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my home教学设计

  发布者:王一茹    所属单位:牡丹江市照庆小学    发布时间:2019-11-04    浏览数( -) 【举报】


这节课学习的主要词汇有study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen以及句型This is my home. You can see a bedroom…其中This is my room…句型在第一册中出现了,学生比较容易接受。Lets do部分体现了不同房间的功能性,让学生在有节奏的旋律中掌握词组。学生运用学过的词汇以及句型来描述自己的家。



1. 能听懂、会说三会单词:study, living room, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen

2. 能听懂、会说Lets do的指令语,并做出相应的动作。

3. 能用This is my home. You can see a…来描述家和房间。


1.      学生能运用所学的单词和句型描述自己的家。

2.      学生能理解并不同房间的功用性。


1. 培养学生对自己的家的热爱之情。

2. 鼓励学生大胆设计自己未来的家。


1. 教学重点:三会单词study, living room, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen

             及句型 This is my home. You can see a study

2. 教学难点:bathroom, bedroom, living room的发音较难,涉及到连续发音与爆破音。


1. 多媒体课件

2. 六个三会单词的单词卡片以及自制的词组卡片

3. 四幅不同布置的房间图片




1. T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, Miss Xu.

T: What’s your name?

S1: My name is …

2. T: Look, whats this? ( 展示钢笔,铅笔,橡皮,尺子,铅笔盒)

  S1: It’s a pan.

  T: Where is my pen? (把钢笔放在铅笔盒里)

  S2: It’s in the pencil-case.

  (复习Its in the…的句型,为下面的内容做铺垫)


1. study

T: What are these? (圈出书本图片)

S3: They are books.

T: Guess, where are they?

S4: They are in the desk.

S5: They are in the classroom.

S6: They are in the study.

(教师拿出单词卡片,带读study  学生一人读, 两人一组读,小组读。)

Study, study, go to the study.

Read a book, read a book.

 2. living room

T: Whats this? (展示电视机的图片)

S: It’s a TV.

T: Where is the TV?

S: It’s in the living room.

(教师拿出单词卡片,带读living room 学生一人读, 两人一组读,小组读。)

Living room, living room, go to the living room.

Watch TV, watch TV.

 3. kitchen


T: Garfield! He’s a fat cat. There are three rooms. Guess where is the cat?

①    He is in the study.

②    He is in the living room.

③    He is in the kitchen.

(教师拿出单词卡片,带读kitchen 学生一人读, 两人一组读,小组读。)

Kitchen, kitchen, go to the kitchen.

Have a snack, have a snack.

 4. bedroom

T: It’s a Teddy Bear.  It’s on the bed.

  Where is the bed?  It’s in the bedroom,.

(教师拿出单词卡片,带读kitchen 学生一人读, 两人一组读,小组读。)

T: Where is Amy?

S: She is in the bedroom.

(教师拿出单词卡片,带读bedroom. 其中bedroom有连读音)

Bedroom, bedroom, go to the bedroom.

Have a sleep, have a sleep.

5. bathroom,

T: Is this a bedroom?

S: No.

T: It’s a bathroom.


Bathroom, bathroom, go to the bathroom.

Take a shower, take a shower.

 (3) Practice

1. This is Amy’s home.

Amy: Welcome to my home. You can see a study, a living room, a kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom.

She has four friends. They are Tangseng, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Sha heshang.

 2. Guess where are they

Amy: I am in the living room.

Tangseng: I am in the study.

Sun Wukong: I am in the bathroom.

Zhu Bajie: I am in the kitchen.

Sha heshang: I am in the bedroom.

 3: Let’s do

Go to the living room, go to the living room. Watch TV, watch TV.

Go to the study, go to the study. Read a book, read a book.

Go to the kitchen, go to the kitchen. Have a snack, have a snack.

Go to the bathroom, go to the bathroom. Take a shower, take a shower.

Go to the bedroom, go to the bedroom. Have a sleep, have a sleep

 (4) Consideration


T: You have these pictures and words. Put the words on the right place.


S: This is my home. You can see a living room, a kitchen, a bedroom, a study and a bathroom.





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