决问题的能力以及自主学习能力。第7-12 分钟 练习语法项目 Do Ex.2 on Page14 and Ex.1 on Page 56. 做第14页及56页的练习题。 巩固所学语法知识。第13-18分钟 巩固语法项目 Do Ex.3, P14 and Ex. 2, P56. 做第14页及56页的练习题近一步巩固所学语法知识。第19-22分钟 运用语法项目 Do Ex.4 on Page 14. 讨论并运用语法。 帮助学生在实际运用中练习语法。第23分钟 读前任务 Pre-reading Task:Today we’ll begin to design our robots. Now read a passage about a new robot in order to help us to design. Look at the pictures on P57 and guess what the passage is mainly about.1. What is the soldier doing in the first picture?(He’s using a metal detector to find the mines.)2. What can the robot in the picture do?(The robot can remove landmines.) 了解学习目的。 激发学生学习兴趣。第24-29分钟 读中任务 While-reading Task:Read the passage and answer the following questions.What is the passage mainly about?What does the robot look like?How does the robot work?What function may the robot have in the future? 了解机器人的用途和工作方式。 了解扫雷机器人的样式及工作方式,为任务的完成做准备。第30-34分钟 读后任务 Post-reading Task:List all kinds of robots you know.List the parts of each kind.List what they can do.The following table may help you.Kinds Structures Functions Describe one kind, using passive voice when necessary.总结分析所知道机器人的种类、结构及其功能。 通过学生自我总结,为课时任务的完成做准备。第35-39分钟 完成任务 Task of Unit 2: The Future Robot Company in America is holding a robot design competition. Design your robot and write a design plan.Task fulfillment:List what your robot can do and how each part of its body works, using the passive voice.小组合作,完成任务。 运用所学语法项目,小组合作,完成任务。第40-44分钟 随堂检测 布置该课时随堂检测题“学生随堂练习”册。 完成随堂检测。 对本课时内容进行检测,对学习效果进行评价。第45 分钟 布置作业 1. Do Ex. 3, P56.2. Read the passage (P57) again and underline all the verbs which use the passive voice. Then summarize the passive structures of different tenses. 听老师布置作业,并记下作业。 巩固所学语法项目


评语时间 :2019-07-02 11:21:44






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