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作业标题:命制期末英语试题 作业周期 : 2019-11-03 2020-02-29









提交者:中小学学员张燕    所属单位:牡丹江市四中学区    提交时间: 2020-01-30 11:23:55    浏览数( 0 ) 【举报】


第一部分 语言知识运用(共计50分)

I.Multiple choices(本题共计20分,每小题1)

  Choose the best answer from A, B or C according to the meaning of the sentence.

1.Linda cried out with________when she saw the birthday gift from her parents.

A.pride                        B.sadness                     C.pleasure

2.Liu Yu’s parents have nothing _________running! They only hope their son can think about other possible jobs.

A.for                           B. against                    C.on

3. -Mike, would you like some wine?

  -No, I’ll _____beer, thanks

A.stick to                            B. pick up                 C. point out

4. The book The Story of Ming Lan is really good. I read it twice and I want to read it_________time.

A. the third                  B. a third                     C. a second

5. -How many of you visited the Science History Museum?

-____________. So, why not visit it this weekend?

A. None                       B. Nobody                    C. No one

6. -Linda, pass my glasses to me, please. I can _____read the words in the newspaper without them.

-With pleasure.

A. hardly                     B. nearly                      C. clearly

7.The gift is from my parents, if you _______know.

      A.should                     B.must                         C. need

8. Scientists______always ______to know more about the other world in the space. They are making an effort to explore(探索) it.

A. were   wanting       B. had   wanted          C. have   wanted

9. -_____makes you happy?

  -When I do something helpful for others.

A. When                      B.What                        C. How

10. -What else should we pay attention to _____building the road?

-The change of the weather, I think.

A. finish                      B. finishing                  C.to finish  

11. –Jack got good scores on his English exam.

   –_____big progress your son has made!He used to be weak in English.

A.How                           B.What a             C.What

12. More than one student______late for school this morning. This made Mr.Brown mad.

    A.are                           B.was                           C.were

13.I disagree with what he did_____I can’t help admiring the man’s courage.

A.although                   B.as soon as                  C.because

14. Mr.Li asks us to remember that ______we check the paper,______grades we will get.

     A. the more careful; the more     B. the less careful;the worse  C.the more carefully; the better

15. –Susan, why are you still here?They are all ready to start.

   –I’m sorry, but I ________when to meet.

    A. didn’t tell                 B.am not told                C. wasn’t told

16.Yesterday, Mr. Green went to his hometown and visited the old house in _____he was born.

A. that                         B. which                      C.where

17. -Do you know ___________to receive the good news ?

-Oh, what news?

A. why he is so excited        B. how excited he is      C.how he is excited

18.I’ll tell you only if you promise not to tell others about it. The underlined phrase in the sentence means “_________”.

A. to keep it to yourself                     B. to go out of your way to know it

C. to keep your eyes on it

19.I don’t have any more of money in order to buy the new house in Shenzhen. The underlined phrase in the sentence means“___________”.

A. have parted with                    B. have taken in                  C. have run out of

20. -My mother said she would cancel the family trip. I really can’t understand.

-________________.You were looking foreword to it.

A. It doesn’t matter.                    B. It’s very unwise of her.           

C.You must be sorry about it.

II.Cloze test.(本题共15分,每小题1)

Once there lived two brothers. The elder was called Simon and the younger was Victor. They loved each other very much and always __21_one another. Every day they worked from morning_22_

night getting as much grain(谷物)as possible from their fields.

One late autumn evening, after their work in the fields_23_, Simon said to his wife “Victor got married last month. He has many bills(账单)to pay. I think I will put a bag of rice in his barn(谷仓). ”“Oh that’s a good idea ”said his wife. “But please don’t tell him ”said Simon “If he knows I put the rice there, he will_24_take it. ”

So late that night Simon took a bag of rice to Victor’s barn. The next day while looking at his own barn he found_25_strange. “I took a bag of rice to Victor’s house last night_26_I still have the same number of bags in my barn._27_did that happen? ”

Simon decided to take another bag of rice to_28_barn that night. But the next morning he found the same number of bags in his barn again! “This is very strange!”he thought.

That night he_29_again. He carried a large bag of rice on his shoulder and walked down the road to his younger brother’s house. In the bright moonlight he could see_30_person coming down the road. He was carrying something on his_31_, too.

