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Unit 10 I'd like sone noodles.

  发布者:张桂玲    所属单位:东京城林业局第一中学    发布时间:2019-11-05    浏览数( -) 【举报】

Unit10 Section Ala-2c


1. 学生能够掌握本课重点词汇:noodles, beef, potatoes, special, would, yet, large, would like, mutton, cabbage

2. 听懂并口头运用与点菜相关的重点句型:

-What would you like?

-I’m not sure yet. Are there any vegetables in the beef noodles?

-What kind of noodles would you like?

-I’d like beef noodles, please.

-What size would you like?

-I’d like a large bowl of noodles.

3. 通过听力输入和口头输出训练,使学生感知和初步运用“What would you like? What kind of noodles would you like? What size would you like?”等问句以及回答来进行点菜,并体会模仿语调中的升调降调

4. 学习用得体的方式表达自己的饮食爱好,了解点菜的基本礼仪。



1. 学生能够掌握本课重点词汇: noodles, beef, potato, special, would, yet, large , would like, mutton, cabbage.

2. 听懂并口头运用与点菜相关的重点句型:

-What would you like?

-I’m not sure yet. Are there any vegetables in the beef noodles?

-What kind of noodles would you like?

-I’d like beef noodles, please.

-What size would you like?

-I’d like a large bowl of noodles.

3. 通过听力输入和口头输出训练,使学生感知和初步运用“What would you like? What kind of noodles would you like? What size would you like?”等问句以及回答来进行点菜并体会模仿语调中的升调降调

难点:通过听力输入和口头输出训练,使学生感知和初步运用“What would you like? What kind of noodles would you like? What size would you like?”等问句以及回答来点菜。



【教学进程】Teaching procedures


Step 1: Warming-up

1. Look at some pictures about food and vegetables.

2. Ask and answer: What’s your favorite food/drink/vegetables?



Step 2: Presentation

1. (Show some pictures of food on the big screen) Present some new words and expressions to the students.通过图片把学生带人饮食情景,因为与学生日常生活息息相关,因此易于激发学生兴趣。

2. Students learn the new words and expressions by themselves and try to remember them.

3. Work on 1a: Read the words on the left and look at the pictures on the right. Write the letters of the food on the line. Then check the answers.


Step 3: Game (Guess the food.)

Show some pictures of food on the big screen. Let students guess what food it is. Students try to guess the food and learn the words.



Step 4: Listening 1b

Before listening

1. 让学生明白1b的要求,观察单元主题图,先讨论Special 1Special 2Special 3的不同,确定在听的过程中需要提取关键信息,即:What kind of noodles.看图,依次写出面馆的三种特色面条。

Special l: beef and tomato noodles

Special 2:                     

Special 3:                     

2. 让学生大声朗读关键名词。


While listening

1. T: In the following conversation, one man is ordering some food. Now, let’s listen to the tape, and find out the right noodles the person orders.

Play the recording for the students to listen and check the answers.

2. Listen again and read after it. 用心跟读,体会模仿语调中的升调降调


Step 5: Pair work: 1c

1. Present the conversation in 1b on the big screen and ask students to practice it

2. Make their own conversations using the information of noodles in the picture.

3. Let some pairs act out their conversations.


Step 6: Listening 2a & 2b & 2c

Before listening

1. 让学生观察,明确2a听力活动的目的是听食物名称。温馨提示:一定要熟读单词呦!

2. 让学生观察,明确2b听力活动的目的是听面条的种类和碗的尺寸大小。提醒学生注意:一是听力过程中做好笔记,切记要记录单词首字母或前面两三个字母,而不是整个单词;二是听力结束后要补全单词,并联系句子结构注意单词的正确形式。

While listening

1. 2a T: Now, look at the pictures on the right, listen to the conversations and check the names of the foods you hear (Play the recording for the first time, students only listen carefully. Then, listen to the recording again, and check the names of the foods. Check the answers. )

2. 2b (Play the recording for the students to listen and complete the sentences.) Play the recording twice. The first time students just listen. And the second time, students listen and write down the words. (If necessary, use the pause but-ton to help students.) Check the answers.

3. Listen again and read after it.


I’d like chicken, potato and cabbage noodles.

After listening

1. Pair work: 2c

(l)Ask and answer questions with your partner. Use the information in 2a.

(2)Show the conversations of 2a on the big screen to the students.

(3) Make a model for the students. Students work in airs and practice the conversation.

T: What kind of noodles would you like?

S: I’d like beef noodles, please.



2. Group work调查学生最喜爱的面条,以四人为单位,用下面的句式练习对话,

A: What kind of noodles would you like?

B: I’d like beef noodles, please.

A: What size would you like?

B: I’d like a medium bowl.


将小组内其他3 位成员的信息记录在表内。




Chicken   and cabbage noodles 

Mutton   and potato noodles

Tomato   and egg noodles

Beef   and carrot noodle

Report:...would like... noodles, and he/she’d like a              bowl...would like...



1. 1b的听力材料中,服务员询问你想要点什么?的句型是:


2. 2a2b的听力材料中,服务员询问你想要什么(种类)面条?的句型是:





1. 假如你是面馆老板,想在面馆内制作一块宣传牌,展示你店的特色面条以及其他的特色食物,设计设计吧!





Special   1

beef   and tomato noodles


Special   2

Special   3

Special   4

2. 看到面馆如此美味的noodles,想点你想要的noodles,应该如何说呢?先列举一下运用的句型吧!



本节课我们主要初步接触学习了一些食物词汇,如:noodlesbeefpotatoesmuttoncabbage等,并学习了点菜的句型,如:-What would you like? -I’m not sure yet. Are there any vegetables in the beef noodles? -What kind of noodles would you like? -I’d like beef noodles, please.-What size would you like? -I’d like a large bowl of noodles.等。同时,在听说中体会模仿语调中的升调降凋。学习用得体的方式表达自己的饮食爱好,了解点菜的基本礼仪。




1. 听读本节课的词汇。

2. 跟读1b2a2b 录音材料,熟练掌握目标句型。


1. 用本节课所学的句型调查家庭成员具体喜欢的面条类型,把调查的结果记录





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