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作业标题:学习策略教学教学(活动)设计 作业周期 : 2019-08-13 2019-12-31



1.请为《英语》(外研)必修三Module 2或者《英语》(人教)必修三Unit 2,设计1课



提交者:中小学学员杨晨    所属单位:穆棱市朝鲜族学校    提交时间: 2019-11-15 15:12:01    浏览数( 0 ) 【举报】

Module2 Developing and developed countries Grammar

I Studying aims

To master the usage of the following link words ---but 、however、  although 、though and while.

II Self-study guides: 

Step1.Fill in the blanks after your reading.

1 The report shows that we are making progress but that we need to make greater efforts.

2 His mother won’t be there, but his father might.

3 He is but a boy.

2 In the last ten years in China, 150 million people moved out of poverty .However ,the challenges are still great.

3 More than 1 billion people in developing countries do not drink safe water .However ,in other parts of the world ,e.g. Eastern Europe, water is now mostly safe to drink.

总结: 在上述例句中,but, however两者含义相同,都表示转折,意为“__________”。

but 可作连词,用来连接两个句子或一个句子中的两个部分,通常用于_________; 还可用作副词,如例3中,意为________。However 作副词位置比较灵活,即可位于句首,句中或句末,但必须用_________和其他成分隔开;还可用作连词,意为无论如何,不管怎样。



 –Would you come to dinner tonight?

 -- I’d like to ,________ I’m too busy.

A and B , so   C . however  D. but


1 He can not speak Russian_________ his little daughter can.

2 One can’t feel the air ,________, it does wxist.

3I like the sports car very much ,________, I can’t afford it.

4 _____________busy you are,you must do me a favor.

5 I am a student, ________ he is a teacher.

Step2 Fill in the blanks after you reading.

1 Norway is at the top of the list, while the United States is at number 7.

2 Although more than 80% of children in developing countries go to primary school ,about 115 million children are not educated.

3 Although  developed countries give some financial help, they need to give much more.

4 The UK is in the 13th position, while China is  in the middle of the list.

5 Young though he is , yet he is fit for the job.

总结:although though 都可用作连词,意为,在英语中不能与在句中同时出现,但可与yet  still 在句中同时出现。Although 多用于_________,较正式。Though 较多用于非正式语体。引导让步状语从句时,如例5中,表语或状语可________。

例1和例4中while表对比,意为_______,while 还可用来表时间,意为当----时候,和---同时,翻译下列句子

You can use my car while I ‘m on vacation. _________________________

While 还可表示让步,意为虽然,尽管,相当于although


While I’m willing to help, I don’t have much time.


While 可表条件,意为只要  =as long as翻译下列句子

There will be life while there is water and air.



1--- I wonder how much you charge for your services.

---- The first two are free ________ the third costs $30.

A . while  B. until  C. when  D. before

2 She likes going shopping ,_______ I  love reading books.

  A. and B. however C. while  D. as

3 The winter in Beijing is very cold ________that of Kunming is warm.

A . but  B. while  C. as  D. so


1 Developed contries are rich.They don’t give enough financial help to developing countries. (although)


2 Europe has a lot of industry. Africa does not have much .(while)

3 In some parts of Europe, incomes are high. In other parts  they are lower.(while)


4 Life expectancy is still low. I t has improved in the last ten years.I(although)


III. Classwork 

(一) 填空

1 我有点累,但我能坚持下去。

  I feel a bit tired,____________, I can hold on.


  _________ I like the color of this hat, I do not like its shape.

3 这里夏天热,但冬天不冷。

  It is hot in sumer here, ________it is not cold in winter.

4 她看上去很年轻,可是她已三十多岁了。

  She looks very young , _________she is already in her thirties.

5 他出去了, 而我却呆在家里。

  He went out , ____________ I stayed at home.


1 Mr. Smith works as a professor , but his brother is an engineer._________

2 Although she gave mo sign, but I was sure she had seen me.___________


1 ________the police thought he was the most likely one, since they had no exact proof about it , they could not arrest him.

A. Although  B. As long as C. If only D. As soon as

2 We won’t give up halfway________we should fail 100 times.

A. even though B. since C. as though  D. until

3 Schools in the east tend to be better equipped ,_________those in the west are relatively poor.

A. while B. since  C.when D. as  

4 _________while I accept that he is not perfect , I do actually like him.

 A While B. Since C. Unless  D. Before

5 --- How is everything going on with you in Europe ?

 ----Quite well . Not so smoothly as I hoped ,______.

A. though  B. instead C. either D. too

6 This method has been widely adopted. __________, it is not tet clear whether it is the best method.

 A. Since  B. When C. As  D. However 


评语时间 :2019-12-11 22:15:17






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