“Younger Brother! ”Simon cried “What are you doing? ”“I was_32_you ,Older Brother ”said Victor,“Your family is_33_than mine. I thought you needed more rice. ”The two brothers_34_ realized that they had been taking rice to each other. They 35 what they had done. “It is good to have a brother like you.”they both said. And they lived happily ever after.

(   )21. A.stared after                 B. looked after                     C.took after

(   )22. A. through                    B. at                            C.till

(   )23. A. did                           B.is done                     C. was done

(   )24. A.never                         B. sometimes                C. always

(   )25. A. everything                B. something                C. nothing

(   )26. A. but                          B. so                            C. or

(   )27. A. Why                         B. How                        C. Where

(   )28. A. his wife’s                  B. his                           C. his brother’s

(   )29. A. planned                    B. tried                        C. failed

(   )30. A. another                            B.the other                   C. each

(   )31. A.head                          B. back                        C. shoulder

(   )32. A. proud of                   B.angry with                 C. worried about

(   )33. A. richer                       B.larger                       C. happier

(   )34. A.quickly                      B. carefully                  C. simply

(   )35. A.thought about             B.dreamed about           C. laughed about


(A)    Choose the best response from A to G in the box to complete the dialogue. Each choice should be used only once.

A.Who wrote the book?

B.The book cost me 15   yuan.

C.Did you go to the   new bookstore?

D.It is really   wonderful and educational.

E.Who did you go there   with?

F.Have you finished   reading this book?

G.But you must return   it to me in three weeks.

A:Hello, Pan Wei! (36)               

B:Yes, I did. I went there three weeks ago and I bought the book The Old Man and the Sea.


B:It was written by Ernest Hemingway, a famous American writer.

A: (38)             

B:Yes, I have. I spent two weeks reading the book.

A:What do you think of the book?

B: (39)               It is mainly about a fisherman who fought bravely against different difficulties on the sea. And at last, he won.

A:That is amazing. Can I borrow your book and read it?

B: OK. (40)                 My cousin Jane said he would like to read it, too.

A:Three weeks is enough. Thanks a lot.

B:You’re welcome.

 (B) Complete the dialogue with proper sentences.

A:Hi, excuse me, can you help me?

B: Yes.(41)                      ?

A:Well. I’m Greg. I’m new in town.

B:I’m Helen. Welcome to the neighborhood! (42)                      ?

A:It’s fantastic, but I still don’t really know my way around.

B: Well, the best supermarket is on Center Street. You can buy the freshest food there.

A:Oh, great. (43)                      ? I love watching movies.

B:Yes, there are three ones not far from here. They are not expensive.

A: (44)                      ?

B:I think Sun Cinema is the best one .You can go there.

A: (45)                      ?

B:Because it’s the newest one. You can sit the most comfortably because they have the biggest seats.

A:Thanks for telling me.

B:No problem.

第二部分  阅读理解(共计35分)

IV. Reading comprehension(本题共35分,ABC题每小题1分,DE每小题2)


APrice: $1,699.00  A lot of us have a little trouble getting up out of chairs—maybe it’s a broken knee or a bad back. No matter where the ache or pain is, this lift chair can get your back on your feet.

BPrice: $679.00   This 7-speed bike is designed to provide comfort for the riders. No more aching back from biking in that uncomfortable, forward position.

CPrice: $49.98    This handsome talking watch has a clever voice that tells you the time when you push a button. The next time you forget your glasses, your watch will still be able to tell you what time it is.

DPrice: $39.95    This desk lamp brings many of the benefits of natural daylight indoors. It provides lighting that’s perfect for many indoor activities, such as writing, reading, painting, artwork, studying and much more.

E. Price: $119.98    If you like to be warm in your bed, here’s the electric blanket(毯子) for you. It keeps you warm, holding a proper temperature all night long. It is easy to operate(操作)and wash.

F. Price: $59.95     Perhaps one of the worst things on a snowy day is the fact that you might slip(失足) and fall. Now you can walk easily and naturally on an icy patches(小块土地)with Icetrax Pro. Icetrax Pro give you confidence in snowy or ice conditions.

Match the ads according to what each person needs.

46.Thanksgiving Day is coming. Bruce wants to buy his grandma a small present. But he only has $60. His grandma’s eyesight is so poor that she sometimes can’t see the clock clearly.

47.Father’s Day is several days away. Ann is thinking about the gift for her father. Her father is a sports lover. He enjoys bike-riding to the countryside on weekends. But he always suffers(遭受) from back pain from biking.

48.Frank’s grandparents live in an area which is very cold in winter, but they have no heating system in the room. Frank wants to send them a gift that can meet their need. Price isn’t a problem.

49.Emily’s aunt is a writer. She is a supporter of environmental protection. Emily decides to give her a present. But she can only afford things that cost less than $40.

50.Joe’s father’s birthday is coming. Joe wants to buy a gift for him with the $1,800 she made from the part-time job. Her father used to be a football player and his backaches from time to time.


https://timgsa.baidu.com/timg?image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&sec=1550034257674&di=9a66d32d50ac75e49f293e94427f89f4&imgtype=0&src=http%3A%2F%2Fhellorfimg.zcool.cn%2Fpreview%2F93292861.jpgAre you still doing the”V” for victory sign It’s out. The latest popular hand

gesture(手势)is to curl(卷曲) both of your hands and put them together to make

a heart-shape. Known as “hand heart”, many young stars in the US including Justin

Bieber , Blake Lively and Taylor Swift have done the move in recent photos.

“The heart-hand gesture means something between ‘I love you’ and ‘thank you’, ”said the country singer Taylor Swift, 21.”It’s a sweet, simple message which you can send without saying a word.” Taylor Swift often puts her hands above her head in the heart shape at her concerts. And she is believed to be the first to make the gesture popular.

Last month during a charity show, Justin Bieber and his superstar friends did it to help out three kids whose parents were killed in a car accident. The gesture became a real hit after that.

“It used to take longer for nonverbal(不用语言的)culture to move. But now ,with smart phones and the Internet, it’s much faster,” said Patti Wood, an American language expert.

In some Asian countries, the hand heart has been popular for a long time, in a different way. People there like making a “bigger heart” by putting their hands above their heads and making a heart shape with their arms. It means: “I love you.”

Judge the following sentences true (T) or false (F)

51.When we want to express ideas, we often put our hands together to make a heart –shape and it means “victory”.

52.Taylar Swift is the first to make the heart - hand gesture popular.

53.No one can express one’s love without saying a word.

54.In this passage, some superstars did the “hand heart” to help out three children.

55.“Hand heart” is popular not only in the USA but also in some Asian countries.


Mark began to introduce the guest speaker to the listeners, but then stopped for a while. He had forgotten her name.
    Barbara hid her valuable things when she went on vacation. When she came back, she couldn’t remember where she’d put them.
    Perhaps you’ve had such experiences like these. Most people have. But most of them haven’t realized that they have a memory problem. Neither do they know a simple but important fact that memory can be improved. If you just accept that, the following will show you how.
    First, relax. If you are over worried about something, you’ll forget it. If you keep telling yourself that your memory is bad, your mind will come to believe it and you won’t remember things. When you forget something, don’t follow up with saying like “Oh, my god! I always forget things! ” Such words will have a bad result on you and your memory.
    But relaxing isn’t enough. To improve your memory, you’ll need to take an active role. Like your body, your memory can be made strong through exercise. Look for opportunities to exercise your memory. For example, if you’re learning a language, try to actively remember a lot of new words.
    If you don’t take notice of things actively, you won’t remember them. So, you can make pictures of what you see in your mind every day. For example, don’t just put your keys down! If you want to find them again, make a mind picture of the place where you’re putting them.

Choose the best answer from A, B or C according to what you read.

56. The first two paragraphs just tell us ________.

AMark often forgot his friends’ names            BBarbara was a very rich person

Cexamples of memory problems

57. When you forget things, you ________.

Amust be too careless                    Bmust accept the fact

Cshouldn’t lose confidence in your memory

58. The underlined word “opportunities” in the fifth paragraph means “________.”

      A. places                   B. chances                           C. activities

59. According to the article, ________ can make your memory better.

A. making mind pictures of what you see                   B.talking to your friends

C. realizing your memory problems

60. The purpose of the article is to help you________.

Aintroduce the guest                      Bimprove your memory

Cforget unhappy things


Smashed cucumber (拍黄瓜)salad is one of the most popular cold dishes in ChinaYou can find the green dish anywhere from restaurants to homes.(61__        _

      According to The New York Timessmashed cucumber salad is"everywhere"in New YorkSome restaurants have even added the dish to their menus.(62__          _ But American cooks are trying yogurthoneylemon and other common western ingredients(材料)

      Why is this dish becoming so popular?(63_          __Smashed cucumbers can hold onto tastes more than cucumbers which are cut into fixed shape and size"Just changing the way you break down an ingredient…changes the way it feels and tastesIt's cool"said Danny Bowiena cook at a New York restaurant

     64__              The cook smashes fresh cucumbers with the flat side of a knife.(65_           __ Then other ingredients can be addedAlsoit takes only five minutes to make the saladCook Julia Goldberg said “It's really satisfying"

      The success of smashed cucumber salad abroad shows that we should try to fit into local conditions when spreading Chinese culture across the worldsaid the Beijing News

Complete the passage with the following sentences.Each choice should be used only once.

AThis smmnereven   Americans are trying it

BMost people like the   special taste it produces

CThe way the dish is   prepared also draws people's attention

DThe strong smash   makes the cucumbers different shapes and sizes

EAmericans have   expressed their opinions on the taste of this salad

F In Chinapeople   use garlic(蒜),vinegar(醋)and   oil to make the cucumber tastier


   Ten years ago, I lost my dear son in a terrible car accident. The news was so sad that my heart was full of sadness.

My friends helped me out of the sadness. Later, we decided to try our best to help people in trouble. So, we got together every week and then discussed what we should do next. We paid breakfasts for the poor, helped an old man fill his oil tank (油罐), bought Christmas gifts for poor family and sometimes just sent flowers to sad people.

We usually do this without others. We dressed up like the Secret Santa and donated (捐赠)gifts to some lovely kids. And each year we try and do something special for someone. Gradually, I stay away from the sadness of losing my son. I know that there are more important things for me to do in my life.

     I thank my friends and we just want to go on volunteering in the future.

Fill in the blanks according to the passage. Only one word for each blank.

     The writer was sad ten years ago because his son   66    .His friends helped him out of the sadness. Later they try their best to help people in trouble and do   67    they can do in    68   . Gradually, the writer got out of sadness by   69   away gifts to some kids and doing something specical for someone. The writer is   70   to his friends and wants to go on helping others.


第三部分 词句运用(共计20分)

V.Vocabulary and sentence pattern(本题共20分,A、B题每小题1分,C题每空1分)

AFill in the blanks with the proper words according to the Chinese meaning given. Only one word for each blank.

71. If you are in _________(同意)with someone, you have the same opinion as they have.

72.Do you think which of these stories is the most _________(可信的)?

73.Doctors use X-rays to _________(检查)the bones and organs (骨骼和器官)inside patients bodies.

74.Come and have supper with us on_________(星期三), if you’re free.

75.David looked unhappy because I __________(完全地)forgot yesterday was his ninth birthday.

 (B) Complete the passage with the proper forms of given words.

Some people have a very poor sense of direction., __76__(luck)I am one of them. I have visited a place many times but I may still get __77__ (lose)there the next time. When I was a little girl, I never dared to ask __78__(strange)the way. And so I used __79__(walk)around in circles and hope that by chance I would get to the place I was going to. Now, I am no longer too shy to ask people for directions, but I often receive __80__(use)or even wrong information. So I try to avoid giving people wrong directions. If anyone ever asks me the way somewhere, I would say, “Sorry, I am a stranger here.” 

(C) Transform the following sentences as required, using only one word for each blank.

81.20% of the students do not exercise at all.(对划线部分提问)

  _________ ________of the students do not exercise at all?

82. When she was born, she weighed just 100 grams(). (改为同义句)

  _________ _________she weighed just 100 grams.

83.This year’s car show was very special. It attracted(吸引) many visitors.(合并为简单句)

  This year’s car show was special              attract many visitors.

84. You will slowly learn how to behave properly in France.(改为同义句)

   You will be_________ _________ behaving properly in France.

85. Does she often lie on the bed reading books? I wondered. (合并为宾语从句)

I wondered ________she often ________on the bed reading books.

第四部分  书面表达(共计15分)



(A)    晚报(the Evening Newspaper)想要招聘2名记者, 年龄在2545之间,有2年以上工作经验,善于与人们交流,有意者请给晚报拨打电话5735941.














田间耕作,一只兔子撞到一棵树的树干tree   trunk(树干),……



提示词:field, plough(耕作), hit, pick up, throw away, wait,dream,return, dead, rewards(报酬)


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